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<br /> �'V V A�R��T 1 �E�� ��C��D. HALLCOUNTY.
<br /> FROM $be �tate of '�le6raska,
<br /> �i
<br /> ' a�.
<br /> --------�--------------- -�/�--------------------=��� Nal!County. .
<br /> : l hereby eertify that this instrument was entered on Numerica!lndex�and frled for Record
<br /> ---------------------- ------- -------TO---- ------------------y--------------- this.------- ---'�--°---- da o _19_4_7:, ut ----------------o'c%ek_�al.
<br /> . _ ---- � .f------.____��---- �
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<br /> � Coa�rtg Clerk.
<br /> •---------'---------`---'--------------------------------Ds�f�.---
<br /> Fees, ��---------------•-----------�
<br /> �nov� aii en b� t�ese jpr sents: � - � : _ � ' _
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<br /> in hand paid by___________________ ,�__---------- ._�__,____._,__. _,�-��------------ _ -=------_ ----- ---- --- ----------------- ------- --=---
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<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------the follvwi»
<br /> wnto the$aid.-----------------------------------------------------------------�_-----..------------------------------------- q-.
<br /> descri6ed premises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebrask�, -to tuit: , .
<br /> a�L/ t�ti-�w C`� GL..n.�� �C��� _ �� f _ _
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<br /> xogetl�er with a// the tene�ments, hereditaments, and appurtenaneea tQ the -sa�rr'e belonging, and. a// the �sta#e, Right,. t�tte, Interest, Cl�sim, o�r Ue�and
<br />; c�hatsoeuer. of the said---------------------------------- ------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------of, in, or to the same, or ang par� thereof,� '
<br /> - T0 HAYE AI�D 0 HOLD the aboue-described prEmlaes, witir the appurtenarracra, tr�s� tJ�e,araid___ __.____.,:_ __
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<br /> t'frar�:______< __________ ofd. said premiees by good and perfeot t�tle; #hat__________________ __ha�od right ar�d laarfut authority te sEll:and conuey the 8am�e;
<br /> that they are free and e/ear of a/1 liens and ineumbrancea whatsoeuer.
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------=------------------------------------------------
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<br /> - -couenant to•te�a rant and.afsfend the said p�raemi$ss against the luw,,t�ut o�ti�ns of QIl peraa�8 -evhaasNtseuer. ' �
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<br /> -----------------------.------------dower in and to the aboue-descrrbed premises. � - .
<br /> �fgttea the-------- ------------------------=---=--- ----�a�J a.f------ --•--_---- ------------- .-�----------A.D., 7g_�X'-!
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<br /> ahe �tate of �lebraska, : , - . . ;
<br /> /� ss: • '
<br /> -------------------------"-��=�__County. (1n this.___________: _--:----__-- ------------------�ay af------ ---------- -------:.-----------------A.O., 19a�, before me,
<br /> _�_ �� __________________ _-_, a-.�_-------- ---------.---- -------------------- -------------_______-------------within and for said
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<br /> , .°Coarr�ty� !�'sona/!y carr�e --------------------- ---------'------------------___------------- --------------------------=---------------------------y�------------------------.____._.�----_____=-_.
<br /> te-�e �ereo�/!gr kpawn tv be the rd�t«al .�rsan whose name-�:_�h��_:rz,�xed to #hs. adurte ins#irwetent�as.grrc�tor�i�af sever.ttlly creH�edg�ed `
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<br /> the execution of the same to be._____�'!�uoluntar� �aFrt. a�al d.�d for � p�rpa�se.�er�i� earpre,�sed,
<br /> ,-. /� �1 � �
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<br /> . '�tt �(Attness '�Qlbereof, l haue hereuntv sab�scaribe� �ny ne�NCe,arrd a�x�a+!:my A„�"ieraEt se�l, ��.----`��0 r_�_`�'�---------Vr------------------.
<br /> ��:, '
<br /> on the date last aboue written. � � '
<br /> ,
<br /> �. . ��a�,a-n._.._ -
<br /> ' � -- ---- -------- ---------- --���L---------------------------------------------.Notary Pubtio.
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<br /> My eommission expires-------------------------------------�'�------ -�� - -/9 d�
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