78—QUIT CLAIM bEED ' Tna Hnffman(}eneral Snpply Hoaae, I.incoln, Nebr.
<br /> __ _ � --- __ -------___ _-
<br /> -- __._..__ _.._.__ _-._---___------ --- ----- -------- - _ . -- ____--____ _ -_._
<br /> � I
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<br /> i
<br /> THIS IIVDENTURE, Made this fri� day of I�[dy , in the year one thousa�td �
<br /> i ;
<br /> j ni�ie hu�adred and fifty-eight , between Gracie Donald Anderson ! �
<br /> I : ,
<br /> ' and William Anderson., her husband, of Kirkcaldy, Scotland,
<br /> II
<br /> parties � !
<br /> i
<br /> � i of tlz.e �irst part, and Charles 0. Bosselman and Elizabeth G. Bosselman, ' Ii
<br /> n
<br /> i ; of Grand Island, Nebraska, parties ii
<br /> ' �I
<br /> ;
<br /> i� i'
<br /> � o f tlae seco�:d part, ��
<br /> ib1�ITNESSETH, that tlze said partiesof the first part, im consideration of the sum of ------------- I
<br /> ,; --------------------CNE riND no/1G0--------------------------B6LLARS, � Ii
<br /> �; �
<br /> �' �� i i
<br /> ; to them duly paid, tlae yeceipt wlzereof is lzereby ack�zou�ledged , have resnised, released, a�id
<br /> �i
<br /> �aeit-clai�aaed, a�id by these �iresents do for the;n selves, their heirs, executors mid ad- ' �i
<br /> 'i na:�aistrators, ��enaise, release and forever quit-claint and conve1� unto the said part of tTze second part, a�id to
<br /> thelrheirs a�ad assig�es forever, all thelr riglat, title, i�:terest, estate , claim mad
<br /> de�aa�ad, both at la�e� a�zd in eqzsitg�, of, in a�ed to all cl the iollowin� described redl
<br /> propertl, to-i�rit : ;!
<br /> �ots Seven (7 ) anci �i�h± (8 ) in Blocr Gne i�
<br /> Hundred mti�en'����-twc (i22) in „cer.i;� ar,d ';Tiebe's �
<br /> :�ddition tc the �it�r c= Grar.a �s��a^a, i�]ebraska.
<br /> ;'
<br /> ;!
<br /> '
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> �'ogether zc�itla all a�id si�igul¢r the Iseredi.ta�nents thereuuto belo�sging. �
<br /> TO IZAT�E :4tVD TO HOLD tlze above described pre��:ises ia:to the said p3Y_ies C1 t�e
<br /> seco�!cx �dr�, �:'ieir lieirs a�ut assigrts; so tl:ot neitlaer t�7e, tl:e said
<br /> c;ran+o�sor any �ersori isz cur uav:e and behalf, sl:all o�• ��ill liereafter claina or de-
<br /> �za�ad a�ay riyFct or title to tice said prerttises or a-ny fiarE tJzereof, but tlre�� arid evcr�� o�ae of thena shall by these �
<br /> presesats be exclicded asid for•ez�e�- barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS I�VHEREOF, t/:e said ¢art les of tlac �irst part have hereacnto set their Jra��a'�
<br /> i'
<br /> a�td senl s the day a�ad year above writte�:.
<br /> ��, ' ,
<br /> i; - � ,� • � �
<br /> ;:, 'Sig�zed, sealed a�id delivered in presence of ---�--------------�--�----------_---------------�---------��---=---�-------��-�---------------- `
<br /> ,, • . _ ` ,,
<br /> .-�.�s.�+�s..�------------------�----------.....-- -------- �---�---- --------�-'�----------�-----------=-------�-----------------------�--�
<br /> ._ /.
<br />�;.�
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