<br /> 103—�t1R1tANTY DEED The Hnffman C�eneral $npply Honsa, Lincola, Nebr.
<br /> :j __ _ _ _ _ _ .
<br /> 'i
<br /> �
<br /> 'i THfIT B. H. Ingram and Sarah Ingram, husband and wife, each in his ��
<br /> and her own rig3�t and as spouse of the other,
<br /> , i!
<br /> I of the County of Hall and State of NebZ'8ska for and in consideration of the
<br /> ;
<br /> su�nof One Dollar and other valuable consideration - - - - - - - - DOLL�IRS
<br /> in hand paid do hereLy grant,bargain,sell, con�ey c�nd confirm unto
<br /> The Salvation Army, an Illinois Corporation,
<br /> of the County of ':;���.;. and State of Illinois the following de.rcribed real e.rtate
<br /> situated in GT'arid Islarid in H&11 County, and State of Nebi'aska to-wit: !;
<br /> The Southerly Eighty—nine and five—tenths feet (S. 89.5' ) of Lot
<br /> Ten (10), in Block Sixteen (16), in H. G. Clark�s Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> �I� .'. i i u„�: ', �: i i �_r- '�' c� �, �i �,.r--':--- � . —^�'�. .
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<br /> �_, �:,,•, , � I Q � p� ,Q , p! iQ�Q
<br /> �
<br /> TO HfIVF. !f�'�'D TO HOLD the premises abooe described, together with all the Tene;nents, Hereditan:ents arzd
<br /> appurtenances thereurtto Gelongrng, unto the.raid 5T'8I1t88 � i'r:P. S&i Vd.i.'�=i Ar=1jr� �'� I11 i.:�oi S
<br /> C orporat 1 or:
<br /> andto �t8 suCCeS80Y'�7F74'andassign.cforever.
<br /> flnd W9 do h?reLy co�enant�cith the said Grantee and s�ith 1t8 suC��iR�Pt�saigns,tha: W@ are
<br /> lau.fully sei�ed of said premise.c;tl:at they are free from encumbrance X X x
<br /> that We ha�e good ri3ht and la°wful authori;y to sell tl:e same; and We do hereby covenant to �uarrant and
<br /> defcnd t;�e title to said�r��mises agai�zst the lawful clnims cf all persorss s�;homsoever.
<br /> �?s1d the said grantors hereby relinguislzes all
<br /> right, title and interest in and to the above de.rn:bed premises.
<br /> Signed thit � 31�. day of Jurie , .q. D. 19�
<br /> /�
<br /> In P�-��cncc of �`"�
<br /> ------�-- ----------- ------ - - ---- --- - ---- - ---
<br /> B. .H ngram
<br /> ; . � ,-�. :_,,, L. �, `.
<br /> ------>----._-•------�--=--�--•-�----------�------------=-- ---------- -------------�
<br /> Sarah Ingram
<br /> ST�TE OF------�'�3R�.�.K,A----------� On this----�--'3----------da.Y o.f------------June--------------------------- ll. D. 19.?�8_,before
<br /> s.r.
<br /> --Hall----------------------------------County me,the undersrdmed----------------�-------- �--------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> a 11'otary Public, duly comn:issioned a�:d qual�ed for a�rd residing in said county,
<br /> personally came.__B�___H. In�ram and Sarah In�ram, husband
<br /> ; ,,•.,� ��4� - �:,,, and wife, each_ in his and her own rigYit and as _ _
<br /> . ,
<br /> : ; ,;,C� '''�.
<br /> , ,<
<br /> �. :• ,':�'••:�'�% si?4use--Of---t�g----9t�?e�,
<br /> ••%n - . ., ----------------- - --------------------- --------- -- ---------------
<br /> ; �•:.�,,..;. .�,; . :
<br /> = • `- • � to me known to be the identical�erson._s_______________________whose name____S__.�S'@_._._.__........
<br /> _ ; r,�,,,� ... . : � `
<br /> = � � �-�.'�.' `,.--"• •�; c � � affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor_s_._.___.______and acknowledged the same
<br /> _ : �� .....,.,.,,�., _
<br /> - - • -.,. -••' -
<br /> � ' '' � ' • ' ` to be_____________tl?e iz'_..._,_..__.00luntary act and deed.
<br />� = � �•.'��� j,' `-�
<br /> `,�C �'�• '- �� - Witness my hand and tVotarial Seal the day and year last above w7itterz.
<br /> ., . ,
<br /> , ,, •....,•
<br /> .
<br /> , � .
<br /> ,-
<br /> , ..,.. ,.. - .
<br /> ,,, �;;,;_,, ,. , p�
<br />� �'' -•.....,,.`.. ----L.J.-��/.l�-'--- - ----S.e'.v�----------------------1Votary Public.
<br />� ll�1y commis.cion expires the __�_.�___._day of._..J'�� _ _ ,�IA_6,. „
<br /> _'__" ' .._ _aa.�s-� s+cs..--7,. '.�_-� � � r � i� � .- '-r yr ...
<br /> .
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