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<br /> ' ` 78-QUIT CLAIM�OEED (Revlsed)- ' ' � ` �The Hnifmsn Qenerat Sapply Hoase, Idncoln, Nebn
<br /> .
<br /> _ .. ,
<br /> � . _ .
<br /> i THIS INDENTURE, Made this 21at day of Oatober, ,in the year one thousand
<br /> � �
<br /> nine hundred nd Fifty-six , betw�,�W.J. Spelts and-"Ruth Spelts, husband
<br /> and Wife;�ellie Simmons, a Wid�w;yR.E. Spelts and�Florinda Spelts, husban
<br /> and wife;�Fern Wa�ren, a Widoia;-ZChest� L. Spelts an �Louise Spelts,
<br /> hts band and wife, �'Jerr9 B. Spelts and=lkaude E. Spelts, husban and t.rife; '.
<br /> '' Franc�s Spelts, WidoW of Willis T. Spelt,s,��= ohn C. Spelts an '3Ellen Spelts
<br /> �� husband and wi�'e��y�eor e -A, S el�s Jr, an 'd=Elaine Spelts husband and wife•
<br /> �, of tlae frst part, and, '���erald�ayne �pelts and.�� eth Spelts, hus�iand and wife; Par�i s
<br /> I;
<br />;
<br /> i�
<br /> Party vf ��e second part,
<br /> W17�N�SSETH, tliat tlae said part �es of the fLrst fiart, in considera6ion of the sum of
<br /> One Dollar and Love and Affection �
<br /> to them duly paid, the receipt ze�hereof is hercby acknowledged haVe each remised, released, a�id I
<br /> 1 quit-claivrzed, and by tTaese firesents do for themelves, their laeirs, e:eecutors an� ad- �
<br /> nainistrators, remise, release and f orever quit-claina unto the said part sf o f the second part, [cnd to h@ r
<br /> laeirs and assigns forever, all their rigl:t, title,interest, estate , clai�ya and
<br /> dema�ad, both at law and in equity,o f,in and to all
<br /> Lots Seventeen (17) and Nineteen (19) , in Foster�s i
<br /> Subdivision of Wood Riner, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> �! �
<br /> �
<br /> 7'oyetlae� zv�tla ail"qnd siyi�ular tke laereditancents tF:creunto belonging.
<br /> TO�Hf1b'E �VD TO HOLD the above described /�remises u�tto tl:e snid CaT'ol Gwynethe Spelts,
<br /> arad her Izeirs nnd assigns;so tlrat neither k*e tlie said
<br /> �� yra�ztorS , nor any person in ou2' na�rie and bcl:alf, shall or ��ill herca�fter clninc or de-
<br /> I
<br /> � �
<br /> j� mand ariy riglat or title to tice snid preuiises or ari�• part ticercof, b:�t t/rey a�id every o�ae of tlaenz slaal�by tlsese ¢�•esents �I
<br /> �' I
<br /> i
<br /> i� be e:irclz�dEd and forever barred. �
<br /> !i i
<br /> �
<br /> 'I IN Ld�ITNESS Gf�f-IEREOF, t/ze said pa�•t i2s of tlic frrst part haVe hereciyzto set their laand S i
<br /> i
<br /> ayad seal S tlae da and �ear above written.
<br />