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<br /> `; POf�R OT� AifiORPiEY - - -- _ :`'�
<br />° �7� io���� . . .
<br />. RUBY M. MENDENHALL, . . .• , . ..Y�.-':� °
<br /> a dnmiciliary of Hall County, lvebraska, � �:• � � =�
<br /> • Principal, • � ,: �:.���,.
<br /> desi�ing and intendinq to establish a pre�en� c�u�able and - -- : --`-"�'=
<br /> - genezal power of attorney to remain effective throughout the . a.�:_�~__
<br /> potential event of disability and intending the authority and � ;�` r
<br /> power hereby conferred to be or become exercisable without ` ' �" - •-�
<br /> regazd to subsequent disaMlity or incapacity, does hereby • r,���`�-.�
<br /> appoint, constitute and clesignate �
<br /> � �
<br /> • KAREN M. 3TOBBE •- -� �
<br />• a domiciliary of Hall Caunty, Nebraska, �- '-�
<br /> Agent, . : ��`;�!�
<br /> • _ � - -
<br /> .,.� togethez with any delegate, substitute, or successor, the � .-
<br /> . lawful and true agent and attorney-in-fact for Principal and _ �',� � _�
<br /> � in the name and stead and to the use of Pzincipal, commencing � _. _-
<br /> at once and continuing throughout the duzation and without '��:�'"�� ''��:,'=
<br /> : : regard to the existence of any disability of Principal ?` �
<br /> hereafter begun, generally to execute, deliver, or otherwise '.� -
<br /> give leqal effect to any document, instrument, or other ';�.���� `
<br /> � paper, to acquire tzansf er, or otherwise deal with personal �,�'�"r�
<br /> . and zeal property or any interest therein whereve= located `";� '
<br /> � Nebraska or elsewhere, to make any 8ecision and omit or take �.��"•
<br /> _ .:: �.
<br /> any action without restriction except as herein expressly .
<br /> limited and stated as Principal might do in person while not � z�;;,,-:-
<br /> ' • under disability and othexwise to exercise all authority and '�'�-�-=�
<br /> � [.. power hereby conferred or created henceforth and without ..�-
<br /> . , ,.,.;.-,•. T
<br /> � reqard to �he comraencement or the contix�uation and existence . � .�_. ::� .;
<br /> + hereafter of any disability of Principal; and Principal does ri�-=
<br /> • hexeby further provide and stipulate in connection therewith �� �,��
<br /> �,� as follows: :����._
<br />.f j� 1. n�rabil itvs By this ir,strument, Principal czeates = ---- ___
<br /> ;:�� and establishes a c3urable and general powe� of attoYney upon .":-. `"�'�'"`
<br /> the following pr incipals: � � � �`=-
<br /> � .....� ��-r-�
<br /> a. �.eaal Souzces_: The authority and power within the ���'- ,
<br />�. scope of thi� inst=ument derive their validity from and '�"�""''�'"''" '��
<br /> compromise and constitute a durable power of attorney under ���� �� � �� �
<br />. the provisions and within the meaning of Sections 30-2669 - �-;�
<br /> � through 2672, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1993, as �'� "�
<br /> ��,;,. _ .
<br /> � amended, and all other applicable provisions of the Nebraska + �¢�=E` ''� '
<br /> ��:c�s}�r�L_,. _
<br /> ' Unifoxm Durable Power of Attozney Act, as amended, and the , � . •_
<br /> Nebraska Probate Code, as amended; and the short form �; �.
<br /> expressions herein used have the respective meaning thereto �,� . ,.,•��,�
<br /> �. ascribed by and are respectively subject to application, � .
<br /> construction, enforcement, and interpretation as prescribe�3 • �
<br /> under the provisions of Sections 49-1501 through 1561, : �
<br /> Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1993, as amended, and �
<br /> . .. _ �
<br /> � l , � -
<br /> � . �
<br /> ' --- �-�---__._.__—______----�---.....,. .. ,_ _ ._ ..... . ...__. _..._ ..--�.-�-�--�-—_ ..___,---- . -
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<br />