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<br /> I 105—WARSANTY DEED—Corporation ' �e$u�an General SupD1s House. Lincola, Nebr I
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<br /> i, ; THIS INDENY'URE, Made this l� day o f ,MAL';: A. D., z9 58, between '�
<br /> il . , ji
<br /> �I '
<br /> ' I S L A N D i.
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<br /> I `
<br /> � �
<br /> I,'' a corporatio�i organized arad existisag under and by virtue o f the lazvs o f the State o f Ne br a s ka �
<br /> party of the first part, nnd SCHLJFF AND JONS ' REHLTY COMPANY, A IvEBR-
<br /> Df tice County of. Hall , and State of Nebraska , part
<br /> y of the second ¢art,
<br /> WITNESSETH. That the said part y of the first part jor and in cosisideration of tlze su�n of
<br /> �� 0 N E D 0 L L A R, and other valuable consideration '�L�A'R'S
<br /> in. hand Qaid, recei¢t wlaereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by tlzese presen#s does grattt, co�ivey and cor:firm
<br /> unto the said part of tlie second p¢rt, tlze followirag described rremises, situated in
<br /> Hd 11 Couraty, aszd State o f Ne br a s k a(�s�.,.�.C�,r.�.,,��!�11••r,Z,,P�,,�.�yw,,;,�91�",{�' ���r,,.,
<br /> Beginr��� at the Northeast Gorner of �ection tleven( 11) thence Sou��along the
<br /> east line of saici Northeast C�uarter(i�tFiq) Twelve Hundrea�ourteen anci �ight Tenth:
<br /> feet(1214.8� ) to a point that is in the centerline of the East Bounci ivlain track
<br /> of the Union Pacific Railroaa,thence deflecting �ixty-Three Degrees ana Fifty_'
<br /> Six Uinutes(63o Ot�' )right one thousand forty feet ( 1040.0' ) along and upon saia
<br /> track centerline to a point,thence deflecting Ninety Degrees ana No Minutes
<br /> �`��° v0' ) left Two Hundrea feet ( 200.0' ) to a point that is in the �outherly
<br /> right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad, said point being the actual point
<br /> of be�inning, thence deflecting Ninety Degrees and ,yo Minutes (90� 00' ) left
<br /> Nine Hundred Forty-Two ana �eventeen Hunciredths feet (942.17' ) along the
<br /> Southerly right-of-wa of the Union Pacific to a point in the tastline of the
<br /> Northeast C�uarter(NF✓;� Section Eleven (11 , Thence deflecting One Hunarea
<br /> Sixteen llegrees and Four Minutes (116.04� � right One Hundred tighty-Eight
<br /> and Fourteen Hundredths feet( 188. 14' ) along said section line to a point,
<br /> thence c�ef?ecting Sixty-Three Degrees and Fi£ty-Six Minutes(63° 56' � right
<br /> Nine Huncfreci Twenty-Nine and Fifty Hunareciths reet (929. 50' ) :long a line One
<br /> Hundred Sixty-Nine Feet(169.0 ' ) from and parallel to the Southexly right-of-
<br /> way of the Union Pacific Railroaci to a point, thence deflecting right Ninety
<br /> pegrees and No Minutes(90° 00' ) One Hundred and �ixty-iJine feet ( 169.0' ) ,
<br /> thence aerlectina Ninety Degrees and iVo �✓iinut s (90° 00' ) right to the actual
<br /> point of beginning, containinn__ 3.76 more �;ri�FC�'�s, of which 0. 143 acres is
<br /> occupied by a public highway, subject to , anr reserving unto the �rantor nerein
<br /> as t� thF 4Vesterly �eventy reet oi the aD�VE aescribea tract the rerretual riqht
<br /> t� maintain a gradea entrance therecn to an e] evaicr Duilaing situateo Westerly
<br /> Thereof ana to �rantor, its officer. s , employees , acents , servants , customers
<br /> aEid invitees, to ;�ass ane repass over ano acres= such 'h'esterly �eveniy reet oi
<br /> Such above ��escribea traci. --=-------- -
<br /> �.� �
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<br /> TO HAT�E.AND TO HOLD :he premises abo�e described, togetl:er zt�ith all tlre Te:ze�r:er:ts, Hereditaarle�:fs cnd
<br /> Ap�asrter;a+tces thereu3�.to beloirgi�ig ac�ito the said
<br /> Ar�d thE said Union Stock `fards Gompany of Grand Island
<br /> for•�itself, or its s�tccessors, does hereb�� covenar:t ar:d agree to arid�itla the said �art of the second�art ar.d
<br /> heirs ayzd assig�zs, Ehat at tlae tisrae of t/ae executio�a a�id delivery of tlz�se prese�afs it is la�¢rfully seiued of sa�id�irernises;
<br /> that it h.as goeri riglat and la�uful authority to conuey t{ze sasne;�t�aat tlaey are free frosiz�encunsbrasice
<br /> doe.r laereby covenafat to warrarit a�td defe�:d tl:e SQZCI �YCiY12SCS Q9(11115: tlie lo�c�ful claims of all persosu �vlaosnsoever.
<br /> I1V I�ITNESS Id'HEREOF, the said Union Stock Yards Company of Grand Islana
<br /> has he���sy``t,o.�rgu:�erL,its corporate seal to be afj�ixed a�:d these presents to be signed 'oy its �-'re SiQeRt
<br /> ,• �
<br /> \. �� , •,, ..
<br /> the a��y �ra�' y¢a� }�ys#''.�N.vve �ritter�.
<br /> : ^Signed, �ealed 9�s�d�elivered is: presence of
<br /> - -
<br /> �r: , , :` ; � tJ-u�= T Wnfu��,tJY �
<br /> _ ' �� ' ,,,��,y � " li � tv J . � � r
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<br /> � By ._...ti.---. ..-r�� -- -�- ----� -- --- - -----
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