103�/z—WARRANTY DEED—Joint Tenancy—Vesting Entire Title In Survivor Tne HuHman Geveral Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr. I
<br /> I�
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Harry Lilier.thal anc 'n'ilma �
<br /> Lilienthal, husband and wife, eech in his or her o�m right and as �
<br /> spouse of the other,
<br /> �
<br /> `i
<br /> i�
<br /> �I
<br /> �;
<br /> i;
<br /> !i
<br /> :I
<br /> I� inconsiderationof One Dollar and other good anci v�luable consideration ��4X�i��
<br /> i in hand paid, do hereby grant, Uargain, sell, convey and confirm unto H2T'T'�r L].1lenthGl and
<br /> '^iilma Lilier�thal, husba.nd �d �?ife,
<br /> �
<br /> I �
<br /> I
<br /> � '
<br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in conunon; the fo11o���ing described real estate, situated in the County of
<br /> N�a.l l and State of i;eb r G s kG . to-��-it:
<br /> I�
<br /> li `�he i�:orth One :i�ar.dred �eet (i: lOC i t. ) of Lot '��ive
<br /> ; (5} , in �?lock Cr.e (1) , :n ��st '�rk, �.: adc�ition
<br /> , to the �it� of �ranct lsla na, :�ail �ount,y, i;�oraska,
<br /> �j
<br /> I I
<br /> �
<br /> ii
<br /> �i
<br /> ii
<br /> jl ,
<br /> ��
<br /> togethcr «-ith all the tene�neiits, heredita�nents and appurtei�ances to t}:e saiiic uclongit�g, and all the estate, title,
<br /> �; dower, right of homestead, claim or demand «•hatsoerer oi the said grantor , o;, in or to the sa�ne, or any part
<br /> i� thereof; subject to orie C%iT'+8 in �?oT'�_ .^^� r!-_r" ��'" ''o :lOZ;eT'—� ;�'S ;o:'.:?_°.r:�'� �_t1c'-
<br /> li r_ ccr�Ae ,�: _-^ok �17 at ra=-e 2i1, �� ._cr�:_ •e� i� .,�e �L_'ice o£ �'r_e
<br /> J '�e.°ist�r of _..e�s o" =.=.11 ",atz:�` •, _;e:rrsl,.�
<br /> !i , � -�
<br /> ii
<br /> Ii
<br /> Ii
<br /> ji
<br /> I!
<br /> � IT BEING THE INTI;2�1TI0�� OF �1LL P_�RTIT� If;:E�t;"1'C�, "I'i�:1'I' I\ TIII�. 1:A�1?\T 01�� Tt�I: DI:A"T'H
<br /> � OF EITHTR OF SAID GRANT��S, THE F\TIRT: I�I?I�, ���.FE'LI? 'Ti"17,I; TO THE P.E:1L rST.�TE DE-
<br /> �'i
<br /> SCRIBED H�R�IN SH�LL \"�ST I\ THE S(:R��I��I\G C:R:1\Ti,L.
<br /> TO HA�'E AND TO HOLD the abo��e described prer?�i;c�, ���ith tl�c .�pl�i;rtr��ances, tmto the said �r<intees as
<br /> JOI�iT TEN:I�TS, and not as tenants in ct�mnxm, and to tl�eir assian;, or b� thc li;-ir�ar,d assigns of the sun•i�-or
<br /> ��I of them, forever, and i,�'�:���; the grantoS named herein ior -`,_.,,..S��'1�i e Stnd t��l�ir heir�, executors, an�l
<br /> administrators, do covenant «-ith the grantee� named herein an� �cith their assigns and «-ith the heirs and assin is
<br /> ���j of the survivor of tl�em, that ^I'e la���full}• ;eized of sai�1 prcmises; tha± ti:e}' are free from incumbrancc
<br /> except as stated herein, and that ',.'?e� the said granto� ha�•c �oocl right and la��:fui authorit}• to scll thc
<br /> ;� same, and that ti'e�* �vill and ''.�=��� hcirs, esecutors an 1 admir.i;traiors shall ���arrant and de-
<br /> fend the sa�ue unto the grantees named hercin and imto their assigns and t>>:to thc hci:s and assi�iis of tl�c s�ir-
<br /> � �� vivor of then�, forever, against the la��•ful claims oi a11 persoi�s �chomsoe�•er, escluding Uie e�ceptions na�ned hercin.
<br /> IN ��"ITNESS WHEREOF ::,e',- ha�•e hereu�ito set t�'_�iz' hauct� this 7�� day of
<br /> May , 19�8. // • "
<br /> , r /'�
<br /> '� �--f��--�- —"-- ---�-- --��---` - ---.... .------�
<br /> � ..----� - �-----_.
<br /> '
<br /> i _,
<br /> 'i
<br /> In presence of -_.....___... -_._........ _ .._ _ ---_ ____ _....
<br /> __. _ ....__- ___ _.. -_........._. _ _- -- _
<br /> ' - _...._......- ---�------�--- ..... - - - - -- - - - -... __
<br /> __. _ _ _.. _ _. _ _ _._......_
<br /> �--- - -�- � � -----------�-------�- - . .._...._...... __._ .. __.. _ __ _. __ __ .... _. . ____ __ . _ _
<br /> - -- ____ _ -- -- __ _ I, _
<br />