<br /> �' , �'�._ . ��/ V ,�1�1 lL3,L V � 1 D��LJ �.�t:l�.J.l.i.D. HALL COUNTY.
<br /> FROM �t�e �t�t�e o� '�lcbras�a,
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<br /> ` _County. On tbis.---------------_..�.�-�--------------_.da� o,�---- - �%�'.��<� ----.�" IS_,l_�_, befoce met
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<br /> ..,, ;�6e exeQUtion of the same to be__���-------voluntarr� ae�' ap�k d�,�r��r�paoreffifke�va� s�aw�: ,
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<br /> �� ° 'LtL'�.tt�UZ88 �tAb�r�Of, � h,aue hereu�i ��+bsa��a Mn# �ba�F m�r .�" ,
<br /> .�� � �` � _��_ _ ��e�C��f.G�-------------�
<br /> . on the date last aboue written. � ,
<br /> w, ' �.O .�d,( ����!���---
<br /> , _ , ----------------- -------------- -• � - ---- - --------------JYotary P�blio.
<br /> ,,;,� � � � � �
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