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<br /> .________�__ ___.a_- -:.. . . . . . . . . .., ,.� . � � �.
<br /> ; � e � � , : . ,a
<br />� �.�d�r�3a� . .�+
<br /> prinapal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Desd of Tnist,not including sums advanced to proted the security of this Deed of t i ; -
<br /> Trust,exceed the originai prinapal amount stated harein,or$ 2a��-00 ,whichever is gr�ater. .,<,
<br /> 16.Misceilaneous Provis(ons. ' . ' .r�
<br /> (a)Borrower Not Reieased.Extension of the time for payment or madification of amortization of the sums secured bY this ;;' . ..,,._
<br /> _= � �--•- � � --
<br /> Deed of Trusc grantea oy Lenac� w any suCCEasa�In ir�'a�"=a�Soss�'�'�S'��'"^t�F°`arw tn retease.in any manner,the Uabili- � =��_ _ ' �4
<br /> - j ry of the originai Borrawer and 'norrownr's�uw����z�,_�. ���-•���" "•�hQ s`-"�'-�irced tn commence D��ings C — - ; — _
<br /> � against such successor or refuse to extend 6me for payment or otherwise mod'rfy amortiration of the sums secured by this , �,.; _
<br /> Deed of Trust by reason of any demands made by the original Bortower and Borrowers successors in interest
<br /> (bJ Lender's Powers.'�thout affecting the liability of any other person liable for the payment of any obligation herein rten- . . ,��
<br /> . :� tioned,and without affecting the lien or charge of ffiis Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or Meretofore , _,,;;�
<br /> released as secu ri t y for t he f u l t am ou n t o f a i l u n p a i d a b l i g a t i o n s.L e n d e r m a y,from time to time and without notice(i)release ��
<br /> any person so liable.(i�extend the maturity or after any of the tertns of any such obiigaGons,(iii)grant other indulgences,(iv) ,
<br /> retease or reconvey,or cause to be released or reoonveyed at any Ume at Lenders opUon any parcel,portion or aii of tlte ___
<br /> Property,(v}take or rel8ase any oiher or additional securtty for any obligation herein me��tioned,or(vi)make compositions or ' . �a�
<br /> oiher arrangements with debtors in rela6on thereto. � "
<br /> (c)Porbearance by Lender Not a Waiver.Any forbearanoe by Lender in exerasing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- , , ` � _
<br /> erwise affarded by applicabte law,sfialt not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise af any such right or remedy.The procure- , �
<br /> . ment of insurance or the payrnent of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shalt not be a waiver or Lenders right to acceler- t�
<br /> ate the maturity af the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust , . � ?::°.
<br /> -�' j (�Suc�essors and dssigns isaund;Joirri ar�d Sevsra!:.lab�lir;:��Sties�=-Ths covenarns and agreements heretn con- ,-- . �__-f�
<br /> rained shall bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Tnistor.All s ',_�
<br /> covenants and agreements of Trustor shall be joint and several.The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of ,
<br /> - Tnut are for convenience only and are not to be used W interpret or define the provisions hereof. ' . ;:.�' � t=�
<br /> (e)Request fer Ptotfces.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy of any noUce .�"��r=�� °
<br /> � of Sale hereunder be maiied io each parfy to tt►�s fl�e d a�Y s u�t y�t��d���`-'t forth above in the manner presCribed by _ _ :��,�;�,, ��
<br /> � appliqble taw.Except for any other notice required under applicable taw to be given in another manner,any notice provided for .T' r�•:._ �
<br /> in this Deed of Trust shali be given by mailing such natice by certified mait addressed to the other parties,at the address sei �;-.,_ ., ,•
<br /> ,.�n,-��s,r—
<br /> forth above.Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be effective upon mailing in the manner des�gnated herein.If ,.�'w ,�`
<br /> Trostor is more than one person,Rotice sent to the address sei forth above sha11 be notice to a!1 such persons. �-,�
<br /> , (�Isspection.L$nder may make or quse to be made reasonable entries upon and inspedions oi the Property,provided . : • .�-�e
<br /> that Lender shall giva Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonabte cause tfierefor retated to Lenders inter- Y.. =,�: '
<br /> L_.•..L'
<br /> est in the Property. , •'°,� _ "
<br /> (g)Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee W reconvey tfie �__•-==
<br /> ' P�operty and shall surrendet this Deed of Ttust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to � "� �
<br /> � Trustee.Trustee shall reconvay the Property,without warranty and withaut charge to the person or persans legally entlUed •�•`:. :•, --
<br /> ,4 , •'�:.
<br /> • thereto.Tnistor shall pay all costs of recordation,ii any. ''-�� ��'
<br /> �. '��`� :
<br /> (h) Personal Property;Security Agreement As addiUonal security for the payment of the Note.Trustor hereby gran[s . , .
<br /> Lender undet the Nebraska Unifnrm Commercial Code a security interest in all fixtures.equipment,and other personat propeAy =
<br /> used in connec6on with the real estate or improvements Incated thereon,and not oiherwise deGared or deemed to be a part of , f � y ,:'.
<br /> the real estate secured heraby.This instrument shall be construed as a Security Agreemant under said Code,and the Lender ,. ,.,�;�.
<br /> shall have all the dghts and remedies of a secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and remedies c�ated under _-�, s , �;:
<br /> and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trus�provided that Lende�s rights and remedies under this pardgraph shall
<br /> ._M.
<br /> � be cumulative with,and in no way a IimitaUon on,Londers rights and remedies under any other security agreement signed by � ,: ��y, ;�
<br /> • Bottower or Tnutor. ��•
<br /> (i)Ltens and Enwmbrances.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions of any , ',t�`�� .;{ r_
<br /> � � mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of the Property,or other contra.x,instrument or � �.eC
<br /> agreement consUtuUng a lien or encumbrance against aIl or any part of the Properry(collectively,"Liens'),exlsting as of the � •,. �;
<br />� � date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all existing Uens rema�n unmod�ed except as disclosed to Lender in Trustors writ �;,,; : �. `•
<br /> ten disclosure of liens and encumbrances provlded for herein. Trustor shall timely perform all of 7rostofs obligations, -;:'�
<br /> '� '��=
<br /> � covertants,represeDtaddops and warrdnUes under any and all existing and future Uens,shall prompUy fo�ward to Lender oopies ' �� . •.; �_
<br /> of aII noUces of default sent in connectlon wRh any and alI existing or future Liens,and shall not without Lender's prior written R,, . .,�f_
<br /> ' consent in any manner mod'rfy the provistons of or allow any future advances under any exlsting or future liens. ' , �; ,y.�.
<br /> • Q)Applicatlon of Payments.Unless othorwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inGuding without limttation ,;;, ;j���—_
<br /> � payments of pdnoipal and interest, insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceeds and renis and profits, shall be applied by �,�,�
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lendar in its sole discretlon deems dosir- ,__ . .
<br /> � abte. `` '�
<br /> (k)Ssverablt(ty.Ii any provislon of th(s Deed of Trust conflids with apptlpbte law or ls deCtared Invalid or otherwise unen- . ;�{.�. _
<br /> . � torceable,such conflid or invalidity shall not affect tha other provisions of this Daed of Trust or the Note which can be given _ _ -
<br /> effecY without the conflicting provision,and to this end tbe provisions of this Desd of Trust arxf the Note are declared to be sev- �`,``�� _r, .,
<br /> � erabte. ,�- �
<br /> (I)Tormss.Tho tertns'Trustor and'Bortower shall include both singular and plural,and when the Trusior and Borrower are , .-•�-- •'
<br /> the same person(s},those terms as used in thls Oeed ot Trust shalt be interchangeabte. ��`���'�"`-'�`�-- -
<br /> • (m)Gavemfng Law.This Oeed ai Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State ot Nebraska. ' � • ��� '�
<br /> :. . . asi.. _
<br /> . . . • �= �:.
<br /> Trustor has executed this Deed oi Trust as oi the date written above. .
<br /> ,�L-'-��(.�a �`r�-`-/�i�.��`X . , �, <.
<br /> Central Properties, Inc. TN�r Trustor
<br /> . � by: Richard Larson, President � � - --
<br /> ..___
<br /> � Trustor Trustor
<br /> . . � • ' �
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