� & Plat � '
<br /> 75%q—QUIT CLAIM DEED-�Co�po�dtion . The Huffman General SnpplyHonse,Lincoln,Nebr.
<br />....�__ �_.__.�a�_. - ._�� _.__. — �_._ __....a � -
<br /> THIS IAjDF,NTL'RE, Made this �� day of , A. D. zg� �j$ betzuee�:
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> ISLAND. ��
<br /> �� a corporation organized and e,xisti�ag under asad by uirtue of the la�e�s of tTze .State of Nebraska
<br /> ;i
<br /> ��
<br /> �� �a�-ty of tlae first �a�•t, a�ad H 0 W A R D N. W 0 0 D W A R D I�
<br /> I� �' `�' k�
<br /> li � _ II
<br /> _ �)ic ---------- -----'
<br /> '1 of the Co2ey:t�� of Hall and State of Nebraska , partY of tke second ¢art. '!
<br /> ! IT�I7:'�'I:S.SF_7'H, tJrat thc said (�art Y of the first fi:zrt, for at;d i�c cot�sideratro�c of tl:e si��ra of
<br /> ,�
<br /> � Six Hundred and Fifty -------------------------------- DOLLARS ;
<br /> iii�c ha�ad paid, receipt whereof is Jrereby acknowledged, Jaas sold azid b.v these prese�:ts does gecit-cln.im, grnrtt, cosavey ;i
<br /> i aszd confirm as�:to the said �art y of the seco�td Qart, tlae follo�.�i�eg described firemises, sitt�ated i�:. ii
<br /> I Hall Cou�:t��, and State of Nebraska , to-zvit: h�
<br /> , jl
<br /> iAllof A tract of land located in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast ;;
<br /> �a east Quarter(N�S�) of Section 11,Towhsip Eleven North (T il N). Range ''
<br /> i; Nine West (R 9 W) of the 6th P.M, more particularly ciescribed as follows��
<br /> ' Beginning at a point on the north right-of-way line of U.S.#30 Highway ��
<br /> '! said point being located 22.2 feet northeas�erly from the intersection �
<br /> of said right-of-way line and the west line of the northeast quarter of ;
<br /> � the southeast quarter, running thence north; parallel with and 20 feet
<br /> !j � east of the said west line of the northeast quarter of the southeast ;�
<br /> ' '' quarter a distance of 210.0 feet, running thence northeasterly a dis- ':,;
<br /> , � tance of 42.4 feet, running thence southerl�� a distance of 183.4 feet ;!
<br /> ;� to a point on the noz�th ri�ht-of-way line o.f said Highway #30, running . I
<br /> `� thence southwesterly along andl upon the said north right- of-way line '
<br /> a distance of 134.8 feet to the point of beg�.nning, which tract �I
<br /> of real property is shov::; by metes and bounds as Tract One in the �j
<br /> plat attached and identified as Exhibit " A " and made a part of this
<br /> conveyance by reference.
<br /> ii �i
<br /> TO H�VE A<��D TO HOLD tl:e said prev:ises abo;;e describcd, together�e�ith all tl:e 7�e�:enae�its, Heredita�nerats
<br /> arzd Ap�iurte�an�tccs thcreu�zto bclo�aging :�nto t/�c said Howard N.. Woodward
<br /> �� A��d tlze said Union Stock Yards Company of. Grand Island ,
<br /> ' ;i
<br /> ,
<br /> foi� it.relf or �ts si�ccessors, does hereb�� agree to arrd �c�itla t/ce soid ror�t y of tl:c s�cond part a�tri h15 ;��
<br /> heirs and assrg�:s, tF:ot �teither it �tor n�a�� �ierson i�a 1t5 uaT�:c n�td bchalf, shnll or �vill Tiereafter• claina or dz- i
<br /> s
<br /> naa�zd any ri�ht or title to tl�c snid rrenzises or a�:.J� �art tlaereof, bi�t t/tet�ond e��er��.o�:e of t/tc��a slrall b�� tlicse prese�:ts l;
<br /> be e;�cl�ed����fta�'f•q�•e��er bnrred. il
<br /> �,;, " il
<br /> � �'� '' � Union Stock Yards Gompany of '
<br /> ;,
<br /> 1:Y�"Y�F���t�i���'`?f�j�HEkEOr, Nie said Grand Isldnd l:ns caused i
<br /> • " j ' � ' = thcsc rrescnts to e e�ecuted b�� its r idcnt und its Corporatc Sr�l to bc n.jJ�i.i•ed !I
<br /> -- •:� .
<br /> � ' t Y=',Cit � _ licr•eto this � G da�� of ��,� �jg.
<br /> tJ c�..t ' : -
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<br /> � '��,•�I G. �,_ _ _ _ - --. .. - - �:-w`{L-.*--(�-_�.�...�. ... . �rC_ Presiden!
<br /> � , 'llr���f�N���`` �� - - -��--
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<br /> ��i �.:� . . . :`�tt:'Sl - - - �-� --� -- /�'L��7.-Kd1!!!'� SCCI"CtQI'�r .
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<br /> S"1.��7'E oF_..._-.Nebra_ska. __----_......_..........� O�c tl:is_...�"-."..dn�' of----../.1..- ----------�9.l�before »te
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------Hal.l-- ----..__ ._--_.. .--.- ----_._Co,�,tr�� � tlrc irude�s gncd, a \'otar�� Pul;lic i�a and fOT S(17(� CO!!)Lil',
<br /> (�ersorcaldy cor�ac-�- --.����-��f,�-- -- - - -- -- - - -- - -- --... .Preside��t of tlt�
<br /> _----Uninn...-_ ---S-tn�k--_---..Yar�is-------.C;ompany of Grand Islan.a., ---- -.. _ '
<br /> - - -- - - -- ......
<br /> to s�ze persorzalll•.k�r.o�vu. to be the Preside�it and tl�e ide�atical person �olaose �ucrnu. is a�red to the abo��c co�vve}�arrc�.
<br /> � aud acknDnd�d�rd t�2c e.recutio�i thereof to be zis vol nitar� act a�id eed as sucl: of.,�icer and the�ol�nita�•�� act nnd derd �
<br /> � L : �;�� _., �j� �
<br /> J
<br /> of t1ze, �st�ztl .A�� , ��"•-:.�Gil/llf� ... - -�- - - - - . - .._ ... _ a�id tl:al
<br /> , : .� � ,
<br /> . .. . . .,
<br /> • �.> >O 1.•. P "•. ,
<br /> tlr�Ca�m�;ntc,�cil�'ti�.���a_._U.nion.._.Sta_c.k _._az�.o.;<...Gompany o Grand I sland._...._<<•�s r1:e�-et�� ,
<br /> :'a�x,ed;b�,its'ntrtls.nxitg�; =:
<br /> '.�£�it�4��N°�i a�CitJl�l=atad:Votarinl Seal at.....GX'an.�l_...Z.�.J,and..,__.N_ebraska;,, snid roiurh� thc dc��� mtci �•ear lnst
<br /> �d:de:. �,� �
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