. : . . . , . i
<br /> ! 75%q—QUIT CLAIM DEE orporation TneHuteman �br.
<br /> i p�, I
<br /> THIS INDF.NTURE, Made this �� day of -//l , fi. G. i9;5f3 , betwee�: �
<br /> U N I 0 N S T 0 C K Y A R D S C 0 M P A Ni�' O F G R A N D I S L A N D�I
<br /> ��
<br /> ' I
<br /> a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the lazvs of the Stnte of Nebraska I�
<br /> party of tlae �rst pa�•t, n.nd Loyd 0. Woodward and Helen Woodward as �oint I!
<br /> I!
<br /> tenants, and not tenants in common. il
<br /> I
<br /> „
<br /> ��
<br /> I �:
<br /> �' � of the Coac�ity of Hall and State of Nebraska , pa.rties of the secorad part. !�
<br /> , Td�ITNF_,S.SF_TH, that the said part of the first part, for attd in considerat:on of the s�cs�e of �';
<br /> �I
<br /> T W 0 T H 0 U � H N D ---------------------------DOLLARS �
<br /> ,)i�a hand paid, �•ecei�t whereof is hereby ack�:o;e�ledged, has sold and bv these rrese�:ts does qnit-daian, grnnt, corivey
<br /> and confiyna lctzto tlae said �art of tlie secoud part, the following described pre�r:ises, situated ira ��
<br /> Hall Cous�t_y, and State of Nebraska to-�edt:
<br /> A tract of land locateci in the Northeas; C�uarter of the Southeast C�uarter
<br /> (N���) of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven North (T 11 N) , Range Nine '
<br /> West (R 9 1N), of the 6th P. M. more particalarly described as follows:
<br /> Beginnin at an iron stake that is Seventy-Six reet (76' ) 5outh of the East
<br /> G�uarter ��) Corner of saia Section Eleven ( 11) ; thence South Three Hundrea-
<br /> , Four Feet (304' ) on the East line of said C�uarter Section to an iron stake;
<br /> � thence '�lest Ninety Degrees (90� 00' ) One Hundr.ed Thirty-Eight reet ( 138 ' )
<br /> to an iron stake; thence North Ninety Degrees Two Hundred Sixty-Eight and
<br /> j' Four Tenths Feet (268.4' ) to an iron stake in the �outherly right-o�^-way
<br /> i� of a Public Road; thence Northeasterly along saio right-of-way Eight.y -Two
<br /> ;� and One Tenth Feet (82. 1' ) to an iron stake; thence East perpendicului to
<br /> i# the East line of said Quarter �ection Sixty-Four Feet(64' ) to an iron stak.e
<br /> I! which is the point of beginning and containing 0.933 acres of which the
<br /> ;� '�ast Thirty-Three (33�) is occupied by public highway and contains 0.�3G acres;
<br /> +' .a plat of the survey thereof by Edw;n �.Beniamin, Licensed yurveyor, :s hereto
<br /> j ,attahced marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference �� t}c�;JG
<br /> , '� OF SAID GRANTEcS, THE Ei1TIRE F�c 5?tv1PL� TITLt TO THt I,thL t�T:�T't i�t���;l-k?_i3EL
<br /> j� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tl:e said p-•errtises abo;;e described, togetlrer�c�itl: all the 7'c��c�ne�tts, Hereditaiiae�it,
<br /> a�ad AppuyteTZances t/:ereiti�zto belo►zging snato t/re said Grant2es as JOINT TtI�A(�TJ �n� nUt as ten-
<br /> , arats in c mon and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assi�ns of the sur-
<br /> vivor f ��i. m forever.
<br /> � A�a�t12e sai� ,
<br /> ;;
<br /> i4foy it,relf or its successors, does I�ereb�� agree to attd zaitlt tlre said partle5 oj fke second ¢art nr:d thP. SuI'v1vOT� 5
<br /> �', heirs ayzd assigns, tlant neitl:er it uor an�� perso�i i�a lts uame nnd behalf, shall or �erl/ hereafter clainc or de-
<br /> �� ��2a�id any �-iglat or title to tlte snid �re»aises or a�i}� pnrt tlzcrcof, but tl:c�� o�tct e^er�� o�:e of fkc�:t s1ioR b1� tlrest[�reser:ts �
<br /> � be ea-cd�ede�,�tiad-,forever barred.
<br /> ,� ..�``� �••,,
<br /> ,; �; � G:��1�'.9; -. UNIOiJ �TOCK YH:�u� C;O;YLp�;ivY
<br /> ; ,���.r'i,T�1'fTF����'�"�It/HEREOF, the said OF GKAiVD I�LA;vv has catiscd
<br /> ! ; '• '� '`�T•• �'��:
<br /> ::O .b .;. tl:ese {�rescnts to ea•cc�rtcd bl� rts �iresidc�rt mrd its Corpa�nte S�°al to fic a�i.i-�rt
<br /> ;; ; � .,, �. .. �, _
<br /> , = c� : �'*rv�r •., •.�' � hereto tliis �� da�' of �i�� 19� 5�1.
<br /> - �-' ' �J��{�.�...t
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<br /> —�-- � � = �-� �,�
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<br /> � - �. '!I �� .. - - � -- - �'-V-c.�£<..Q:,.:l.�_(1�-C-�.�(< �LiY�� ..�... Prc idc�rt
<br /> fi dt ,� �//J
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<br /> �i ��: ' � t t e e �",,,,,.. .�t/c.S � se�%�`Ll��L .SCC7�f(
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<br /> . t-- -� :�/..(,/..`' / tM`�lfPt— li
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<br /> i; . '��'�.�., ��� ���., � ,
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<br /> �i S"lATE OF--- �I.2bxa.s.ka - --...- -� O�a tl:is....��dnt• ��f.._//.l%�L' '..........�g�_'��.'b��jor�� r�r�
<br /> �- }ss.
<br /> ;' ..._.. -- - - .-_._--Co�tnt�� � tlrc t�ti rsigucd, a t\" tar�� P iblic i�� and jor said Comtt�•,
<br /> ,� - Ha Z�-- - - --
<br /> ' f�eysonnll��.can:e. - -- - -L��tie/.-,��/, - - -� -�--�- -- � ...._. . _ -- .Pr�sicicnt o f thc
<br /> �� (
<br /> . � LI�i.IQ�I. STQ(:K_..._.X�DS GOiyIPl�iJY... OF-----Gi-tAI�D I:�LANi� _...
<br /> ';il�f)515:�lil��� .. _ ... ..... _ . __' '_"'
<br /> ; . Eo tvpte 1L��.dQ�?c���'•kyo���a to be tTze President and thc iden.tical f�e�•so�c <i�hose ncnnc� is ��.red to t1�c nbor��� comz�e��auc�,
<br /> u -.:. � .. �
<br /> ,��.,-, ��z�c r�6A��jd�e�t�i'a_exec�rtio�i thereof to be his vol�urtarl�act a��d deed as sucJa o.�rcer a�id tl�e�ol�.utar�� act nud d���d �
<br /> i ;,'" � .:Q '��'•.� ":
<br /> r) ?�,e�.�tlie ,saftl,,., .?.��V:LO.i�_.aTQC.�K..YF1Ec�� C<�7iv�PHi�Y_ 4t-. .GRH"t�(D 1�L�;�Jil. _ _. a,td tka�
<br /> ' �� , . .
<br /> ,I�;�;�e C�ct,pvrc�t�i�l 'of�tke said Ui.yIl�iV jT�C,K YAttUS (.viqlFAVY_. OF. GHAiVi1 I�LAivi) __�;•�rs thcretn
<br /> �` .
<br /> � .���i�d2�,El3yr iPsEc�r�hnvll�=
<br /> Ij t' '.,5.
<br /> - l: w�#r�.fs,�,z�l�a�tc�a�ad \'otarial Seal ntG.i'�11Q_..I.S,l.dfld,.Ve.bx�ska. ....;�: said rouut�� thr du�' aud ��cnr (nst
<br /> � a ��+ • ..- - - -
<br /> -•.. ..-• ,,
<br /> � � ' �qv�rye��•i�t,��a,,�. :.
<br /> !� DI �,co'titt�nissibn ei :res tl:evl.5�� o �.- --- ----------_. °__ _. _ _.
<br /> I � �' _ f-9C�-t�r-��,�y.rq.vf � lC�+� _
<br /> . . _..�� Q7'�' PIlI��fC.
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