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<br /> ...'� a� •..4.r., � `�.
<br /> . , �� r ' .. _
<br /> , 9� ` . � =�s:.
<br /> _ ..���� . . �-�-
<br /> 1�. Forectosure Procedure.If Lender requires Immediate paymeni it�fuU un8er Pssrn_gr.nph 9,i.ender may ,A.T� • _
<br /> <' ., •
<br /> toroke the power of sale and any osher remedles permdtted by applleabte law.Lender sl�aU be eatided w coHect '. —
<br /> a!1 expenscs fncwre� in pwsuing the remedIes under this paragrtiP� 18. Iacludir+g. but uo4 Ltm[ted to, �. �. . :-
<br /> rcasQnable atSvraeys'[ePS and costs of titte evidence. , � � . .:�.
<br />_— _ [P the Qower of§ale ts invoked,Tvccstee s1�11 record a not[ce of default ia each county ta�whIch any part oY �.y. .� L- ,,_ T-- _
<br /> :�,.�. the PropPrty is lozated and shall �ail copies of such aotice tn the manner prescrIbed by appltcable la�v to
<br /> Iiorroper aad to td�e�ther p2rs�s�s pre�r�tta�d bp applIsable law. After the time required by a�pllcable law. - ---- --.- -- •�
<br /> _ o . _.. . __,._.._.<<.. _.
<br /> Trustee shall give publlc nottce of sals W the persoas and in the manner prescribed by app7icabiP law.Tr�s¢ee, • � �
<br /> wtihout demaad on Borrower,st�al!sell the Property�t publ�c auct[on to the highest biddee at the tlene and •
<br /> place and auder the terms designated in the notice of sale in oue or more parcels and In any order Trustee . -- .•--�-: - . �_
<br /> ' determines.Trustee may postpoae sale of aU or any parcel of t6e Property by public aqutoua�cement at the tlme „ ,. - -
<br /> and place of amy prevIously scheduled sale.Leuder or its d ee ma urchase We Pro erty at an sale. .. �������`��` •
<br /> � Y P F Y �. •�-r... •�,:..�`�
<br /> , � If the Leade�s iaterest in this Secui3ty Instr�ent is hdd by the Secretary and tlie SecrdarY re9uires • �,..:;-�i=�. .'''
<br /> • immedlate payment in fWl ander Paragraph 9, t6e 5ecretary ms►y invoke t9ie no�udfctal power oY sape • "_'=_"���` -
<br /> � psovtded in the Single Famity Mortgage Forec[osure Ad of 1994("Ad")(12 U.S.C.3751 et seq.)iby requestIng ' ..� °'=-"""°"�_
<br /> a [arectosurn commissIoner designated ander the Act to coffimence forectosure sud to seU the Prope�ty as � -�-�
<br /> •--���,°-:��:�'
<br /> prov[ded ia the Ad. NoWIng in the preceding seateuce sl�sll depdve the �ecrntary of any rights otherwise �_-�--
<br /> a�ailable to a Lender nnder thls Parag�aph 18 or applica�le law. ' � � �'�"��
<br /> S -
<br /> ' Upon receipt of paymeut of the prtce bid,lYustee shaU deliver to the purchaser Tnistee's deed conveyiag ' ` � �°��. _
<br /> .��_
<br />, t�e Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facle eeideuce uf the trut6 of the statements r• ` :� �
<br /> - �ade thereGn.Tnistee sha11 appty the pmcexds of the sale in the tollow[ng order:(a)to�!1 costs and expenses of _ - �
<br /> �,... .��..�`�'.�-�
<br />. enecC cino the power of sale,and We sale,inclad[ng tt�e payment of the Trustee's fces acdaally incurred,not to ------- .�'T ••-
<br /> ¢�� %of We principal amount of the note at We tlme of the declaration of default, ._, ,�.�. �� �—
<br /> '�,� and reasonable attorneys'fees as permitted hy taw,(b)to all sums setured by thLs Security Instrument;and(c) ,,:. � :
<br /> ,' .i any cxcess to ttie person or peisons legally ent�tled to it. � -�"-� • i.°�, �
<br /> s:�... �.
<br /> (.� 19.Recanveyaace.Upon payment of aU sums secured by this Security Instrnment,Lender shall request Trustee �'°.�, '`t�� .•� `+-
<br /> . � to reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt sr,cured by this _ '��•,.?. �
<br /> Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the :���.• � z� '; �,;�
<br /> - person or persons legally entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. �. ; �
<br /> r ...: .
<br /> . ' ; .. : �.*�n� `i� �;..�z-
<br /> • Z0. Sabs4tEute Trustee. I.ender,at iu option, may from time to ame remove Trustee and appoint a successor '� ��l�." '•i��
<br /> �' trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument � �� �'' '�..
<br /> ' �' is recorded.Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and duries � � i;lt�:� �=�_-
<br />-'- '' confened u on Tn�stee hetein and b a licable law. �
<br /> p Y PP ��'�;rs.:;.
<br /> � 21.Request for Nottces.Boaower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrawer's � .� • � ��"`
<br /> `. 9
<br /> �: address which is the Propert}+Address. �>_ :�•m=_J
<br /> .�, :�����• ^.' : '-:{:�:�
<br /> � � `• 22.Rtde�to this Securtty Instrument.If one or more riders aze executed by Borrower and recorded together �__-�_ ___=__._. ----
<br /> witb this Security Insuument, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into aud shall amend and � °�
<br /> :.:-=� supplement the covenants and agreements of this Securiry Inswmant as if the rider(s)were a pan of this Security ��_.�_..��-..,
<br /> � Inswment.[Check applicable box(es)]. �t - ._ "
<br /> ❑ Condominium Rider g&1 �LY � Other[spec' •r• .�.r ...-:. ._ -
<br /> 0 Growin ui Rider 1fY1 ','�.�-•'��"r-�-"-±y-�_
<br /> . � Planned Unit Development Rider � Graduated Payment Bider p�M Rider � _-_
<br /> _ a,.
<br /> � . ��. � :::�.._
<br /> ��..�`�:�' i
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