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<br /> W A R R A N T Y D E E D
<br />� husband and wife, each in his and her own name and right and as the
<br />� spouse of the other, of the County of Hall and State �of Nebraska for
<br /> and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and sufficient
<br />` consideration in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, s ell, convey and
<br /> confirm unto ROBERT L. KRIZ and JAMES M. DAVIS of the County of Hall and
<br /> State of Nebraska the following described real estate situated in Hall
<br /> County and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> � A tract of ground in the SW� SW�. of Section 21, Township 11 North,
<br /> � Range 9 West of the bth P.M�, Hall County, Nebraska, described as
<br /> follows: Beginning at a point on the Section line 53$ feet north of
<br /> southwest corner of said Section 21, thence north 7$5 feet on the
<br /> Section line to the North line of the SW� SWw of said Section 21,
<br /> thence east 104b feet on the north line of SW� SW� of said Section 21
<br /> to the northwest corner of tract deeded to Loren E. Imes, recorded
<br />�� in Book 10$ at page 11, thence south along the west line of the
<br /> Imes Property, Book 10$, page 11, the property to Maggiore, Book
<br /> 10$, page 10, the Property deeded to Maggiore and Imes, Book 10$,
<br /> page 9, and the property deeded to Wagoner, Book 121 at Page 219,
<br /> a distance of �63.9 feet, thence east 300 feet along south line of
<br /> tract deeded to Wagoner in Book 121 at page 219, to the West R. 0.
<br /> � W. Line of the public road, thence south 217.9 feet on the west
<br /> , right of way line of said public road to the tract deeded to Peter
<br /> Janes, recorded in Book 96, page 361, thence west 370 feet along the
<br /> north line of tract deeded in Book 96 page 361, Book $9 at page 579
<br /> iand Book 96 at page 2$5, to the Northwest corner of tract deeded to
<br /> � Phil and D. I. Painter as recorded in Book 96 at page 2$5, thence
<br /> south 207.7 feet along the west side of said Painter tract to the
<br /> north R. 0. W. line of County road, thence west 30 feet along north
<br /> line of said County Road, thence north 207.7 feet along the east side
<br /> of tract deeded to Huston in Book 11$ page $3, thence west 31$.3 feet
<br /> along the north line of tracts deeded in Book 11$ at page $3, Book
<br /> 116 page 54'7 and book 119 at page 299 to the northwest corner o�
<br /> tract deeded to Smith in Book 119 at page 299, thence south 207.7
<br /> feet along the west line of said Smith tract to the north line of
<br /> said County Road, thence west 216.7 feet on north line of said County
<br /> Road, thence north 505 feet on a line parallel with the west line of
<br /> SW4 SW4, thence west 422 feet on a line parallel with the south line
<br /> of SW� ST�14 tr� the point of beginning, containing 25•91 acres, more
<br /> or less;
<br /> Also a tract in the R�W4 SW4 of said Section 21, Township 11 North,
<br /> Range ° V��est of the 6th P.AZ. , Hall County, Nebraska, described as
<br /> follo���s: Beginning at the southwest corner of the NW� SW4 of said
<br /> Section 21, thence north or� the section line 351 feet to the south
<br /> ri�ht of way line of the C. B. �; Q. Belt Line, thence northeasterl
<br /> or the south right of way line of said railroad a distance of 523.�,feet
<br /> �,.o the northwest corner of a tract deeded to l�Zatthew F. and Josephii��;
<br /> L. Brach, recorded in Book 106 at Page 335, thence south a distalce
<br /> of 50$.7 feet, alor.g the west side of the Brach tract, to the south
<br /> line of the I�TGJ� SL�7� of said Section 21, thence west on the south line
<br /> of the NW4 SW� of said Section 21, a distance of 455 feet to the
<br /> point of beginning and contair.ing 5.02 acres, more or less. Subject
<br /> to any existing building restrictions and easements for utilities,
<br /> alleys, roads, etc.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with
<br /> all the Tenements, Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongirg,
<br /> unto the said Robert L. Kriz and James �?. Davis and to their heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And we do hereby covenant with the said Grantees and
<br /> �vith their heirs and assigns, that we are lawfully seized of said premises;
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