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, �. <br /> .},:, <br /> 03-241897 DEED OF TRllST Pa�e 2 �_` <br /> �.oa� �o aatx� (Cor�tlnued) �7- 1G?24� -- <br /> atvned by Tngtor.8rt4 now or hereafter 8ltached or effl�ced to tha Re31 Property:tOqether wHh ali 8ocess�ons,psrts,and BCdltlons to,sil v' <br /> repiacements ot,esid aA substitutlons tOr,erry of such properlY:and toaether with a1l P�oCeeds (�ndudinp wfthout Ilmitanon eD Insurar�ce j� <br /> proceeds and retunQS of premlums)trom arry saie ar omer d'apvs�vai,v�.°�o ww''•Y• <br /> Property. Tha word'Property'means conecfivery tha Reat Property and ths Persortsi Propeiry. ;: <br /> Re�l FropeRy Tha words'Reai Pro9erty'mesn the property,interosts and rtghts dssixibed above in the'Canveyance and Grant'secflon_ . � <br /> Reiated pocumenis. The words'Retated Oacuments•msan and ir.duds without i3mttaUon all promLssory notes. credit agreements, toan <br /> egreeme�ls.environmenlai agreemertts.9uaranteas.securitY a9reemenb.moAga4eA deeds of Mut.and e!I other insb'umen�,agr&ements and -- <br /> documents,whether now or hereafter wdstlny,exBCttted In con�eCtion vrilh the Indeb�dnass . _ <br /> Rents. The word�te�s'means all pr�eM and(uture rents,revanues.�ncoms.Issues,royattles,profits,and other benefits der(ved Uom the <br /> ProPeAY• <br /> Tntstee.The word"Tnistee'means iJiVffED NEBRASKA BAN3t and any Sututihtt8 or suo�ssor hustess. <br /> Tn�stor. The word°TrustoP means any an�eil persons and entities executing this Qeed of Trust,including wtthout limitati9n eli Trustors nemed <br /> above. . <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST. INCUJaING THE AS.RICa!lNiENT OF RENTS AND TF� SEl�1RiTY !!dT$i��AFM AZlD ALL OBLIGA ON�S OF � � <br /> PFiOPERTY.(8 GfYEH TO SECIiitE (1)PAYPA@IY OIF TKE IND�AN� �1��� • <br /> TR1J$TOR Ifl�u�EFa►et iiuit,ittE eviAT�'ii a'itfa"i.ii�+�'^':5..�T!£'�'.}�Er.!��ld�T. TiAS OEED OF TIi1�T IS GIV�1 A!�ACCFFTED _ <br /> a+t�wLLOwi�o r��ws: . . : <br /> PAYNIEN'f AMD P�CFiFOR11AANCE. Exceyt as otherx�tse ProHded tn this Oaed of Trwrt,Twtor shail pay to Lender�II 8mou�s secured by tiils Deed ; . . , <br /> of Trust es they beco:ne due,and shall stricdy and in a timety mannar peAortn elt ot Trusto�s obtigatians under the Note,Ws Deed af Tn�st,8nd the i . <br /> Reiated Documents. f � � <br /> POSSESSIGH AND M/UN7EPlANCE OF 7f£PROPERTY. Trustor&grees that Trustor's passessian and ose u1 tttie?�'.,�tY 5l�t!!bs SO�med by : - _ . r <br /> � <br /> the tonowtng prov{stons: - <br /> pbsMSS�pn and Usa. Untii the oCCUrrence of an Event ot Defauft,Trustu maY (a)rertwln in poss�ssion and control of the PropertY. N)�. r , �'. <br /> pperats or manage the Propertlr.and (c)cottect any R�nts from the R'operty. I " i <br /> Dutyl to Maintaln. Trustor sheit ma(ntain the Property in tenanffible condrtlon and prompSly peAorm ail reP�.�D►�����d maintenance i <br /> necessary to preserve i�vatue. : <br /> WztrGous SuDsfar�as. The tartns'he�rdous weste:'hazardous substanaa."disPosal;'tetease.'and'thwatened retea.�as used in this � . �: •-K.- <br /> Daed of Tnist,shalt Aave tha same meaninQs es set foRh in the Comprehensive Envh'onmentel Response.CompensaSon,end LIa�Bity Ad of j :�,._. <br /> ' emended,42 U.S.C.Sedion 9601,et seq.(`CERCLA'��the SuPeitund Amendmanis and ReauthorY�aUon Act of tE86.Pub.L No. � t;�_ <br /> • gg..4gg('SARA',the Ha�ardous Materiats Transportatfon AG,49 US.C.SecHon 1801,et seq„the Reso�e ConservaUon and Recovery Act, •� n; <br /> e <br /> 42 U.S.C.Sedion 6901,et seq.,or ather appllcubte state w Federal laws.rutes.or reyu►atlons adopted pursuant to anyr of the torepdnp. The _ • <br /> terms'harardous waste'and'ha�rdous substance'sha�atso indude.w�thout qmitatlan,petroieum and petroieum by-proEucls or arry trar.Uon f:•;--��i' <br /> thereot end asbestos. Tnistor represents aod warrants to Lender that (e)Durinp the perlod of Trustors ownersl�p of ttw Prape+ty.there h9s i . �. <br /> been no use.9enetaUon.manulacture,storaya.treatment,dtsposat�retease or threatened reteace of eny hazardous waste or s�bY g+�Y f . • <br /> peaon an,under,about a trom the PrapertY: (b)Tnisto�has no knowtadge of,or reason to beAave thal there has been,�ccept as previousllr � <br /> disclosed to and adcnawledped by Lender in wr(Ung, (�any uss.QeneraUon,manutacture.stosa0e.ttealme�l.dis0osai+release•a���e�ed � , � <br /> tetease of erry hazardous weste or substance on,under,about or irom tha PruDeAY by ar►y pdor owners or occupants at the Property or (i�ar►Y ; , �.. � . <br /> actuot or threatened Crtipatlon or dafms ot a�ryr kind by any person relating to such matters;and (c)Exoepl as prevlauslY d�dosed to and � . <br /> adcnowiedped by Lender,in wr(Uny, (q naither Trustor nw any tenant,corttractor,a4snt ar otfier authot(zed user of the Prope►ty stwll use, , <br /> . gonerate,manutacture,store,trea�dtspose of,or release any hamrdous waste a substance on,under,about or hom the Properly aad (it)anY �,� <br /> such activfty shatl be conduded in comptiance witA all appl'�cable federal.sfate.and�ocal taws•ragu�aUons nnd ordlnaroes,indudinp w(thout . �� <br /> IlmitaUOn those laws,reputatlons,and ordinances desaibsd above. Trusta authorf�s Lender and its ayents to entet upon the Property to , <br /> • � <br /> � make such inspections and tes�,at Tnuta�s e�e� Lender may deem aAProDriate to detarMna ComDYanoe of the PraPertY with this ;;����;� - <br /> seCdon of the De9d of Tnist My inspecUons or tests made by Lsnder Shall be far Lende�s purPoses oNy and shail not be wr�tru�d to craaie . � ,• ..,� <br /> i 8�y�aspor�sibiliily ar Babi&ty on the part o!Landar ta Tn�stor ar to arry other person. Th�ropcasentaSians Qnd wamnUes contalrod herain are , <br /> based on Tt�ut�s due d�Dpence in InvestlynUrp the Property for ha�ardous waste and hezardous subsfanoes.Tnatar hereby (a)reteesas and `�.;.�_=Q <br /> au <br /> � waly�;any{utu�e daims ayatnst Lender fa indemnity a conMbution in th0 event Trusta becomes f+oble for doanup or other�under arry . , .yc�_ <br /> sucPi Iaws,and (b)ayrees to indamNfy and hdd harm►ess Lender flpainst a►►Y and all dalms, losses,tiab(Gttos,damapo9, p�nalt(es.and • <br /> a� <br /> expenses which Lender may dUeetly or indirecdy susfain a sutler resuHinp irom a breach ol tt�is aection of tYw Deed af Tnest a es a � '��•.?�`- <br /> conse9uence of any usa.qenaratlon.manuhcfixe.stora9e.d�sPosol.�aioaso or ttvaatarwd re'ease occurtlnY Pdor to Tn�tars ownership or �•: .. -'• .---a <br /> infwasi ln ttw Ptoparty,whether a not the same was ot shoutd hnve been knv+vn to Ttusia.The Pm���this sacUon of ttw Cfeed ot Tnut, . <br /> Indudiny the ob�qatlon to Indemnify,shail suMve the payment of the Indebtedn9ss and the sa�sfadlo+i and recomreynnco of tha Yon of tfift � ' �: � <br /> Deed ot Tnist and shail not be affected by lendors aequlsitlon of arry fntgrest In ihe Properly,whethar by(onctasura o►otherwise. i . ;. . • <br /> N�,Wafte. Trustor sheU not cause,conduct or permit any nu�'anco nor commit,permlt,or suffer any s6�Diny o!u was�e on ar to the • <br /> • Property or any paUOn of the Property. W(thoul IimiUnp the yeneretiirel a rodc p�rodaik wl�thoul the'pdor writ�en con�sent ot Len��Pe�f�� � ' �.F� � �• <br /> � AyM to temove.any 8mber.minerats pnduding al and qas),soA,�ra . <br /> . ; Removal of Improvements. Trwtor she(I not demdish or remove arry Improvemenb from the Fieai PropeRyr w�1hoN the pdor wrttten consent ' . <br /> he <br /> ! c1 Lendor, As a condiHon to the remaval of arry Improvements,Lender may requke Tnistor to make ertanyartwnb salEstactaY to lendor to . <br /> ,.,,,_... <br /> � replaoe sueh Improvements with Improvemeets of af least equai value. <br /> �erWepi pi�ry!Qp E,nter. Lender and ib asenffi and representat(ves rr�y enter upon the Real Propetty nt aU taasonabl0 Umes to altenA to <br /> i Lenders Interests and to Inspect the Properly for pwposes of Tn�stars compltance with ihe terms and conditlons of thb Deed ot Tn�st • <br /> ! CflmWtsice wllh�iovemmenLl Requtnmenta. Tnuta shaD Pro+nDHY�omPN wfth sU laws.ordfnanoes.and reSulaUons.naw or heraaR�in <br /> effec�of all qovemmente!aulhoritles eppilrabte to the use or occupsrwy of the Propwty. Tnuta maY confast In pmod laith any sueh taw, <br /> � ordinance,or reputaUon end wilhhdd comp9ance dudnp any prooeedirp.Indudinp appropdate appea►s,so�onp as Ttusta has notlfled Lender <br /> � Trust M Post a�de�iva�e secu ty a a surery Don�essonabty saUsfact�gLender,�to protect Len�s nnterasL�u�aed. Lender may requke . <br /> ! �forth�abov�e In his sectlon whlCh hom the Cnharaciet 8nd use o!the�operty a,'e�eas �bN��ry o Protectacand p�reserve tta ProportY. . <br /> � pUE pp gALE-CONSENT BY LFJiDFA. Lendw may,at ib opUon,dec�are Immedlatery due and payebb all sums secured by thb Deed of Trust • . <br /> upon the sata a transfer.wNhout the Lenders Prlor written consen�01 a1 a any Part ot the Rsol Propsdy.a�nY Interest In ths Ra�l Prapaly. A 1. <br /> '�,at¢or trar�sfer'mecns the conveyanca of Rea!Propartl►or any ripht,title a Interest thereFn;whether Ispal.ber�eticiot or eQuNabk:whHhx votunLry � <br /> . or invduntary;whether by outripht sele.deed.i�ta.Yment sale contract,lend contract,eonVac!for Qe_d.l�shofd interest wtth a term griwtar llwn I _- <br /> . three(3)year�,teas�dP�on wntract,a by se�e.esslpnment,or transfer of any beneHCle1 Uterest In or ta any Innd tr�r31 hotdlnp titl�to the Reel - <br /> PropeAy,w by any other method of conveyar�ce of Real Property interesL If any Trusta Is a caporaUOn,partr�shiP o►BmHed YabUity camAanY• <br /> com�rry�in�t�b,esthe c e maY be o Tn�sta. Ho evern,hisno�ptta sh�8fl ot�be%�icercttsed by�le�It suca h�exer�clse�proh bited by fede a � f <br /> ' law a by Nebraske 18w. � <br /> I <br /> TAXES AND LIF?lS.TAe foilowlnp provisiens refaUng to the teues and liens on the Properly are a part of this Oeed of TrusL = <br /> � Paym�M. Tnutor shNl pay when due(and In ell events prla to deUnquerwy)all taxes.spectat te�cos,asscassments,cherQes pncludiny watet ; <br /> • and sewer),flnes and imposlUOns levied asalnst a on account of tha Propusty.and shell pay whon du9 ell dalrro tor waAc done on or tor = <br /> ssrvkes randaed or matsrtnl tumishsd to the PropeAy. Trusta shaU malnfnin the Property Bee of eil Ilens havlrp priorNy over w equal to tAe <br /> interest of Lender under lhis Deed of Trust,except for tho Ilon o}taxes and esse�'.smenLs not due,exoept for the e�dsllng Indebtedness retered <br /> to below,and exoept 0.a otherwlse provfded in this DeeO ot Trust - <br /> Ri�3 To Coatetf. Trustor may w(thhotd payment of any tex,essessment,or ctalm in connecUon with e yood faith Q}spllte over ttw obNpatlon �_ <br /> to pay,so tong ac Lender's interest in the Property is not)aopardlzed. If e uen erfses or is fiied as a result of nonpayment,Tnistor shall w��hin _ <br /> fifteen(15)days after the tlen arises or,if a Iten ts fi{ed,within fifteen(t5)days aBer Trustor has noUcci of ths fiiinp,sccuro tho dtschargo ot ihs • <br /> Ilen,or it requ�tod by LonQer,deposit with Lender cash or a su(flckmt corporate surety bond a other security saUSfactory to Lender in an _ <br /> amount sufflcieM to dlscharge the Hen plus eny costs and ettomeys taes a other charges thal could aoauo as e resu8 of a torectosure or sale , <br /> under the tien. In eny contest,Tnista shall detend itself and Londer an0 shait saUsfyr eny adverse Judgment betore enforcem9nl egalnst the <br /> �t i:.-. .- - . _'�� <br /> � � . . .. <br /> . �. • +. . • . � ,. • <br /> . : . •. ' . , .. ' • . � . . . .', _. � . .. • . ' . :�.� . . . .. ' ,. ' ' '. <br /> .., ' ' . � ' . . ' - ' ., . . ' ' . . '` � . <br /> .. . , .. �- .. � . .. , . . . . . . . . . . • . . � . . �. • • .. ' . . . . <br />