<br /> 1031/z—WARRANTY DEED—Joint Tenancy—Vesting Entire Title In Survivor The Huflma❑ Generai Supp1y House, Lincoln, Nebr. . I
<br /> I
<br /> husband and wife, i�
<br /> �
<br /> ' 'I
<br /> ��
<br /> �;
<br /> ��
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> � in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration DOLLARS
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, Uargain, sell, coin•ey and confir�ti unto �!
<br /> ii
<br /> ;� ROBERT A. SC�TT, JR. , and DOROTI-iEA E. SCOTT, hu sband and wif e,
<br /> ,,� I�
<br /> �; �
<br /> ;;
<br /> ;I
<br /> ,i
<br /> �
<br /> as JOINT TENANTS, aud not as tenants in co�nn�on; the fri':o�,�:i�>> ;:escriLcd real estate, situated in the County of �
<br /> j� Ha11 and State of N°braska , to-���it:
<br /> �.ot Seuenteen ( 17) , and the North Forty-six (461 Feet of Lot Eiahteen
<br /> ( 18) of Hoicomb' s Highway Homes , a sub-division of a part of the North-
<br /> east �uarter of the Northeast yuarter (NE%,[�tFj1 and part of Lot �our (4)
<br /> Mainlar,d in Section Twenty-eight ( 28) , Tewnship Eleven ( 11) Range Nine
<br /> (9j , West of the 6th P. M.
<br /> ?his conveyance is ma�'e specifically subject to the use of said land be-
<br /> ing 1im�ted to residential purposes an the V�Jest Sixty (60; Feet of sai�
<br /> c�nveyed property, which restric±ion is to run with the land,
<br /> � to;etlicr ��:ith all the teiiernents, heredita�neiit, and anp.;�:c;:a���-�c: t:� ti:c __::c '.,.���i�n�ing, and ai? the cstate, title,
<br /> do�,�•er, right of ilomestead, claini or deman;i �til:atsoe-:c� �... .... . . .......:� S .; or t.�, the �ame, or any part
<br /> thereof; subject t0 ,___
<br /> --_- __
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<br /> _ OF FITHI�R OF S_�ID GR_1\1'LE�, THE I:ATI1�.i: � i: � :i_��_ �_,: "?��, ' �: '' ��; TI�Ii: RI?.�.L '-c�i':�TE DE-
<br /> � sc�zl�LV x�xrl� sx_�r_I. �����T 1� T�3r: st�_z�,�i�, :_��_, �,T: �,��:��,�,��:. �
<br /> TO HA�'E _�\D TO HOI_D the abo�-e d��cribe_i ��� .._ ., . ,... ,_�~r: �� -__. ':'��:c tne �aid �rantces a�
<br /> JOIV'1� TEN_1\T�, and not as tenants in coi:�:r:1. ... . �.�� : ..:r as�.�. . _ .., ;�cirs a._d assigr.� of tl;e sur�•i��or
<br /> of them, fore�-cr, and t};e �rantor S ..,.,,.c�! ,........ *o: th�'� aud th�li hcirs, e�ecutors, an<l
<br /> ' administrators, do co��ena�it ���ith the arant��es i,-.��,:c�:l .,;,c:.� :u:� ����tl: ±l:c:: �_ � .. ....i ��t�- t�ie . ..i: a;id assi;.ls
<br /> ' of tt�ie survivor of them, that th°y arela��fu11�� �eize<i o? sr:id �.r��mise�; that t:c} are iree ?:om :ncuminaacc
<br /> � eacept as stated herein, aiid that the�/ the �aic: �ra;.tv: S , -:��c � �,? r;<.t� -_�', '��;;;:'� �,�;f�cr�.�- t<� �eii tlie
<br /> san�e, and that they ��-ill and t}121� t •;;;, ese�_: �:.rs ar.c ���<���i:, �_ ..:or sha11 �� :u,i and uc-
<br /> ' fend ti�e same unto the nrantces n:med hercir. an�l unt�� r.:eir a_sigi,; anc'. nntn the I:cirs and assiams of tl�c snr-
<br /> � �•i��or of tl�em, forever, against the la��-iul claims oi a�_; ;�-�rsoas ��.�1;o.ns���e�,-cr, c�ci;:ai.�; the e�cePticas n�uned hercir,.
<br /> I\ �V"ITNESS ���HEPEOF p�e ha�•e l:erc-a�::o set �uT l:ancl 5 this �� day of
<br /> ' July , 19 58.
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