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<br /> � _. , z
<br /> 75%q—QUIT CLAIM DEED�Cot'pol'ation TheHnffmanQeaeralSapplyHonse,LIncola,Nebr.
<br /> THIS INDF.NTURF, ,'Vlnde tliis i�� day of May , A. D. r9.E 58, betzvee�a
<br /> �! a corporation organized and existi�tg under and by vzrt�ee of the lazc�s of the .Stnte of Nebraska �'
<br /> i ;�
<br /> �� pa��ty of tlae fi�-st part, a.nd E L M E R S C H !a A F, �
<br /> ��
<br /> i! ��
<br /> il ;'
<br /> ' of tl:e Cozc�rt�� nf Hall a�:d State of Nebraska , part of tlre seco�ad port.
<br /> � II�ITN_F.S.SF_1�H, thnt thc said rm•t of tl:e first part, fo,� a�id i�z co�:sideration of tlte-sttm-t�f correcting th2
<br /> !Idescription in deed recorded in Book 79 �aae 100 Office of Reg. of i�eeds of }�all
<br /> :iCounty,Nebraska wherein the Grantor herein is Grantor and the Grantegoh�g'r��n a.s
<br /> iGran�e a d date A il 1g l938. p N E
<br /> z�a limzd �a7�, �•eceapt ��aer���s laerebfi ac��to�c�lt�d��,�aas so7d attd by tlaesc prese»ts does qi�it-claiut, grn�tt, co��vey
<br /> �; nnd confir�n ac�tto tlte said part of tlie seco�:d part, the followi�rg described f�rentises, sih�nted iir ,
<br /> ��! Hd 11 Cou�aty, o��d State of j�e bTa S ka to-�c�it: �� �
<br /> A tract of land in the Northeast Cruarter (NF%) of the South�east C�uarter ( �F��) j
<br /> Secti�tDo�leven ( 11) , Township Eleven ( 11) , Range Nine (9 ) West of the 6th P.��i,
<br /> ;Ha?l County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginninq at an
<br /> 'iron stake that is Eight Hundred Fifty-rour and Three Tenths t=eet (854.3 ' ) Sou�h
<br /> and Thirteen Hundred Eighteen and Vine Tenths reet ( 1318.9 ' ) 'Nest at i�inety
<br /> =Degrees (90�00' ) ot the East C�uarter ( r%4) Corner of said Section, that is in
<br /> the West line ef the iVortheast C�uarter ( iJFi�) of the �outheast `�uarter �SFJ�) '
<br /> ,of said �ection; thence North One Hundred Eighty reet ( 180 ' ) tc an iron stake .
<br /> in the Southerly right of way of Hiahway U.S. 30; thence vortheasterly along
<br /> the 5outnerly right-of-way of US 30 Eiahty->ix Feet (86 ' ) to an ir.on stake;
<br /> thence South parallel to the West line of said �ortheast ��uarter ( iJF/�) of the
<br /> �outheast C!uarter (>Fi<) One Hundred Eiohty reet ( 1�50' ) to an iron stake;thence
<br /> �Southwesterly parallel to the �outherly right-of-way of li� :s0 Eiahty-six t=eet
<br /> (86 ' ) to an iron stake which is the ooint of beginnina, containing 0.321 acres;
<br /> ti �J_at of the surve,v thereof by �dwin �. Benjamin, iicensed �urveyor, i_s hereto .
<br /> attach�ry marked cxhibit "A" and maae a rar.t hereof bv reference .
<br /> ,
<br /> r ' TO Hf1VE A_A-D TO FIOLD tlre said Qr•emises abo�e dcscribcd, togetlaer tc�ith all the l�e»cnterrts, Flereditar�te�its
<br /> a�id Ahptu•tcnn»ccs tl:cre�nito bclon�iug in:to �hc said = 1 m e T � C h � d f
<br /> A»d tl�c snid ���ION �TOC;K Ytirtuj Or GO,U�PtiiJY GciF;iV� i�Ltii1D, a
<br /> Cor�or.ation
<br /> for it.rclf or its sncccssors, doc, hcrcb�� agrec to m�d <t'itlt tlac saicl rart Y ot r�,� .����„�� ra,-r n�td hi.S
<br /> Ireirs azid assr�ns, tliot ueither it uor n�c}� �+erso�a i�c its nnnr�� ond bchalf, slrall or �oil! hc�reafter claint or de-
<br /> 7iaa�rd au1� ri�ht or tir`le to the s�iid /�rcmises or ar:�� f�art tlrcrcof, 6�rt tk��� and e�er�• one of t/rrne sha.11 b�� tTrrse presents
<br /> � be excluded a�r�t.fo�•c��e�� bnrred.
<br /> `''��� �� , , �inion �tock Yaras Gompany
<br /> I��',.,`��S�t;�llR`1,K`I: Jl'HLREOF, tTre snid Of '�Z'�nC !.51?no lrns cnuscd
<br /> � l�`.i���l�l.7�,/ b�.,
<br /> tlrese presc�its to��j� c.rr•ct:tcd b�� iis presidr�N and ifs Cor•porntc S��al to be nj�ra-e�l
<br /> _s; :'v " "' hcreto tltis 17' �1G d,it' of iv5dy ��58
<br /> _ `� ; �y �p.� �.. �-, �_ �
<br /> � ' r.) ����:.Li�:...e �.� � ////
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<br /> � � :
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<br /> - _ � __ _-- - -
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<br /> ;'f ,,`� //') ��
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<br /> �..,��� - - _ _ ___ __ - ...... _�t1:'St._ � ,.._4./•..._/ ,. _ �-�`�i'�. e'ti� . Sc�Cretur,;
<br /> ST�ITF OF..._. ___J`12k?r?�.}�;'._ _ - _..._� O�r tl:is- ��/-da�' ot - ('vf�.Y..... - -- �y_.`��. b�•fore m�
<br /> ;sc. -
<br /> }-j�_i-1 _ .. .... ._ . _ _ __ ___ _... - --.--._Co�u�t�� � tlrc undcrsi�necl. �r _\'otar,�� Puhlir in and for .,aid Cnunt�'.
<br /> perso�ial.11' ccunr-_-- _ __ C,dI'S'i e_.�.-._..�.O�g.�Ns�_x.Q.._...__._... -- ....._.. -._.... - - ......._ .._ _ _.__.Prrsidrn[ of tl:c
<br /> l.)n.i.e.n_ ._�±�.ck----Ya�r.s. . c;.Qmnany. .^f_...u��na.._. I�].z.nc?-- _.
<br /> _.._ . -.. _.._......_..
<br /> to �nc (+erso�rall�' k��o����r to b�� tlre Pr�siderit n�id tl:e idc�tticnl person �.�)tose nal�tc is ��f}'r.red to thc a6nr��� ro�r��c��aircr.
<br /> ,,,::�•t, .
<br /> arr.d,ac3z��o,��l�c�rJhcl,tlie e:r�°ci�ti�on tlrereof to be l:is ��olinttar��act mrd deed as suclr officer�rnd tlie��ol�urtnr.�� ai t �rnd de�ed
<br /> of�a�'' •-�- U�/� ; .
<br /> e.��,�t��i� -�Iff•1fl.f1.__�t�.Ck_ .._Y�-=�` --..._l:.o,7l�any.-----o.i. _.Gr.anc.._. .�.�l.�nca___.. ... _.__. aud tlt.,r
<br /> J ;x� �l •,'p�":,_
<br /> �te ��,-�Z�nte f��l•;ot t�re s«Id. ..Unio.n..�z_ock....Ya_r.c�.s _�:�mp_a�.v._�.f..�_�na.._�.si.a.n�._ .:�os rhe,-eto
<br /> ;.y� . -..
<br /> ��/;'1"tl(t �J1^!IS hkl.��li7i.�,,y.
<br /> ... . e,a�+st ,- T . ,
<br /> .� ; J�y�t�krssc�n��,Tra�.Zc�td _\�otnrial Scnl at...�x.s�.O.Q_.L�.�s�R�.a-_i�.�bxa.s.x.a..,,, suid inru�t�' th�� �lu�' �nd 1'car las!
<br /> cf�i�a�c�����t1r� �r� - - -
<br /> � •-.=._....- � .
<br /> 1��� 'clbp�r�a�u.�iaa�ec(�ii�es tJrc�s..da�� of��ts�"""`__-196� � - .%�o-���.o� .......... ... .
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