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<br />_ -- — -- _— ---—=__-- -------�� —__
<br /> 103—WARRANTY DEFD The HuSman Generat Supply Hovse,Ltncoln,N br. ��
<br />- -. __. __ -- --- --------- -- - _ _ _ -- - - -. _ _ _ _ _ +
<br /> I�
<br /> TH�T John E. Gedstead and Ellen P. Gedstead, husband and wife ��
<br /> �i
<br /> � ii
<br /> ; of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska for and in considera ion of the l',
<br /> �i
<br /> sumof One Dollar and other good and sufficient consideration- - - - - _ _ _ __ OLLlIRS i�
<br /> �
<br /> ��
<br /> � in hand�aid do hereby grant,bargain,sell, conc�ey and confirm unto ��
<br /> � II
<br /> Olive I. Friedhoff, Watson
<br /> � � ��
<br /> ;,.
<br /> ;�
<br /> of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska the following described real estate �;
<br /> situated in Hall avx County, and State oJ Nebra ska !0-�"�' �i
<br /> ;i
<br /> i
<br /> A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4Se 1/4) f Section i+
<br /> Stwenty-one (21), Township Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9), West o tne 6th �
<br /> P. M. , described as follows: Beginning at a point in the east line of sa d ��
<br /> section which is 423 feet South of the southeast corner of Pleasent Hom Sub- ��
<br /> � division, as the point of the beginning and continuing South 63 feet, then e �j
<br /> i West and parallel with this subdivision 160 feet; thence North parailel with ,i
<br /> ' the East line 63 feet; thence East 160 feet to point of beginning; I�
<br /> � ��
<br /> �i
<br /> � � ''
<br /> �
<br /> ( ;i
<br /> + ��
<br /> f;
<br /> i,
<br /> �,
<br /> I
<br /> TO Hf17/E �4ND TO HOLD the premises aboae described, together with all the Tenements, Heredit ments and , i�
<br /> appurtenances thereunto bclonging, unto the said Olive I. Friedhoff Watson !j
<br /> �`
<br /> } and to he r heirs and ass'gns forever. i
<br /> i llnd �,e do hereby covenant with the said Grantee and evith her heirs and a.rsigns,that
<br /> Ilawfully seized of said premises;that they are free frorn encumbrance;
<br /> �
<br /> that we haae good right and laruful authority to sell the same; and we do liereby coven�nt to arrant and I
<br /> ° defend the title to said premises against the lasaful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> flnd the said John E. and Ellen P. Gedstead liereby reli quishes all
<br /> each in his and her homestead, right, title,nandtoiheabo etde°sfr:�ber�pr�m�isnd and nat re.
<br /> Signed this 5th day of June ll. D. 19�58 _
<br /> In Presence of - --------- -�-'-- b-------- ---------------- -------------
<br /> ----
<br /> : �� �� C::. �
<br /> � - --��-'-�-S'.-'� _'.t;J�Z_�------------ --- --
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ,
<br /> ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------- -- --..... ,
<br /> i STIITE OF----_Nebraska • 6th y f--------June-------------------------------�.D.19 -----58be ore �
<br /> ---------- On th:s---------------------da o --- - .f
<br /> ( ss.
<br /> � ---Hall---.--------County me,the undersigned_----t-------------------�.i�i�--D��t-ti------------------------------------------------
<br /> •------------------------
<br /> � a IVotary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in aid county, `
<br /> ; personallycame------ ---- ---John ��---�x�_s1�_t��a_ax�si_EJ.l.e�n-P-•----- ----- ---- ---- �
<br /> j `� ' � Gedstead, husband and wife
<br /> � ;'�,ut�,,,�itr " � ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- ----- --- -----
<br /> � il� z .- �!>>/��4". :,. � """""'"'""'"'""" ""'"'" - ;.
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<br /> � p �, ..----------
<br /> s �, . , --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---
<br /> �; k�, ,�iaais ��� ----
<br /> f f�,� a .• .. C ��f$ to me known to be the identical�erson__ff__________.._.___._.__whose name_9______________ _____ ____ _
<br /> r '
<br /> ;�k,��� �'�j •<<,.a,. �i �� �-.• ,:; s--------_-----and acknowledg d the same �
<br /> a,�ixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor.___
<br /> 3:�� CJFtMt$is19H :3��4�s � :
<br /> '_• �, �;c x�e R'E 4 Q ,�i,�T,?�, � ,o be.____ _,.._��;r-------------�voluntary act and deed. ';
<br /> j5 �S r `y cy.--QJ {r� z
<br /> ,���;.'•`' �t�< < K Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and y a last above writte . '
<br /> : , ' i
<br /> " y. 's �r�� �-'st4- iA��Q�4y+}k T �'� � . � � :p�.
<br /> ': ��.�`,�(f�3"�,�s:.`„�,.a�-� _. �- • -•------N tary Publft. �
<br /> �,yf��6�5���y��`� r . � . '_""'_""' """""'_ . j .
<br /> .. �p ss��x� . F' . {
<br /> � ti t�* �: ��" My commission ex�ires the_____.__�_Q�b._day of Nsz�zem __________________ r9__b.n.__ ;
<br />. � ,i''M1J ! �Y • . .
<br /> Filed for record Jurie 12, 1958 at �ts25 P.M. R�egister of Deeds, H County, N br.
<br />