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201109342 <br /> j . <br /> coutinue to pay to Lendcr thc amount of the separately desig�ated payments that were due when the <br /> insurance coverage ceaaed to be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these payatents as a <br /> �� non-refiindable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Tnsuranca Suc6 loss reserve shall be noo-refundable, . <br /> II notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is altimately paid in full,and Lepder shaq not be required to pay <br /> Borrower any interest or earninge on such loss reaerve.Lender can no longer require loss reserve paymeuts . <br /> , if Morlgage Insu�attce coverage(in t6e amouttt and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becomes available,is obtaiaed,and Lender requirea separately designated <br /> paymenis ioward t6e premiums for Mortgage Insurance.If Lepder required Mprtgsge Ihsurance as a <br /> conditiott of making the Loan and Borrower was reqaired to make separntely designated payments toward the <br /> premiums far Mortgage Inswance,Borrower ahaU pay the premiutns required to maintain Mortgage <br /> ' Insurance in effect,or to provide a tton-refundable loss reserve,uutil Lender's requitement for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such <br /> terminatioa or until termination is required by Applicable Law.Nothing in this 5eetion!0 affects <br /> $orrower's obligation to pay intvest at the rate provided in t6e Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurance reimbiuses Lender(or any entity that purchasea the Note)for cetiain losaea it may incur <br /> if Boerower does not repay the Loan as agreed.Borrowtr is not a party to the Morlgage Insurance. <br /> Modgage insurera evaluate their total risk on all such insurance iu force from tiroe to time,end may enter <br /> I inta agreements with other parties that share or modify t6e'v risk,or reduce losses.These agreements are on <br /> terma end canditions that are satisfactory to t6e mortgage insurer and the other patty(or pacties)to ihese <br /> agreements.These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to make peyments using any source of funds <br /> that the mortgage iasurer may have available{which may iaclude fixuds obtaiaed&om Mortgage Insurancc <br /> premiums). <br /> As a result of these agreements,Lender,any purchaser of the Note,another inaiver,any reinsurer,any other <br /> i entiTy,or auy afftliate of any of the foregoing,may receive(directly or indirectly)amounts that derive Gom <br /> (or might be characterized as)a portioa of Bo�rower's paymeats for Mortgage Insuraneq ia exchange for <br /> sharing or modifying the morlgage insurer's risk,or reducing lossea.If such agreement providea that an <br /> af6liate of Lender takes a share of tho iasurer's risk in exchange for a sharo of t6e premiums paid to the . <br /> insurer,the anangemeat is often termed"captive reinsurance."Further: <br /> (a) Any anch agreemeots will not affect t6e amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay tor Mortgage <br /> Insurance,or any ot6er terms of the Loan.Such agreementa wiU aot increase the amount <br /> Borrower will owa for Mortgage Iusurance,and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. <br /> (b) Any auch agreements will oot atTect the rigLta Borrower Las-if any-with resQect to ti►e <br /> Mortgage Inaurance under the Homeowners Protecdon Act of 1998 or any other law.T6ese rights <br /> may inclnde tbe right to receive certain disclosnres,to request and obtAin cancellatioo of the <br /> Mortgage Ineurance,to have the Mortgage Insurance terminated auMmaticalYy,andlor to receive <br /> a reTund of any Mortgage Iasurance pretpiama that were uneamed at t6e Gme of sach <br /> cancella6oa or termination. <br /> 11. Assignmentof MiseallaneousPrcee6ds;Forteiture.Ap MisceUaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> iand shall 6o paid to Lender. <br /> If tLe Property ie damaged,such Miscellaneous Proceeds shaU be applied to resloratian or repair of the <br /> Property,if the restoratioo or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is oot lessened.During <br /> such repair and restoration period,Lender eLal!have the right to hold sach Miacellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lendet's <br /> NE8RA9KA-Sinpfe Familyfannie Mas�Freddie Mae UNIFORhA INSiRUMENT ��-�' Fam 3028 7/Ot <br /> VMP� ( VMP6{NE)i1106).OU <br /> -, woltaBKluwarFiiremiaiServicas . ��. Rnpa9of17 <br /> I <br />