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<br /> � 105—WARRANTY DEED—Corpoxation The Huffmaa General Snv�1y House.I.ineola.Nebr.
<br /> i . _ _ _._ . _ __ _ _._ _. j ,
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<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 29"IIH day of May A. D., zy�8 between
<br /> � � .
<br /> ' Grand Island Enterprises, Inc.
<br /> i ' ;I
<br /> � ¢ corQoration organized and existi�ag u�:der and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska Ii
<br /> � party o f the first ¢art, and II
<br /> �
<br /> N
<br /> � Otto R. Unger & Alice Joe Unger, husband and wife as joint tenants,
<br /> i
<br /> �� and not as tenants in common,
<br /> ;! i�
<br /> i,
<br /> ' of tlie County of Hall , and State of Nebraska part ies of the seco�:d part,
<br /> ,
<br /> ii WITNESSETH. That the s¢id ¢art } of tJie first part for and in co�isideration of the sum of ;;
<br /> '' DOLLARS
<br /> � One ($1. 00) �i
<br /> �;i zn hand pai,d, ��eceipt wlzereof is heseby acknowledged, has sodd artd by these ¢resents does grant, convey and confirna �
<br /> j, tinto the said parties of the second ¢art, the followi�ig desn•ibed premises, sit�sated in li
<br /> ' Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br /> i All o f
<br /> �
<br /> Lot Four (4), in Block Four (4), in Meves First
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska., as sur�-eyed, platted and recorded. '
<br /> ,
<br /> � �1'IYllli . ;1• " �� ��,.. ".
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<br /> TO HAUE.A�rD TO HOLD tl:e ¢re»ziscs above described, together witlt all the Te�:esraents, Hereditame7=ts and '
<br /> � Ap¢icrEerta�eces ticereustto belongi�ig icsato tl:e said Otto R. Un;er c� _�iice .1'oe Unger, as joii�t
<br /> ; tenan�ts and not as tenants in comrnon,
<br /> Aszd tlte said Grai�d Island Enterprises, In:.
<br /> foy itself or i.ts successors, doesltercby cove�zasit a�id agree to ar:d cc�itla tlie said prrt ies of tlze seco�td[�at•t a�ad
<br /> , laeirs ¢�:d assigns, thot ot the ti��:e of the ea-ecictio�a and deli✓ery of tlicse�+resc�tts it is lnzuft�lly sciwed of said(�rcnaises;
<br />� I� that it /zas good rig/at a�id lazufi�l a¢�tl�ority to co�:ve�� the sa�rie; tlaat they are free fro�ra eric:inabrance »o except- ��
<br /> i
<br /> iOns,
<br /> does lzereby cover:a�:t to �e�arrnnt and defe�zd tlre said prenaises agai�nst the lau�ful clai��as of all persosis �ahonisoever.
<br /> IN IG'iT1VESS 1VHL'REOF, the said Gra�_d Islar.ci Enterprises, Inc.
<br /> �.��',11'.�t�i�l�f/l/,
<br /> i.
<br /> hcs hereai�zto caused its corporate senl to be a�xed and these presents to be signed by its F��'.���-�+'za.�;; ��;,
<br /> .'` `°L:• �-i,"
<br /> ' ` � }_ .''= ,n�i .
<br /> the dny a�id ��ecr fir,st abovc �c�rittes:. _ �= � _; ,. �;
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<br /> Sigi:ed, senlcd and d�li�ered ist �rese�tce of = - U � c'< f -
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