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<br /> ��VI i 4 '•
<br /> ` '` EXECUTORS' DEED
<br /> ` A�r�r�
<br /> THIS DEED, IvTade this // dd3r of �1, 1958, by and
<br /> between Robert C. Uonaid an ne First National Bank of vrand
<br /> � � Island, TJebras�a, both oi Grand Island, in the Count� oi �all, ,
<br /> State of I�ebraska, Executors under the Last `,dill and �estament , ' � �•
<br /> of John �. llonald, Deceased, late of Grand Island, I�ebraska,
<br /> in the County or iiall, S�ate of Pdebraska, parties of the first
<br /> part, and Charles 0. Bosselman and Llizabeth G, r�osselrnan,
<br /> bo-th of Grand Island, in the C:ount�r or tIall, State or i�ebraska,; ,
<br /> parties of the second par± : � '
<br /> �� �+1ITiv�,SS�;iH, that the said par�ies ot the iirst part, the
<br /> duly appointed, qualifieci and actin�r r.xecutors of said John �. ` � �
<br /> � � � � Donald, Deceased, under his �ast :iili ar,ct `�'es±a��ent, which is o` �------�
<br /> � � � record in the County �ourt of ��all Coun±y, �;ebrasKa, by virtue ' �� ., '
<br /> of the power and authority aranred to ihem uncier sucn i�vill, and �
<br /> in consideraticn oi the sum of Twenty Thousand and noJ100 �
<br /> ��20, 000. 00)--------------------- Dollars � . �
<br /> : I
<br /> " �c them paid by �Pe part?es o� t^e second par`, �he recein= ' I
<br /> � ., whereof is hereby acKnoti•�leaered, do b;r -�hese rresents �ran'=,
<br /> " '' ' � � bargain, sell, re_nise, release, a�ier., cor.ve-,r and coni irm � � `
<br /> unto the said parties er the seeer.ci �art ana �o their reirs anci � 'Q' 'Q
<br /> �' " � assigns forever, all of tne ioiloj��ing described reai esta�e �
<br /> , • situate in �he County of �ia�1, �ta±e of _webrasi,a, to-s��it -
<br /> ' .-------:
<br /> Lots Seven (7 ) anci �,igh� (i3 ) in �iocK One � ' „ ,,, ; '',
<br /> -�a ?-��undred 'i;��enty-t?•ro (� 22) ir. ::oeni� ana ;liebe's --y' V �
<br /> � Ndcfition to the �i�-�� o� �rana Isiarci, .:ebras�a, ��,�i
<br /> ,; �� I
<br /> �� j toge�ner Wlt�? d!_1 d?"iQ Slil:'�U=d?" �^E "-r",'l��:ler':S� _r < :'Cil��"'.�T'.`:i u .0 4
<br /> dI�pUT't2I1d11CeS thereunto beiongl?1�7 OY ly dIl'�r `.ti*1Se dr'L��'_`�d1T11P.'Y I � ` ' '' i
<br />�i thereto and also aii of the esta�te, rinnt, t�t�e, interest, �'i ' i
<br /> � �roper�y, r.essessicn, clain and aemarid ?,rhatsoever, which �ne "�I ,� �
<br /> � said Jonn r�, llenald had in his 1ire�ime, and at ±he ti?ne o� nis ---�
<br /> decease, and w�ich zne saia narties o_� the �irs± r�ar� have,
<br /> � b;r virtue cf said Last -:�i11 and i'estament, or other?aise, of,
<br /> �� in or �o Lhe above grar.�ed rYeraises, ar.a ever-;• r,.art and ncrcel
<br /> r� �hereor Tr�itn the ap_�urTenarces.
<br /> �: ���� _ _
<br /> - __— -- - 1'�l F:i�'';Tr, :�1�iiJ i�U :_IILJ '_iE' Sd1C1 T='I-L"(tiBeS i�11�_'l =�;2 f:@�eU1�d". __? _.,
<br /> � i dTt�1 dCpurtenances L!122"ellIl'�C _CP_1G^��1Il,;j i:rTC '^@ Sd1C1 t"d2"=1r'S c:r
<br /> y� the seconu ^ar� ar,a tc ti�?ir '_�.ei;s anu ass���rs �crever.
<br /> �'� '� t�nd I Kobert � . llona '_ci r�,Y r � _ ,�-,- �;
<br /> �; � � , , 1., se L� , �.._� s, eaecut:�rs ,
<br /> _ and act.�inistra�ors cic; s°ve�-a__ �, �„a _ .:t �cir���. - :ri�'�. ___ � �__�s�:
<br /> i';dt101icl '_ �i1li�; 0I li'_'ci�Q �S 'ci_!CL� _;°�J�"dS�u� r?OY �Or =".2 dC11 diiu
<br /> deea O1 11'iE.' !'lYS� i`�dL1GIidl _^Ci�.!: O.1 l�2"c:7;� 1S �a.?��t� i.E'C�rcS! a� �r�L_�
<br /> , � IOr ?`t;r Otrn1 dCt 0711`;'� CC:��'e'l�P.�i ;�rC=TI].S° dPQ dC'r2� ��C� �.ilG. ':�:l�:i�. *_i'F'
<br /> Sd1Cl 'JdY�l@S O� Z�?E,' SeCO:l�. '"'dr= _i,d: 1 d':^ _:`.:=U _. - C`n.E? ,_ r i-�' _
<br /> i�}:E'CUt02"S OI ��1C� L�.S-C .�il!_1 dl::� _ 2:���'.n°??� C)r ,jOPi': t•:. �C?'ic1�Q�
<br />` .n...__'_: -
<br /> �- �2C°dS2C�� dIlCi Lildt c1S Sll.C_^:� _ d'[i iciWlLi1'tT S@1Z2(,i Oi Sd1Ci t,T@:11.S�S;
<br /> I� v;•. �'_rlcdt Sc31c� ?')IC,;IISLS d2'� LI°° =IC."'. �:iCLL'il�;'_'ciT_':CPr cl_i�; _!"?r.'.;= I �'.d�rE?�
<br /> I i.oge�her wi�h t�e �']_rST i ��i� n:�_ � :._ r;� :,rar,a Tsiar<:, i.e�l�ts:� :�,
<br /> I '�,,.;�� ZIl@ pOWeT LO CCI1Ve;,' ciS dtC2"�Su1C:1� d,:Cl ;dVe c�Ci.eQ 1?l ?:1c1��lIlr7 �'ilS
<br /> conveyance, 1P. t�llrSlldP.C@ Ci -�e dU�:.GYlT',' r7rc1?;tPCi 1P, al_U. t)'` �L?CI!
<br />�� � )�dSL fl!! d1Zi1 .' 2��a 12ItL� dI1Q L L�d� I r:d`;e ?i( _ 3''id"uE'� Ci%I',<' c',:r
<br /> I � m �,v-� SL1tT2tE.'Ci d�l;T d..Z� ;:l�z"L�_2Y CY �.lI'.." ;^I�ci.TS�c�'TE_1 d5 �,t:�CLTG�'
<br /> W'tlAl�;�� C}'t2 cib0-:e :;�.r.antea r?�e_11SP.S Or c7Il`.' :;arT �'tler�C+ ^ 'v.�l.�.'_�
<br /> �.�� S�"�c1J_1� OY ?1ci'T J2 1i1Yi�dCheci, Ci�arr�-�r�Cl C?" 2PC :-;:?2?"E'Q 1T1 dl"1�' f�lci_T'P.;='„"
<br /> „ ,,,, , ,� ;ahat soever.
<br /> , .
<br /> � �inci it, `�'he First i�a�icna- '�a-�% of �ranct Islanc, i;e:�rasl.;a,
<br /> for. itseiT, i�s suecesse�s ana assie*ns, cic2s severa!l�;r, anci -;c��
<br /> �aY jointl�< <.�ri�h rcbert �. �era?d *�cY �or �he a�� a.,u aeea c_ -
<br /> I , itiOb2r� '.:. 17C11d1Q� 1�U� i0Y 1tS O�]�rT?1 dC' 021i�"� coveran.±s, ?"1"C't; S(',�;
<br /> 1 yy y, CI!iQ CLC7ree+5 t� CLnd v'�Ztn L�IG .SC�.ZU l�CZy Tle.S Of �r:� SeCUnC�. r;ar± _"�_CL�_
<br /> i A Y•: -
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