<br /> FROM �be �tate of 't�ebra�ka, :
<br /> ' as.
<br /> ' ' ry _ �_ , _ Half County.
<br /> �--- -----�--�`�`�---------------- ----- ---------
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<br /> ' ------------ths allowi�
<br /> unto tbs �ufc�-----------------------------------------------------------�1i------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ �f 9'
<br /> described premises, situated in t County of Hall, and State of ebraska, ta wit: �
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<br /> � -----.an to------------------.--.-�---_-_-----heirs, and assi�ns foreuer. And
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<br />� that they are free and clear of all liens and incum rances whatsoe r.
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<br /> the ion of the same to 6e------------ ----uoluntary aa# r�►�d �Pee�f for tb� �rt�rpas� tl���r� e�pressed .
<br /> �M �Aitness '�tAbereof, l haue hereurr�o scrbsa���A � ntrm� an� a�,�ix;ed m�y` o.�tti+a� �, �t-----------------------------,..__`�,
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<br /> on the date last aboue written. (;
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