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<br /> FROM • �be �+tate of �lebraska,
<br /> � /,�� � � � ��s.
<br /> �Q � ---- HaU County.
<br /> ---�G�7�"�--_C�t_/__--�,2��c-('�'----------------------------------
<br /> , , l hereby oertifd#hat this inatrument was entered on Numerioal lndex, and filed for Record
<br /> this.-------f-`��-_,�G�------day �f----- ------ �=�- .�
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<br /> whatsosuer of the �aid_���.��_o_-���.��--- -�%�-------------------------------------------- -
<br /> � - -----nf, in, or to the aame, or any part ttker�,f.
<br /> TU -HAUE AAID TO HOLD the a6oue-deacr/bed premiaes, ru�th the agpurts�ranaea, untA tJ�e aaid:_�?-.��.��__.�-----------------�___�---:----------------
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<br /> th+rzt.----j�-_f---_---hold said pre»9�1aes 6y good an�l �erjeet tifle; #l�ai#---��-------haar_� grood rigl�t a�d,lautfai arrtho�tit� tp ee/J un�/ eonuey the ��t�;
<br /> that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeuer. �n.��� a .e��Gon. °..°,�,,.,;�� � �
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<br /> �-��,�._��___---.A.!!., 19.Q.�., before me,
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<br />` �he-e��.of the same to 6e----���--uoluntarr� ��# aud �;�`'�or �e.p�ur�sed�ir� e.�rasaeaf :
<br /> � . . .
<br /> e -°— #n �itness '�lbexeof, / haue bereurrta au:�eo� ►�g� »�a�re �eri�t �„�q'i� n� o�aial �at, ttt._.n'L�./.���^~:.�'2t�.r_.%_�_..--------------.
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<br /> i on the date last a6oue written. ^
<br /> E . . ., � , : h -----------------------�-=---�-r--m��v-------------------------IVt�tary Puhliv.
<br /> tMy commission exp�res----�--��-------�fc---°--`�----------------------- .. .
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