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201109302 <br /> BORROW�R COV�NANTS that Borrower is l�wfully seised of the estate lzereby conveyed a�id has t11e riglzt to <br /> grant and convey the Pi•operty aild that the Property is unenctunUered, except for encumUi•ances of record. <br /> Borrower warr�ntis aud wi11 clefend generally the title to the Property against all claiins and deinulds, subjec�to <br /> any encumbi-ances oF record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natioiial use and non-unifornz covenants with <br /> liinited va��i�tioils by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and�gree as Follows: <br /> 1. I'ayment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sha11 pay when due the principal of, and iiiterest on, tlie debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment <br /> ch�rges �tncl late charges due under tlie Note. Borrower sh�ll also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuaiit to <br /> Section 3. Payineilts due under the Note�nd this Security Instruineilt shall Ue nz�de in U.S. cu����ency. <br /> IIowever, if�ny check or other instrunlelit received by Lender as payment under tke Note or this Security <br /> Instrumenti is returnecl to Lender unplid, Lender inay reqttire that any or all subsequent p�yments due iuider <br /> the Note antl this Security Instriiinent Ue m�de in one or more of the rollowing forins, �s selected by Lender: <br /> (a) cash; (b)inoney order; (c) certi�ed checic, Uanlc checic, treasurer's checl�or cashier's checic, provided any <br /> such checic is drawn upon an i�7stitution whose tleposits ase insurec�by a federal agency, ins'truinentality, or <br /> entity; or (d)Electronic runds Transfer. <br /> Payinents are deemecl received 1�y Lender wlien receivecl at the location designated in the Note or at such <br /> a�her location as may Ue d�signated by Lender in accar•dance yvith the notice provisions in Section 15. <br /> Lender may rettitrn a�iy payment or parEial payment if the payinent or pas•tial payments are�instiifficient to <br /> bring the Loan current. Lendar may aocept any payinent oi��artial payznent insufficie�t to bring the Loan <br /> current; without waiver of arzy riglits hereunder or prejudice to i�s rights to refuse such payment or partial <br /> payinents in the fitture, Uut Lender is not obligated to apply such payineiits at the time such�ayinents are <br /> accepted. If elch Perioclic Payineilt is a�plied�s of its scheduled due date, then Lentler neeci not pay interest <br /> oii unapplied fullds, Leneler m�y hold such unap�lied fiuids until Borrower iii�lces p�yments to brivg the <br /> Loan current. If Borrower does not do so within a reasonaUle perioc�of tiine, Lender shall eitl7er apply such <br /> fiulds or retiu•n thein to Borrower. If not applied ea�•lie�, s�ich funds wi11 be applied to the autstandi�lg _ <br /> principal Ualance undei•the Note iuunediately prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim whicli Borrower inight <br /> have uow or in the future��gainst Lencier sh�ll relieve Borrower from m�lcing payments due under the Note <br /> and tliis Security Instrument or performing the covenants ancl agreeznents secured by this Security <br /> Ius�rtunent. <br /> 2. Application of Payment� or Proceeds. �xcept as otherwise desci•iUed in this Section 2, all p�yinents <br /> accepted and appliec�Uy Lender sl�all ve applied in fhe£ollowing orcler of priority: (a) interest due under tlie <br /> Note; �(b)principal due under the Note; (c) linotuits due under Section 3. Sucli pl�ments�sh�ll be applied to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order in which it�ecame due. Any reinainii�g ainounts sha11 be appliad�'irst to <br /> lata charges, aeco7id to any otlier arizotu7ts due itnder this Security Instrument, aud then to reduee t11e <br /> priilcipal balauee of the Note, <br /> If Lender receives a payment froin Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Payinent which incltiides � suFfieient <br /> amount to pay auy la�e charge due, th�payment inay be applied to �he delinqtiient�aynient a�id tlie late <br /> chal•ge, If more than one P�iAiodic T'ayinent is autst�uding, LeXlder ma.y apply any payinent received fi•oi1� <br /> Borrower to the i•e�ayment of the Periodic Payments iF tind to t11e extent that, each payment caii be paid in <br /> full. To the extent that�ny excess exists after tha payment is �pplied to ihe ftill p�ymeiit of o�ie or more <br /> Periodic Payments, such excess m�y Ue�pplied�o any late charges c�tte, Voluntary prepayments s�a11 be <br /> applied first to any prepayment ch�rges and thei��s describecl in the Note. <br /> 231232 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP O VMP6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlal Services Page 4 of 17 <br />