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<br /> '_ ' ' ." _" .. .___'_._ " ' ,.. . � .- . . _ . _ . . ... : . _ —_ .
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<br /> _._ , . . .. — , .—.—' ' . ' . _ . . . . . . � . .. . � ' � � ... " ' 't'-' ___:- . ' -- "'- -.- —
<br /> "_'n ' * r . . . . . ` . ' . � . . ' ... . ' ' ' '__' ' ' ' —'`" �''— _ —.. _ — - . - ���_
<br /> �. .-� . . , ... . - . ' . , - .. .. . . . . . - ' ' _ ' ' � - . ; ` .
<br /> � . �.�r _
<br /> ' • . ' ' . . ._�.. _—
<br /> . - . .. . � . . '�.
<br /> � . . ' . 1�C'.
<br /> 9'7— �o��� -� : - �. �- -. - -�_
<br /> - incapacity of Principal of more than transitory nature � � ' 4°
<br /> manifestec3 by inability to attend to and manage normal and _ � �
<br /> � ordinary business and personal affaizs by reason of the �, � � �•
<br /> duration o= other chazacteristic of such status not factually " '�
<br /> ' conclusive or substantially indicative nor legally or ' .. ;,'.�.s ;� `
<br /> .� othezwise presumptive of the death of Principal, the lawful ' . • ��;:
<br /> � - or unlawful detention or xestrain of Principal, the ���i��t : � -
<br /> � , disabi2ity of Principa3 thzough mental oz physical illness or � . .
<br /> a other infirmity, or the incompetence of Principal through � - �' �,. .�_.��`�
<br /> lack of status ar by reason of any other cause so manifested �":�.��
<br />� or of any one or both of disability of P=incipal or ' . •: . _ ��,
<br /> - incapacity of Principal otherwise defined or detezmined � -
<br /> respectively by Sections 30-2209(a) and 2630(1) and by . � -�..r�
<br /> � Sections 30-2209(19) an8 2601(1), Reissue Revised Statutes of � _ '�
<br /> � Nebraska, 1943, as amended, and all other applicab2e � � • ;-.� "'"
<br /> � provision of the Nebraska Probate Code, as amended. � T �
<br /> :,��Y .-,
<br /> d. Signatuze: Agent is entitled at pzesent and at any . =-
<br /> time or from time to time to use within the scope of this • .�•. � _
<br /> instrument a form of signature comprised of the name of � . .;i ,;�.� �
<br /> ,_� Principal immediately followed by the autogzaphic signatuze .'• :�_• � ___
<br /> � of Agent and designation, "Agen t". ;,�= f �
<br /> e. ��nstrLCtion- As appropriate, convenient, or � _ ' `
<br /> _ Y:�.,.'�T�
<br /> necessary for construction of this instYUment, the use of any -` - - ;�,6-�.:::-
<br /> gender, number, ox tense is eguivalent to the use of and , '`c
<br /> i impozts respectively any one or more of the feminine, ..�.,•-.Y.�:
<br /> � masculine, and neuter genders, both of eithex of the plural _ �:: _
<br /> and sinqular numbers, and any one or more of the future, ,-��: ..
<br /> � past, and present tenses; and as a matter of convenience only :° �',�y.v:-
<br /> ._ � and not of substance, the division and subdivision of the .r
<br /> text of this instrument into separately lettere8, numbered, �``-'� `�� -
<br /> and titled parts have no relevance to its application or - �
<br /> construction. '�'�
<br /> ' . f. �Jvaliditv � sevezabilitv: The invalidly in � ` . . '�_
<br /> entirety or in particularity of application of any separate : �•-��+a�•T_��
<br /> :.,,� paxt or parts of this instxument does not invalidate any �_�: , � -
<br /> othe= pa�ct or parts to which validity may be accorded Y"P", ~ _. .��*�
<br /> .� practicably anc3 reason�bly in the absence of such entirely . �F-€' . • .'�
<br /> invalid part or parts or affect any other paxticular :;:;�:- , ��'�
<br /> application to which such paYt or pars may be pu�t; an8, as •� � �t�„�_,� _
<br /> appropriate, convenient, or necessary for the validity of .t•. � �:�.�
<br /> .•....<...... .�
<br /> this instYUment and the application of its parts, they are `�'.=�°=°', �•- ��
<br /> � and =emain to the fullest extent practic�ble independent of � . :'''`' �
<br /> . and severable fYOm each other. .. , - , _
<br /> .. �. .. . _.-
<br /> g. Oriyainal, Counternarts_ �, Co,R1es: Principal has ._ _
<br /> executed the original of this instrument and delivered it to . • � • ._.:
<br /> Agent for retention and has also executed and delivered to '
<br /> '�- Agent several counterparts of the original of this � �
<br /> � instYUment; and any person or persons dealing with Agent ls . : �' .R;
<br /> or axe entitled to rely upon conclusively and treat as the ,
<br /> executed original of this instrument �ny such executed ; . . . ���
<br /> ' ��
<br /> � �:�.
<br /> . . . . ' . . . . • ' • � ., �..
<br /> , . . �...
<br /> : ._. _:-.- . - .
<br /> - -,._----:-__ �--=---�--._...._..._. __.... ---._. _.. --..------ � __
<br /> . ' . � . �.�:.�.. ' ,, . - .--_ ,�.�.-�._
<br /> .---�-�-�-�:------�--- .--, . .
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