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c\ (� �1 / _ � <br /> �� \J �. . <br /> � , '"S � S cn c� cn �:=�'. <br /> � �'N,_ oo c� -� � rn <br /> ...�•,....,.:.,.....qS;.-,..._.n� � " <br /> �_'� .... _ <br /> - E�, �,�a l�t��E���!'� � � � � � Q�Q-� <br /> � rn <br /> � S � �'�,�Y'�i?n!�A Z�+ �'�:t+7�+ .� � -� � ' 2 <br /> � � <br /> � ...._..,..»�..,.._..�.,..�._..�.. .�.. .. n �. � o -*a cn <br /> ` a � <br /> � 't � rn � <br /> G � \ � AC� ot�n <br /> '� . 0 � i w ��,' <br /> � � n p � �"'' � <br /> � .. o � ,� �. <br /> d MOR�TC�AQrE � v <br /> \� �$- 1�3189 <br /> `�1 Tms Mortgage is entered iato between Cl inton D Burr and Lill ian Burr, Husband and Wife <br /> (herein"Mortgagor'�aad <br /> �Aama C'nt�nt� Rank (heTe1II�MOi�gBgee'�. �„ <br /> Mortgagor ia indebted to Mortgagee in the prinaipal sum oi 8 7,Q00.00 _ evidenoed by Mortgagor's note � <br /> O <br /> �d Apri 1 1, 1998 (herein"Note'�providing ior paymente oi prinoipal and inisresk with the balanoe oi the . \ <br /> i n de b t s d ness,i i aot sooner p a i d,due and pa,yable on Apri l 6, 2 0 0 4 � <br /> To seaure the payment oi the Note.with intereat as provided therein,the payment o!all other sums.vvith inter <br /> est, advanoed by Mortgagee to proteot the seourity of this Mortgage, and the pertormanae of the oovenaats aad agree- <br /> ments of the Mortgagor oontained herein, Mortgagor doea hereby mortgage and oonvey to Mortgagee the following <br /> desoribed <br /> property loaated in Hall County.Nebraska. A tract of land comprising a part of <br /> GOVERNMENT Lot 1 on the island in Section 34 AND part of C�OVERNMENT Lot 8 on the island xn <br /> Section 27, all in Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County� Nebr�zska, <br /> said tract being �re particularly described as follows: <br /> With reference to the Northwest corner of said Section 34; thence running S 00° 19' 00" W on <br /> the West line of said Section 34 for a distance of 1013.96 feet to a point on the center <br /> line of a County road running Southwe�t-Northeast; thence running Northeaster].y on the center <br /> line of said County road bearing N 60 17' 25" E for 1110.00 feet to th� actual POINT OF BE- <br /> GINNING: Thence continuing on the center line of said County road N 60 17' 25" E for 1728.00 <br /> feet6 thence S 00° 17' 25" W for 335.88 feet; thence S 42° 12' 59" W for 1641.03 feet; thence <br /> N 29 42' 35" W for 800.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, then Northwesterly 33.00 feet <br /> thereof being County road right-of-way. <br /> Together with all buildings, improvementa fistures, streets, alleys, paseageways, easements, rights, privileges <br /> and appurtenanoes looated thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, aad the rents, issues and prolits, reversione and <br /> remainders thereof; inoluding, but not limited to, hesting and 000ling equipment and suoh personal property that is <br /> aLtaohed to the improvements so as to oonstitute a fiature;a11 of whioh.inoluding replaoements and additions thereto,is <br /> hereby dealared to be a part oi the real estate seaured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred <br /> to herein as the"PropertY"• ._ <br /> Mortgagor iurther oovenaats and agrees.with Mortgagee,as follows: <br /> i. Paymen�To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> 2. Title.Mortgagor ia the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to mortgage the Pro e <br /> P rty.and war <br /> rants that the lien oreated herby is a Hrst and prlor liea on the property.esaept as may otherwiae be eet forth herein. <br /> � The Property is subjeot to a Mortgage wherein �� County Bank <br /> is <br /> the Mortgagee,reoorded at�ono�t #96-109630 <br /> Page oi the Mortgage Rsaords oi �11 <br /> County.Nebraska,whiah Mortgage is a lien prior to the lien oreated hereby. <br /> O Other prior liens or enoumbranoes: <br /> S Tazes, Asseeementa. To pay when due all tages, speoial asseasmenta end all other oharges against the <br /> Property and,upon written demand by Mortgagee,to add to the payments required under the Note seaured hereby,auoh <br /> amount as mqy be suSioient to enabie the Mortgagee to pay auah tages, assessments or other oharges ae th�eyy beoome <br /> due. <br /> �. Insuranoe.To keep the improvemeats now or hereatter located on the real estate desarlbed herein insured <br /> against dama,ge by fire and such other hazards ae Mortga,gee may require,in amounts and vvith companies aooeptable to <br /> the Mortgagee.and with loss payable to the Mortgagee.In oase oi loas under such poliaies the Mortgagee is authoriaed � <br /> to ac�ust.aolleot and oompmmise,in its disoretion,all olaima thereunder at its eole option.authori$ed to either apply the --�M <br /> prooeeds to the restoration of the Properiy or upon the iadebtedness seoured hereby.but payments hereunder shall oon-..w <br /> tinue until the sume seoured hereby are are paid in full, �� <br /> 5. O Lscrow For T�es and Inauraace. Notwithstanding anything oantained in paragra,phs 3 and 4 hereof to .,W; <br /> �: <br /> the oontrary.Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortga,gee at the time oi paytng the month�y installmente of prinoipal and inter <br /> est,one-Lweltth oi the yearly tazes,assessments,ha�ard insuranoe premiums�and ground rents(if aqq)whioh may attain <br /> a priority over this Mortgage,all as reasonab�y estimated from time Lo time by the Mortgagee.The amounts so paid shall <br /> be held by the Mortgagee without interest and applied to the payment oi the items in respeot to which suah amounts <br /> were deposited.The sums paid to Mortgagee hereunder are pledged as additional seourity for the indebtedness seoured <br />