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<br /> � APPL# 001-?0314025 ,• ` � � 'r2,
<br /> � ML# 0000000000 ' • , �d,a:
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<br /> 1-4 �AMII.Y RIDEl� ��- ���,���5 F� � . . . ' ; ` -
<br /> A e�mQnt nf Ra�}Q L _ -
<br /> �_ ' . _ �_ti �.
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMII..Y RIDER is made this 31ST �y of tKn,xcx , 1937 ,and is _� - - - -
<br /> incorporaLed into and shall Ise deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage,Deed of Tnist or Security Deed(the � , ,''�
<br /> "Securiry Ins�ument'�of the same date given by the undersigned(the"Borrower")to secaue Borrower's Note to � , � '�
<br />� (the"I.ender") • , . ��`;.'
<br />: of the same date and oovering the Property desrn'bed in the Security Instrument and located a� �~�`
<br /> 963 EAST SCHINiD�.t ROAD ��c. -�
<br /> . ... ��. �
<br /> (3RAND ZSLAND, NEBRASRA 68801 � • � . :r.�*
<br /> �Property Addressj , • �?-`��
<br /> . .�r• � � �.�.�. /_''s:
<br /> 3-4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS. In addiuon w the covenants and ag�reeanents made�the Security Inslrument, - � ..a��:�'--
<br /> Borrowe�and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ��`�-'�
<br />. A.ADDTi IONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT'PO THE SECUYti 1 il IIV�R�. In addition w We `� - ���.`�:;�_
<br /> � Prop�ty descdbed in the Seattity Ingumment,the following items aze added tn the Propeaty description,and shall ' �. �„+�;�,�:
<br /> alsa constimte the Propeaty covered b the Securi Instrument buildin rrtaterials,appliances and oods of av � '��
<br /> � Y LY 8 8 �Y .•.:�`�" .. ;4; � -
<br /> ; nanue whatsoever now or hereafter laczted in,on,or used,or intended w be used in connection arith the Prope�ty. - • �. �`
<br /> includin , but not limited to,those for the u�wses of or disodbutin heatin ,coolin ,electrici • �' �`� '
<br /> 8 P �PP�B S 8 g LY•8�. , �►,,�;.
<br /> . � water,air and light,fre prevention and extinguishing apparaws,security and access control apparatus.plumhing, � �r .�..
<br /> bath tubs. wata heateis,water closets,sinks,ran8es,stovPS,refrigecatni's,dishwasheas,disPosals,washers,dryers, °_�. .�.�'�',.�_.
<br /> awnings,storm windows,storm doozs,screens,blinds,shades,curtams and curtau�mds,auached mumrs,cabinets, � �' `s �
<br /> panelling and attached tloor coveaings now or h�fter aVached to the Pmperty, all of which, including ,� ,.Y� �. `'� "
<br /> , ��" �
<br /> repL3cements and additions theretn,shall be deemed w be and remain a part of the Property covered by the Security • _.. ', ;3 j • �
<br /> � Instrament All of the foregoing together with the Propeaty descn'bed in the Security Insuument(or the leasehold '� �
<br /> esmre if the Securiry Iustnunent is on a leasehol� are refeand w in this 1-4 Fam�y Rider and the Seauity . .�`� •�� £-:
<br /> '��`� }f:
<br /> -- 11lSiIRI11CIlt 84 thC"PidpCTty.° ,.",`�s" _� �.' �.--_�•.
<br /> � B.USE OF PROPERTY;COIU�LIANCE VVITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agee to or make a '�����=--
<br /> ,��'•�•:
<br /> . change in the use of the Property or its wning ctassification,unless Lender hac agreed in wriring w tha change. � ;,,..,. �, :.�,�.
<br /> Borrower shall comply with all laws. ordinances, regularions and requirements of any govemmental body �, . . '�"��
<br /> ' .� applicable w the Progerty. ��"��� ---
<br /> '7`'�'e..:,�,�,r-�.
<br /> C.SUBORDINA'II'E LIENS. F�ccept as permiued by federal law,Boaower sGall not allow any lien inferior � ,��-
<br /> ; w the Sectrtity Insuument to be perfected against the Property without Lender's prior writtEn pemiission. . -_: � �'.�`
<br /> , � '�'°,,,.
<br /> D.RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Bormwea shall maintain insur�nce against rent loss in addiaon to the other .�; � ��,
<br /> hazards for which lnsurance is required by Unifoan Covenanl5. .. .�,.�° � ..._. _, .< .
<br />' �� E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REWSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. • '� �� •
<br /> F.BORItOWER'S OCCUPANClr. LTnI?ss t,�n�� 2nd Bormwer othcr.��ie aa� iss �:.�rising, L�� fuss , � . '�"'� i"� -
<br /> _ sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concemin Borrower's - � ���"-�' �'��
<br /> g occupancy of the Property is dele�ecf. All remaining ' ' :
<br /> ....�
<br /> covenants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. .. ,. ..K,.,..
<br /> . _ `�. .
<br /> YULTISTATE 1-4 FA�AILY RIDER-FanN�AfaNFr�ddt�M�o Unibrm Instrum�nt Form 3170 8/93 . : - `�:`
<br />.. Paps 1 0l 2 . • . :� -.- �
<br /> �-57�eaoq.o� VMP MOR7�AflE FORM9•(800)52t-T291 Initlals: � .-
<br /> - . :y��k.. ._
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