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<br /> WH R RAPi TY ➢ EFD
<br /> KN01�� A?�, M�d BY THESF PRFSENTS:
<br /> That We� Dale C, Bruhn and :Sin?a Brnhn� his wife� Edna R. 3Saier and John riaier�
<br /> hen c��sband� Homer H. Bn�hn and PSae Brt�hn� his �rife�. Y7ayne C. Brtzhn and liinnie �.
<br /> Br��hn, his wife, Laura I�� Claussen and Lester Clai�ssen, her ht�sband, Gayle E. Sch�rieger
<br /> a.nd Fdwin A� Schx*ieQer, her hvsband� Kenneth Brt�hn and Jessie Brvhn� his w�ife� Joan �.
<br /> Spiehs and Harold Spiehs� her husband� all of Hall Cainty� and the State of Nebraska�
<br /> and ?iazel Da3* and Hoyaard Day� her husband, both of ':�-a7heur Cottnty and the State
<br /> of Oregon, and Rosa R. Rief, a widow, of:the Cotmt�� of Los� ngeles, and State of
<br /> California� in consi.deration,of the s+�m' of FOUR THOUSAND DpL.LARS (��000.00) in hand
<br /> paid by Mary L. Th'ckson and Charles C, Dickson of Ha11 County� and State of Nebraska�
<br /> do hereby grant, bargain� sell, convep and confirm.nr.to the said I�"ary L. l�ickson and
<br /> Charles C. Di.ekson, as Jaint Tenants_ and not as Tenants in Common� th� fol'_owin�
<br /> described premises� sitnated i� the Covnty of Hall� and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lots One (1) and �JO (2)s in Block Ten (10)� in Joeiznck's Addition
<br /> in +.,he City of C,rand Tsland� Hall Co��nty� Nebraska,
<br /> TO�*°'f'�Or �rith all the tenements� heredita�er.ts and app�artenances to the carie belong-
<br /> int� and. all of the Estate, Ri�ht� Title� Inter•=st, Claim or Demand wY�atsoever includin€
<br /> Do�r:er� C»rtesy and Homestead Ri�hts of the sai_d grantors of� in� or to the sarie� or any
<br /> pa.rt ther.Pof.
<br /> Tp ;i;��T� ti�in T^ NOLD the above-described pr�mises� with the appvrtenar_res� unto
<br /> t.~ie said ^-iary L. Di.ckson a.nd C"nar?_es C. �ickson� as Jo?.nt Tenants and r_ot as �enants
<br /> ir ''orimon� ar.d tio their asszgn=� ar.d to �he neirs ar.d assi�ms of the s���-v�vcr fore�ver.
<br /> �_nd y,-e i��ereb�r covenant wit!: tne sa-�.d i�tar��r L. Dick.son anci C?-larlas C. I}ickscn tv,at we
<br /> ;�o�id saic3 prem�_s�s b� gooa and perfect titie; that we have €ood ri�ht anc.� la�afii�
<br /> a��t}:oYzt�> to sell and convey same; that. they are free and clear of all liens and en-
<br /> c�nibr�r.ceG �„natGoa..ver. �.nd we co�renant to warrant and defend the sa:d prem��.Ges against
<br /> the �<t�rfnZ claims o'' all rersons whomsoever.
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