. . . . . .. . ; . ., . . ' . .. .. . '.. . .��. . "'_ r . " �'-. ..
<br /> '_: ..._. . c._-F_..J.._ _..._. _ . ' . . . _ _... . . . .. . .. .... ._... . . . . . .. . . �� __.
<br /> 1 �.� �;���- �..� :=_
<br /> : � - . - . _ � . ::G-_ .
<br /> , � �HIBIY E � � t : �.. � �-._.
<br /> ;. '3..-
<br /> + MOR7'GAGE A[DDENDUiiA , � 1�22'7O - . ' `,:. y..� �j
<br /> 1 �� t .�-
<br /> ` � The toibwinp ere addenda w the Mortgaga. Plsasg check the apDticabi� eddenc�um. The addendum ehscked shaU ba hcorporate6 r ' � � . �--
<br /> �� inW,and reCOrded w�h,the MoRp3ge. The term'MoRgBge'shail be de9med ta include'D880 of Trust,'(f eppl'�CSble. , . ;
<br /> , ,
<br /> i � FiIA,RECD Bnd HUD ADDENDUM ONLY •� -
<br /> ' THIS TAX�O(EMP7 FlNANCING RlOEPt is mada ihLS 31SL d&y of l9AafCh . 1997 . end is hcorpot8ted • �
<br /> fntc and shu6 bo Qesmad w emond end supplamsnt the Mortgaga,Doed ot Trust or Sacur3y Deed('SecurRy Instrument')of the same date ' , �
<br />—" g�ven by the undersigned('eorrovref)to secure Borrowers Note('Piom')to U�lITED trlEBRA�XA BA1dfS - -� --- -:--— - �
<br /> , , � ..�,r
<br /> ('LendeP)ot the same dats end covsrtnp the propeRy dascn'bed'm the SscurtZY Instrumant end tocated at 2112 {N 10T}1 �sT G�iAND '. . � . -
<br /> • ISt.61ND NEBAASKA 68801 — `' �, ' - �=_•
<br /> (Prop�tty AddrW) ' . ,
<br /> In addition to the covansn4s end eyeemants mada h tho Securi�y Instruma�t, Borrower and Lender turther covenflnt and asreo tc eme�d �. ' � � ,_.�.;:-.
<br /> Para�ph 9 of the Model Mortpage Fortn,ent�ted'Cirounds for Acceterstton of DebY as by addhp add�lonal Qrounds Por acceteraiton ss � ,.� ��.;._
<br /> '�' fo6ows: . , .�r_. -: '
<br /> Lender, ar such of Rs succe�sors or assiQns as may by separate instrumeM assume resOcnsB�iGty far assurinq compQence 6y the `�•'t`�""� __
<br /> " Barrower wRh the provtsions ot thls Tax-EuemDt Ffnanchp RMe►. may reQutre 6nmedlate paymsnt in tu0 ot ell sums secursd by this .. -
<br /> ' Secur�y Instrument H: . :
<br /> �'" �'. y
<br /> (a) A�1 or part of the PropeRy is soid or otherwUe Vansierted by 8orrower to 8 parchaser or other transferee: �..�- . �
<br /> � (q Who cennot reasanafiry be�cpected to occupy the property as a prirtcipa1 resldence w�b a reasonabte tfie after the sale or . ����"<'�
<br /> �� transfer,eD es provtded h Sectlon 143(c)and fiH2)of the Intemal Revenue Code;or �• : .Q��s��
<br /> (if) Who has had a prasent ownership hterest fn a pnc�lpal residence dudng eny part o! the thre�year peAod endhg on the ;:�w,. �_
<br />- . date of tha sa1B or trartsga.aD as provided in Section 743(d)and{i)(�ot the Intsmal Revsnue Cade(except that '100 percenY shaB tre . .. -�� ��.z' ._�
<br /> sabsUNted for'95 parcent or more'where the�tter appsers in Secttan 143(d)(1))or � � �"�-
<br /> ' (iiq At an acquis�ton cost v�htch is qreater then 90 Percent of Me average ecea purchase price (qrenter than 1 i0 pe�ent for : �'r f�_
<br /> �( �. mc$etsd area resideneos�a9 4s pmvided in S9ctbn 143(e)and(iJ(2)ot the Intemai Revenue Cade;or —
<br /> �'��-
<br /> (N) Who has a qross tamtry income in excess of the appllcabf�percenta0v of eppQCabte medlen iamQY Income as provided In ,_,.� ,
<br /> Sectlon 143(i)end(i)(2)of ffie Intemal Fteti+enue Code;or � '
<br /> (b) Borrawer fa6s to occupY the proPa�ty dascri�ed h the SecurRyr I�strument without priot wrtten consent o} Lender or Rs � _��� ..��r :'
<br /> successors or asstpns descrbed at the bepinnhy of thfs Tax-6cemAt Fhancing Rlder,ar ..=.�;,� ` _
<br /> (C) Bortawer omfls or mtscepresents a fact thnt is maLert�l wfth respect to the pmvisions ot Secticn 143 of the Inteanal Revenue ' '�•����. 1�:�,.���'"
<br /> Code h an eppUcaUon for the ben secured by this Security InstrumsnL r:� �� �
<br /> R e f e P e�s c e s are to the Intemat Revenue Code es emended end tn effect on the date of issuance of bonds,the proceeds of wh(ch ' `• ��' - - ' � ��::
<br /> wN bs used to ffnance the Securdy Instrumer►t end ere Qeemed to tncUde the tnptertienUnp reputatbns. '"1 �,� `
<br /> • ,.'�'�r"1 � �-
<br /> � ' 6Y SIpNIN�BELOW,Borrowet acCepts and a�ees to the terms and provlsbns in this Tex-�'xempt Flnencinp Rider. : A . = r��;�i����:. �
<br /> � �� � ��) �F '. �
<br /> Bortow�r � R � ���?_,
<br /> r.' -
<br /> - `� .�P� �wr�ri
<br /> r ..
<br /> • �sGn�� .�� I . ,...
<br />� ' eorwwa + �-�t'�^�
<br /> i' Ysi�ei-. _ .
<br /> THSS TAX�MPT FlNMtCINO WDER is made lhis day ot . en� b Incorporatad tnfo and '�'�-4--—
<br />. shall be deemed to amen�and supptert�ent the Mortsaya, Dead of Trust or Security Deed('Securky InstrumenY)of Ma same data plwn by �� '—"
<br /> � •;�.�;;:z,.�.�;_.
<br /> the unGerslgned(•Borrower'y to secure Borrowers Note("Nots•)to � .:,'.;;4.et�.;�s.,y..• , __,.
<br /> . .�. ct .
<br /> (•Lender')of the ssme dato and caverfng the propertyr d9scrbed in tha 8ecurRyr fnstrument and Wcated ax �F�'"�"�`�'��`�
<br /> ..��.. .�.
<br />_ . i.;p_;:�;�, �;�,.•. r`
<br /> � (A►opeq Addntt� . r� , � --
<br /> In addiion to the caverwnts and eqraernents made b the Securtry Instrument, Borrower and lender turth� covenani �nd aprae to art�+d .t.� ' • � �-
<br /> � PeraprapA 17 ot the UnHorm Mortgage Fortn, entitied 'Transfer of the PropeRy as a Benetfoiat tnterest h Bortower'as by addhg ndd'Rb�N .� _ .� - �
<br /> qrounds for acceteratton as foNows: � �� —
<br /> , Lender, or sucb of Rs successors or assipns as may be soparate hsbument assume cesponsibitny for assurin� complfu�ce by the � �� °=''��'��'���
<br /> Borrower wkh the prov�sbns of this Tex-Exempt Flnancinp Rlder, may require immediete payment in fu0 0} all suma secured by this • �
<br /> Secunty Instrument H: '. .
<br /> (a) Ad or part of the Property b Sold or otherwise transterred by Bortower to a purchaser or other transfer�a; _ .
<br /> (q Who cannot reasonaby be eo�ected to occupy the property as a princpal residence wkhin a reasonabl�timo eRe�the �. . ' �
<br /> s4te a vanster,all ae provmed h Sectbn t43(c)and(I)(2)of Ne Intemal Revenue Cods;or . . _ �.�
<br /> �- (i� Who has had a present ownership intecast In a pnc�pal residance duHnp any paA of the 4hreayear perbd endinp on the . : . . � �� � ^��
<br /> dafe of the sate or Oansfer, a11 as provided in Sectbn 113(d) and (q(2j ot the Intemal Fieuenue Code (mccept that •100 percen!' .
<br /> shap be subst�uted tar'35 O�eet or more'where the Iatter appeeis in Sectbn 143(dx1);or � " . � '�
<br /> � (�I)At an acquisklon coat whlch Is qreater than the mau�num Ilmits estabitshed by tho Nobraska Investment Flnance Authon'!y � ' �. •
<br /> (the'AuthOrityr')in ConneCtfo.�wRh R9 Prapram,pursutlnt to whiCh Prapram this Securify Instrument is finenCed;or . � • � , .
<br /> �.,..:,
<br />� (Iv) Who has a gross lamity income In wccess ot tAe maxfmum limtts established by the Author�yr in connection with as • . ' �
<br /> Prapram; or . —
<br /> Ot t51Y08.� NIFA 2/80 �
<br /> F1878.L�0(11/86) P�ps 1 01 2 . —
<br /> . �'
<br /> ... :� �. ---_-'=-_ f� .
<br /> � 680 �� - �'�
<br /> i . -- . .—. , '
<br /> - .. - � _ . .. .. ` . . � _ . - � . .
<br /> . . . .� �� . t- . . , . , . - _.
<br /> •. `.� . ' - -�• . �. .
<br /> .
<br /> .i• .. , •. .. . ' . _ - ' - . . , .
<br /> -� - • - . _ �r. ' � , ' _ �. -
<br /> , � ' ,1 �y ', ? i ti
<br /> ' .. . . . . . ... . , ... . , . . . . � . • .. . ` _ . - •A.w. . . . .. i • .._ • i . � . . .
<br />