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<br /> TRUSTE & S� D.LED
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<br /> THIS DEI� made this 12th day of June, 1958,`by and between Richard E.
<br /> Stephens of Grand Island, Nebraska, Trustee� and "The First National Bank of
<br /> Grand Island, d Corporation� organized and existing under and by virtue of �
<br /> the Banking Laws of the United. States of America, with its princip'�3 place �
<br /> of bv.siness at Grand Island, Nebraska, Trvstee, the�r being the Tnzstees t�nder
<br /> the Last ;dill and Testament of Fred B. Winter, Deceased� parties of the first
<br /> part and Helen Winter Stavffer, Grand Island, Nebraska, Mary Winter McIver�,
<br /> ��linter Haven, Florida, and Gordon �ie T�7inter,_ Grand Island, Nebraska, p��^ties
<br /> of tne second part and to their heirs, share and share alike, WITNES3ETH: •
<br /> That the parties of the first part� the duly appointed, qualified and
<br /> actin� Tr��stees imder the Last �r�T�11 and Testament of Fred B. ;�iinter, lleceased,
<br /> which Last Will and Testament is of record in the office of the Co�antY Covrt
<br /> of Hall Cot�nty, Nebraska� by virti�e of the power and atzthority granted and
<br /> conferred t�pon them under said ��ill� and in consideration of the terms of said
<br /> tidill do by th�se presents grant, assign, remise, release, cornrey and confirm,
<br /> free of trT�st9 �•nto the said parties of the second pa,rt, and to their heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand of
<br /> parties of the first part �.n and to all of the following described real estate
<br /> situated in the Co�mty of "all, State of �Jebraska, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of land located in the Sor.theast Quarter of the Northwest
<br /> Qizarter (S��N;•r�) of Section �aenty-one (21)� To�mship :�.avzn (11}
<br /> North9 �Zn�e N�ne (9)� Z�7est of the 6th P.i�. more particularly
<br /> described as follows: 'Beginning at a point�on the Srn•th side of
<br /> Anna Street in the City o� Grand Island, Nebraska, fifteen (l�)
<br /> feet �.ast of t��e :Test side of Jackson Street extended so�atherly
<br /> said point is also one thousand ten (1,010) feet sot�.thwesterly
<br /> from a point ,where the so��therl,y line of A-�na Street intersects
<br /> the T'ast line of the Soutneast ti'.uarter of the Vorthzrest Quarter
<br /> (4.E-,''�nT:;��=) of Section '?'went.y-one (?_1) in Totanship .,l.even (11) Pdorth,
<br /> Ran�;e ':d�ne (9)� T=°st oi t?�e 6th P.i•i.� thence rrnning in a so»th-
<br /> '� easterly direction pa�allel T,ritn the westerly� line of Jackson
<br /> Street as extended a distance two ht�ndred sever.tf-five (275) feet
<br /> than riu�ning ri�ht nincty d�grees (90°) in a so�itht.res+erly direc-
<br /> tion ninety and fo��r-tenths (90.l�} feet to a point of beginning
<br /> thence :;n a so��thT�rest�rly dir�ction ninety and fo��r-tenths {90.It)
<br /> feetg then rvnn�n� °i�ht ninet� d��rees (90°) along a line parallel
<br /> ,rith the ::est line oz" Jacl:son Str�et as e_tended a distance of one
<br /> hnndr�d t�renty-seven (127} f'et� then right ni.r:ety degrees (90°)
<br /> ' alon� a line para17.e1 �n t'? the So»th line of �nna Straet n�.nety
<br /> and fo±�r-tenths (90.lt) i°°t, tnen 3"1;"nt n�net�r deErees (90°) one
<br /> hizndred tz,�entv-seven �127) feet to the point os beLinnin�, said
<br /> closvre constitvting a tract of l�x:d C�ne ?�••ndxed twer.t�r-seven
<br /> (1?_?) feet '�y nin�t.y �n:'_ iovr-tenths (90.�.} i��t, �r'�;ch tract is
<br /> hereby co�v��ed;
<br /> Also a tract of lard located an th� So��theast �4zarter of the P�orth-
<br /> K=est .'t�a��t�r (S�'�r:�) oi Sect�.on Y'i�ent;�-cne (21), io�msrip �.even
<br /> (?_1) i?orths �tan�e I:ine (9)� -'�°st of the 6th =.__.� described more
<br /> par.ticn�arly as follot•rs� �e�i.nning at � ooint on the so»therly
<br /> lin� of Anna �tr',et L*! the Cit- o� Grand Itlands Nebraska� �ar=ch
<br /> is �359 feat so�it��,�es��rly �ro*n a point tirhere the so��therly line
<br /> of a»na °tr�et ir_tersects the �ast line of the Sovtheast `�.iai°ter
<br /> of tha "ort�:•.est "uartar of section 1�rent�*-ona (21) in Tokms:up
<br /> �.leven (11) '�Tort:�� '�ange 9s .�est of t�e 6ti: F.=�.� t�7ence turning
<br /> a r�_�ht angle and r��nning in a so».theasterly dir�ction parallel
<br /> with the easterls 1�_ne of Jac'_:son Street, as e3�tended for a distance
<br /> of 275 feet� th�nce runn-in� ri�ht 90 degrees in a so±�thwest�erly
<br /> :�irection parallal t�r�t', the So,�th 1�n e o� Anna Str,et for a dis-
<br /> +ance of 101 feet, tl�ence r»nn:�nt ri�ht 90 degr�es �arall�l to the
<br /> ext�nd?c3 line o� Jackson Str:��t 1?7 feet ttlence right� 90 degrees
<br /> parallel ��-iih the Sovth line o? Ar.na Street 101 feet to closure�
<br /> said c1osL.r? cor_stit�xtir� �; tr�.ct of la�d 127 feet by 101 feet
<br /> ;•r�=ch tract is her�by convejred;
<br />