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<br /> �1V�A�R.A�T:TY DE:ED �.�CC�1�D. HALL COUNTY.
<br /> FROM '�be �tate ot '�lebraska, �
<br /> nn� �s. a
<br /> ---------�-�i� � ��/� � - Mall County,
<br /> --- ------'�'-------'---------------------------------------=----
<br /> ' l hereby certify that this instrument��tered on Numeriea!lndex, and filed for fteoord
<br /> -.----- ----------------- ------ ----=-----�---- ------------- this.- --------�"�--�-�--day o,f-------------------'-----------=-19:B�i tif----=-----�-----o eloOk�M.
<br /> TO
<br /> _ __ _ �� � - _ _ _. ------- - -�`1�°-----------------------------------
<br /> Coa+rty Ql�rk.
<br /> °----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> . _ D���.
<br /> .,
<br /> Feesr � --------------------- _ _ _ _
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<br /> ,. .
<br /> 'i�na�v atr �IISen �� t�ese �resents: � - � - - :
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<br />' o.�=---.-_-w------------- - a.,YX/ - ---------County; a state Q.f-----=-------------- ------ -
<br /> ----------------------------°'��,_-------------------___ _
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<br /> in.consideration af the sum af. -_-_----------�`--=`-'_'£__".- --- -----=------ - .--=------�il- U --------------------------------------------------------------�-----=--------.� _.DO�;LAR8„
<br /> in..hand.paid by_____________________________
<br /> ______�_----------(7�a.�r'Qi------- --------------- ----- --�--------- ----------------------------- .
<br /> ---------- -----
<br /> d.f-----_-__--� ----------------------------�-r-��-�---------�ounty, and State_o.f----- -- - --------------------- -=-------------------------------do-------. hereby sel!_and con.aey
<br /> Q . '
<br /> untothe said-��------------------v__------------------ __- ---_�_V__�i---.'�9�-��--¢.e�/�_---------------------------------------------------------__-__---th8 f.nNalurng�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to iuit r ' -
<br /> _ , . - ,
<br /> �� � (,) ,.� � .� - -�� ��) � . _
<br /> -�-�-�..� �,� ��� �,� �� _ .
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<br /> �� .�� �.-�---���-�- -�
<br /> ��� � ,
<br /> Toqether with all the tenements, h editaments, and appurtenanee to the same belonging, and all the Estu#e, Rightr Title,. lnterest� Claim! or Uema�d`
<br /> . ;
<br /> . � �� ��
<br /> whatsoeuet' of the, sa►d----------------------------------- - -------. ------- .-------------.-------------------- ----------------- -------.of,_ �n� or to the aame, or any purt t,�ereof
<br /> T0.HA(/E AND TO HOLD the abou�-described premiaea, witk the appurtenances, unto the said_____�a�'����`���� ' '
<br /> _heirs and assigns foreuer.' And `>�
<br /> �-----�---�-----=--------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------and to--------------------------------- -
<br /> ,;�
<br /> . �
<br /> ------ -------. .--------- ��-----hereby couenan# wrth the sa�d--------�a.u'Qi_��-Qin.a.-e�s,�------ --=--------,----------.-------------------- -----------.------------� ;�
<br /> _ _ {
<br /> tbat._______.__�vhold said premises by good and perfect title; that_______�"�__ha�ood right and�Jawful authority tQ sel! a-nd conuey the_sarr►e; ?
<br /> that they are free and elear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeuer. , >>` ;
<br /> ------------- ----- --------------------------------------------- _:
<br /> --------------------------------------------------- ------------
<br /> +;
<br /> And____________�_/_eouenant to warrant and defend the said premises againat the �acuful claims of all persons whomsoer�er. _ _
<br /> --------------- ------- ----------- - - _
<br /> . _ _ . .. _
<br /> — i
<br /> ------ ---- ------ ------ ---- - - - ---
<br /> --- -- --- ----- ---- ---- ------------------ ----------------------- ---------------�---•
<br /> __An.d._the_Sard ------�
<br /> ��i%�iti -----_ �.hereby relinquishes----------------�_�_ �ight of
<br /> , . ; _ ' .'_"� .`_' �- - _'_"_________"'_' ____ ' '-.' . ._. .. . .
<br /> .....-- �� '
<br /> '_
<br /> -----------------------------------dower��in/and to the aboue-d eribed premises. -: _ _ .
<br /> �tgnea the--------------- -'------------------�-=--'-----da o s1 --- _A.D., 19:e-- -- _.
<br /> �.�-� y f ------.---- --�---------- - ---------- `�
<br /> ,�.� '
<br /> I1�T PRE8EI�TCE OF n�/� _ �:�!/� ..
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<br /> ---- -.�-�� .____�__.______._ _ J V ,
<br />, _ _ _ ___ ___
<br /> . .. __ .__. .
<br /> �be �tate of '�llebras�a, ` `
<br /> - J�1 � �p � s�. � � _ . . _ . , .
<br /> "��'✓-----County... On this------------��-�---------------------,da� o.f---------------� ; A.D. 180_�_, before me,
<br /> --- - - ----
<br /> ----�------------------ �
<br /> � ' ------------------------------within and or said
<br /> ----------------�(_�-- --- --------- ----- --------------------- ---------------� Q ------------------------- --------- ------ ------- _
<br /> . ..
<br /> county, personally came.�!_�!-�-�-�a%i�/�!�',_��--fi1� a�di� , ,
<br /> ;
<br /> �� `
<br /> to me ersbna// known to 6e the �de tiea/ ersoud�ihose name-�?����_ a,fjS'xed, to the aboue instrument as grantor�a� seueral/y avknowledge �
<br /> - ---- - - - --------
<br /> P !! � p
<br /> a� �
<br /> . �
<br /> the exeeution of the same to 6e________ ________uoluntary act and deed for. the purpose therein expressed. .
<br /> (�� � �� � � ;
<br /> Ytt, �(lftne�s '�0.6ereof, l haue hereunta subscr�6ed my nu�me a ed.my o,�efal $eal, at._____ __�_"_`'�'V"`"���----------------•
<br /> on the date last aboue written. �� -----�,�t------ ----------- ----------- ---------------------.Notary Publio. ' ,�
<br /> ... . .. ._.. . � �
<br /> .� . .. . . .�.;_ _ _ ___ _ . _ _._._ - ---------
<br /> _ ... -
<br /> My eommission expires.-------------��--�'- -_--=--_I�_O_� . , _:
<br /> =
<br /> - ----------- /
<br /> � __ __ ._. _._ . . . . . . ...._ . :,
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