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<br /> ------!`_�I.�n__^rn�t�__ _�___��fz��'��%��='---- Hall County. ��
<br /> l here6y cert�fy that this instrument was ent red on Numerical lndex, and filed for Rsoord
<br /> ------------------------ ------- �---------------- -- -----------•-- -------------. this.�---------`-f-=---=----d�y �f--------�--f-G��� _19�!-�, at---�----- 'cloek�_M.
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<br /> unto #he said--------------------- - - -- - --- - - ----Z�--- - ---.--- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------the following�- ,
<br /> , descri6ed premises, situated in e County of Nall, and ate of Nebraska, to wit: . � -
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<br /> � �r_ _/✓ ---- �-�_�•Jv�-��-�_l_-�-----.a.f, in, or to.the.same, or any part thereof,. '
<br /> whatsoeuer of the said______I_rl.�eY��__�------���-�---�-----.
<br /> �
<br /> T0 HAI/E AND TO HOLD the aboue-described preinlses, with the appurtenances, unto the said_______________________________-------------�--_------------_------ '
<br /> � � _ ___heirs and aesi ns oreuer. And '
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<br /> that they are free and clear of alI liens and incumbranees whatsoeuer�.����,.o, ' �
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<br /> And---,�`-�-------eouenant to warrant and defend the said premises agai.nst t6e lawfu! elaima of a!/ persona tt�homsaeuer,-����
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<br /> ---=------�°�__d�------------County. On this.-----------�-�-`'-----;,:---------------------day �.f------- - ---- �-�/-�------------------A.D., 18o d__,..befpre me, ,�
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<br /> 3
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<br /> to me personalty bnown to be,the identi�a! person;Q whose name%L__r_�__li-�__=__------ a,,�`'ixed to the above instrument aa gran:tor�._.and s�►erally a�knoutledgrsd; � ;�
<br /> . .-E. ��
<br /> f _uotuntary act and• deed for.the parpose therein. expressed. �
<br /> the exeoution o the same to 6e._.4�z�_ __-- - ,, ' .
<br /> _ .,�
<br /> Xn 't�tttttes� '�tAbereof, l haue hereuntv subaeribed my nam.e a�a`d:a„�'+xsd .my o,�"raial-seal, at__���s 1.r.���_���----- ---�
<br /> on the date tast abooe written. 4`
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