. . . ___ .. _ , __ __ __ .. . . . -:
<br /> . .. .. . . . .. , _
<br /> . ` ; .��.�__ o — - _. - -- � r. ��1�el�d� � ! ' . .� � .�
<br /> � < ' i` `R�:
<br /> prinapal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Desd of Tnist,not induding sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed of ' ' � '
<br /> - � T���,o;,�the or���al prindpa�amount stated herein.or$ 3�1r 000 00 ,whichever is greater. - - , l _,eR"�
<br /> � - - �
<br /> � 16.NAt�celtancoua Pravi�lo�a. • . � -
<br /> (a)Borrowrer Not Roteased.Extension oT the time for payment or modification ot amortization of tfie sums secured by this `
<br />, � Deed ot 1 nisc granteu bq�o;�::%3::i°•""'°� ,±^.Enrc+rs,cr ryt Rprrr,wer shatl not operdte to release,in any manner,the liabili- �__ ,f._�_� __ -,
<br /> - � - �g�,..�Wp.ar,�f Rnrmwers successors in interest Lender shail not be required to commen:s proceetlings . -j_
<br /> . � iy Gi u�o vi�y^:.^..^.. —-- _
<br /> � agai�st such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or othervuise madify amortization of tne sums seeura�i uy��is
<br /> ` � Deed of Trust by reason of any demands made by the original Borrower and Borrowers saocessors in interest ��
<br /> ! (b)Lender's Pox�rs.Without affeding the liabitity of any other persan liabte for tho payment of any obligabon here'rn men-
<br /> � 1 tioned,and withaut affecdng the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore __
<br /> . � reieas9d as security for the ful!amouni of aIi unpaid obligaUons,Lender may,from 6me to time and without notice(i)release
<br /> any person so liable,(ii)exiend the maturity or alter any of the terms af any such obligations.(iii)grant other indulgences,(iv)
<br /> , : � release or reconvey, or cause to he reteased or reconveyed at any time at Lenders option amr parcel, poraan or a!1 af the � .
<br /> - Property.(v}take w releass any other or additional security for any abligation herein mentioned,or(vi)make compositions or _ _
<br /> " � other artangements with debtors in retation thsreto. ; , •
<br /> (c)For�earance by(.ender Not a Wahrsr.Any fort�earance by Lender in exercising any nght or remedy hereunder.or oth- � •
<br /> i ervsrise afforded by appliqble law,shall not be a waiver of or preduda the exeroise of any such right or remedy.The procure- y
<br /> ment of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender shall not be a waivar or Lenders right to acceler- , ` ; �
<br /> ate the maturity of the intiebtedness secured by this Deed of rrust '.:.`•_'�':";
<br /> - ° (iy o��.aasar a�!Asstgsea�sr.s3;.!asst 2.n�Sgywr2l�tabllky;Captlans.The covenants and agreements herein con- _ _T_ - - -.•'
<br /> " tained sfiatl bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to,ths resPBCtive sucx,essors and assigns of Lertder and Trustor.M T �,�;,K;,,�.�.?'j�-
<br /> covenanis and agreements of Trustor shall be Joint and several.The capt3ons and headings of the paragraphs of this Oeed of • .•_. .
<br /> :���-� Trust are for convenisnce only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. of an notice � • � � ""'"R
<br /> (e)Request tor Notices.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice of detault hereunder and a wpy y ♦ .
<br /> � ot sale hereunder be np!ad to°acts pari;L�ihis De�of Tn�st at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed bY _
<br /> _ app►ipbte la+rr_Except for any other notice required under applicabte law to bs given in another manner,any notice provitied for .", ��
<br /> in this Deed of Trust shatl be given by mailing such no6ce by ceAified mail addressed to the other paRies,at the address set � � -, " ••
<br /> � forth above.My notice r.ruvided for in this Deed of Tnist shaU be effective upon malting in the mannar designated herein.If { . .;;,�_„_�s�
<br /> � Trustor is more than one person,no6ce sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to aU such persons. ��d� , , ::_ :•,�
<br /> 'L (�tnapectian.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspecUons of the Property,p :�„�`,��*T;;:_
<br /> r.�`.: that Lender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspedion specitying reasonabte cause therefor related tn Lenders inter- ' . ,.� s=
<br /> est in the Properry• - .. �:�= . ``- - __
<br /> (g)Reconveyanee.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Tnist.Lender shall requsst Trustee to reoonvey the �;,�,�;;�,F -_
<br /> ' � , Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and aIl notes evidencing indebte8ness secured by this Deed of Trust to * .��y�
<br /> Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Proparty, without warranty and without charge to tha person or persons legally entibed � � �. :
<br /> � thereto.Tn�stor shall pay all cosLs of recordaUon,if any. ��j-' f
<br /> � ' ' {h)Personal Property: Secuifty Agreemeat As addibonal security for the payment of the Note,ttustor hereby granfs .:'�.�-�:. : ;;__-
<br /> � Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security Interest in alI fixtures,equipment,and oiher personal property , ;Y..-• ,�.. �
<br /> used in wnnec6on with the real estate or improvements lacated thereon,and not otheTwtse deGared or deemed tP be a part of ;
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This insdument shalt be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code,and the Lender ,�� ' ,.. L
<br /> shall have all the�ighLs and remedies of a secured paRy under said Code in additlon to the rights and remedies created under ,���: .,,� .,
<br /> and ac;corded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed of TrusK:provided that Lendet's rights and remedies under thls paragraph shall
<br /> be cumu la 6ve w i t h,an d i n n o w a y a l i m i t a tl o n o n,L e n d e r s r l g h t s a n d r e m e d i e s u nder an y other secu r i t y a9reement sigrted by •-•���,;? ;;
<br /> . Borrower or Trustor. •'., ' �`:.'� .
<br /> � • (�Uens and E�cumbranees.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there Is no default under the provisions of any r ,
<br /> • � moRgage,desd of Uust,�ease or purehase contrad describing a11 or any part of the Property,or ather contrad,Instrument or � �,.: �zaE -
<br /> agreemeni constituting a lien or encumbrance against aII or any part of the Property(collectivety.°Uens"),exisUng as ot fhe �••,�;� . � ';,
<br /> � • date of this Deed of Tn�st,and tfiat any and all existing Lfens remain unmodifted except as disctosed to Lender in Trustors writ - , j c ' __
<br /> � ten disclosure of liens and encumbrances provided for herein. Trustor shall timely perform all of Trustofs obttgattons, ���:;��, � _;: .i.�.�
<br /> � covenants,representaUons and warranUes under any and all exisUng and future Liens,shatl prompty forward W Lender copias '". :, . ..~•-.,�,_:•.
<br /> • of all no;loas of defautt sent in connectlon wlth any and all existing or future Liens,and shall not without Lenders prior written :. ��I►+,.'� '�''
<br /> � consent in any manner modi(y the provisions o1 or allow any future advances under any exisUng or fuUue liens. �: ,,, �.l-�___��
<br /> ,. . r.,
<br /> �: Q)Apptlqtlon ot Payments.Untess otherwlse required by law.sums pald to Lender hereunder,inGuding without IimltaUon : ^�,.,�i'
<br /> payments oi Frincipal and Interest, insurance proceeds.condemnaUon proceeds and rents and profits,shall be applied by � '�_� . •. -. .
<br /> Lender W the amounts dua and owing f�om Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender in iis sole discretlon deems desir- �"`"';:,;-�����.�
<br /> abte. ����
<br /> �. �+.!
<br /> (k)Sevarabltlty.li any provtslon o!thls Deed oi Trust oonfllcts wtth appllqbla law or Is dectarecf Invalid ar othe►wtse unen- �#.;r_;���:- �
<br /> � forceable,such conflict or invalidlty sha8 not aftect the offier provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can be givan . ___,_�� _
<br /> ., effect without the conflicting provision,and to thls end the provislons of this Deed oi Trust and the Note are dedared to be sev- � ,,r �,�.M�___ --
<br />,. � e►able. � .' _':i?�•
<br /> � (I)Terms.The terms'Trustor"and'Borrower shall include both singutar and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower are ^��A�,:;�,:
<br /> the same person{s),those terms as used in thls Deed ot Trust shall be interchangeable. ' �-�--� �
<br /> �,���«�.A:�'.'�_-
<br /> (m)Goveming Law.This Oeed o!Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State oi Nabraska. ��: _
<br /> ; -,.. . _ .��a-
<br /> . .. , , - f_�
<br /> t. :�
<br /> Tnistor has e ecuted this Deed ai Trust as oi the date written above. �
<br /> . . -
<br /> • . • �'.
<br /> � TrusWr Trustor , �
<br />� evin L. Lockhart --
<br /> .. . r�-
<br /> Trustor Trustor , ' � . •
<br />- ' V. . . - ' ��.��
<br /> � . . . � �.
<br /> • �n�
<br /> . � . • � �`..
<br /> 7
<br /> . , __� _ .:_:__....:.._. . �,�.
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<br /> , ` __ . _ . . : . .. � y - `� _y.� .. � �_ - ��, .
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