. , . � .
<br /> The l:ast Italf of tlic Southeast '�uarter (�ia;:;,) of Sectio�i Thirt��-t�ao (.i2);
<br /> also tlie �orth Half of the Sout�n�est lruarter (i�1S'k�F:�), and the Southcast Q��az�t�r
<br /> oi t?ie South�aest �uarter (S.��;S���) of Section Thirty-t}irce (.',3), etcept tlie
<br /> i•ir�ii�-oz-c�;� o� tiic ti�iion Pacific Railroad Company «lierc laid acrosssaid
<br /> tracts, a11 being in Tot,rnslzip �.even (11) i�Torth, 1'�a.nge Ten (10), T;est of the
<br /> Gtl� P. :i., in Hall County, vebraslca, (exeept a strip of lanci 80 ,ee� in widt�i
<br /> parallel w.itil and adjacent to tiie north li�ze of tIle ripht-of-way oi tllc
<br /> tinion Pacific ;�ailroad Compan3� �aitc�c laid throu�i the 'vorth }ialf of thc
<br /> Soutin�;est �uarter (3s�'--SW4) of Section Tiiirty-threc (33), To��ciship �1cti•cn (17.)
<br /> ';orth, Ranbe Ten (10}�, West of the 6th Principal i�ieridia.n, containin� �1.22 acres
<br /> morc or less; and e�cept a piece or parcel of land situated in and bcizi, a11 tiiat
<br /> part of the Southcast t�uarter oi tiie �outheast '�uarter (Si::;S�-�) of Section
<br /> Thirty-tt,ro (32), To�,nislup :�.even (11) i�ortli, .tange Ten (10), West of ti�e
<br /> :3ist?i Principal 2•icra.dian lying northerly of the northwestcrJ.y line of the
<br /> ri�i�t-fo-way of t'rie Union Pacific itailroad Compan�� ��liich is a strai�i�t licle that
<br /> is para_tlel taitn and 200 feet dista,nt nortilwesterly, measured at ri�lt angles�
<br /> irom thc center line oi tne soutlierlti, or eastbound, r,�in tracr; of said railroaci
<br /> cunpaal�, as no�Y co:istructed an;l operatcd, lying soutlicrly an� sout.t��cstcrl�- o;. a
<br /> line tiia� is parallel �,ritii az�d 50 feet distant nortiierl;- and northeasterl}�,
<br /> measurcd ra.�lially, fron the centcr line oi thc east lcg oi j��e trac): of said
<br /> rail.road� c1S IlOW sui�ey�d, ZOCc1tC:i c1i1:� Stc1��C(1 Oli� ll?:O:i t'.�egrot�1id, ��IliC.l iS 1
<br /> cl:rl-e3 line,concave nortneasterl�: tiis iia�•i:i� a radius of 704..9 ie,et� intersectirir�
<br /> t?ie tti�est line oi said Soutiieast Quarter of tne Soutficast Qi�arter (S::�5::�,) at a
<br /> point thereon anproximately 46� feet distaut nortli oi t:ic southwcst cor�lez•
<br /> tliereo:i, neasured along said ti,�est line� and intersectin� said iiort:�i:esterly liiie
<br /> of the rig�it-o£-way of said tinion Pacific i'.ailroaci Con�any at a poi:it therco�i
<br /> approa-imately 381 feet distant northeasterl3- from tiie west line oi sai.d
<br /> Sout:�cast ���uarter oi Soutneast Quarter (SL:,SE:�) measured along said
<br /> nort�iwestcrlsr line of right-of-ti,ray, containinb an acea of 1.5 acres� more or
<br /> less;
<br /> That ccrtail tract o£ land consistin; of si�ty (60) acres of tlie South part of
<br /> Lots Seven (7), :iinc (9) and Ten (10) in Section Sir (6), in Township �ine (9),
<br /> Vorth, P.ange Ten (10), S�7est of the 6th P.Tf., in Ha11 County, Nebraska, bounded
<br /> on the south b}' tlle s�utli ciiannel o�' t;ie Platte �ti.ti er, and oti the nortii b�-
<br /> a straic}it line rtui due �rest to east to a point «Ilere it intersects the Said
<br /> Platte itir•er and rno ze fully described as follo�rs; Cot�nencin� at the soutl��rest
<br /> corner of said Section 5i.� (G) w;iich is designated by a ntark on the floor of
<br /> the bridge� tliat point, and iwining north along the west side of Lot Ten (IO)
<br /> a distance of 2�92i ieet to a point 67 fcet 2 inches c�est of an iron pipc;
<br /> thence running in an easterly dircction 3350 feet 4 inches to a pipe on t;ie north
<br /> banlc of said Platte :tiver; thence following the north bank of said Platte i;iver
<br /> to a point tiahei•e it intersects thc west line of said iot Ten (10) ti�e
<br /> intention being to com�ey that part of the above descriLed premises lyinQ east
<br /> of the public road� and accretions Uelonging tnereto.
<br /> Tooether with a11 and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO IiAVL AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto tlie said Itichai� �. Ste�hens
<br /> and Ti�e I�irst Trust Company of Lincoln, IVebraska, as trustees, and their successors and
<br /> assigns; so that neither I� the said grantor� nor any person in my name and behalf, shall or
<br /> wil.l hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thcreof,
<br /> but they and every one of thqn sha1.1 by these presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS T��7HER�OF, the said Party of the First Part, has hereunto set her l�and
<br /> and seal the day and year first aUove written. � ' ,
<br /> . � C?� � i
<br /> l
<br /> . / .
<br /> itness. '
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br />