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<br /> • • S U I T C L A I M D E E D
<br /> A N D P L A T
<br /> THIS INDENTURE,Made this�day of__'���� ,A.D. 1958,
<br /> I S L A N D, a corporation organized and existing under anci by virtue
<br /> of the laws of the State of Nebraska, party of the first part, anci
<br /> FRANCIS D. WOODWARD and MARGARET G. WOODWARD as joint tenants, and
<br /> not tenants in common, of the County of Hall anci 5tate of Nebraska,
<br /> parties of the second part.
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, for and in
<br /> consideration of the sum of ONE THOUSaND DOLLARS in hand paid,
<br /> receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these presents
<br /> does quit-claim, grant, convey anci confirm unto the said parties of the
<br /> second part, the following describeci premises, situated in Hall County,
<br /> and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> All of A tract of land located in the Northeast Ctuarter of
<br /> the Southeast ��uarter (NF% S�) of �ection 11t Township
<br /> eleven north (T 11 N), Range nine west (R 9 W1 of the
<br /> 6th P. M, more particularly described as follws:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the north right of way line of
<br /> U. S. Highway #30 said point being locatea 157.0 feet
<br /> northeasterly from the intersection of the said north
<br /> right of way line of U. S, Highway #30 anci the west line
<br /> � of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (N�q S�4)
<br /> of said Sect�on 11 running thence northeasterly along and
<br /> � ' upon the said north right of way line of U. S. Highway
<br /> #30 a distance of 15G.J feet, running thence northwesterly
<br /> , at an angle of 90� 00' a ciistance of 218.2 feet, running
<br /> thence southwesterly to a point which is 20.0 feet east
<br /> and 230.0 feet north of tne intersection of the north right
<br /> of way line of U. S. Highway #30 ana the west line of the
<br /> northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (Nr.�4 �F;4) saia
<br /> Section 11, running thence south parallel with saia west
<br /> line of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (iVr% �r'r�)
<br /> a distance of 20.0 feet, thence running northeasterly a
<br /> distance of 42.4 feet, running thence southeasterly a distance
<br /> of 188.4 feet to the point of beginning, which tract of real
<br /> property is shown by metes and bounc� as Tract Two in the plat
<br /> attached and identified as Exhibit '�A" and made a part of this
<br /> conveyance by reference.
<br /> OF TH� i1EATH Ot= EITH�R OF �/�ID GFcl�NT�ES, THE �NTIxz t=t�. SINiPLc TITLE TO
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above aescribed, together
<br /> with all the Tenements, Hereaitaments and Appurtenances thereunto
<br /> belonging unto the saia grantees as JOiNT TENHNT�, ana not as tenants
<br /> in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the
<br /> survivor of them, forever.
<br /> And the said liNIOiV �TUC;K YF�i�D� (;OIvfPHNY Or GRHN� I�i,/�iVi� for itself
<br /> or its successors, cioes hereby agree to anci with the said parties of
<br /> the secona part ana the survivor's heirs and assigns, that neither it
<br /> nor any person in its name ana behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or
<br /> aemand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but
<br /> they ana every one of them shall by these presents be excluaea and for-
<br /> ever barred.
<br /> IN TE�TI�ViONY WIitREOF, the saia UIJIOf� STOC;K Y�ilS C;ONiPHiJY Or C�tiNll
<br /> I�LA�Vli"^f��,� c�usea these presenis to be execut� by its p�e,sident and its
<br /> io���`�+a'`�.�•.`.���I�, to be affixed hereto this � �`� day of� "� �
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