<br /> satisfaction, provided t11at such inspectiion sha11 be undertalcen�roinptly, Lencier inay pay for the re�a'rrs
<br /> ancl restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of�i•ogress paymentis as the worlc is completed.
<br /> Uillass an agreeinent is made in writing or Applicable Law requires intierest to ba�aid oi1 sLich
<br /> Miscell�neoLis T'�•oceeds, Lender sha11 i7oti be required to pay Bos•rower any intierest or earnings oi1 such
<br /> MiscellaneoLis�'raceeds. If the restoration or repair is not eco�iomieally feasiUle or Lender's secL�rity wotiild
<br /> be lesseneci, the Miscellaneou�Proceeds shall Ue applied to the sums secured by this Security�nstrument,
<br /> whetiher or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower� Sltch Miscellaneous Proceeds shall Ue
<br /> applied in the order provided for iiz Section 2.
<br /> In the event of a total talcing, dastruction, or loss in valtie of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11
<br /> Ue applied to the sums secured by this Secttrity Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Bori•ower.
<br /> In tlze avent of a partial talcing, dastruction, or loss i�z value of the Propertq in wl7ich the Fair market value of
<br /> �he Propertiy immediately Uefore t11e partial talcing, destruction, or loss in valtiie is ec�u�1 to or greater than the
<br /> amount of the sums securecl by this Security Instrtunent immediately before tl�e pa�•tial talcing, destruction, or
<br /> loss in value, uill�ss Borrower and Lender otherwise a.gre�in writing, the suins securec�by tl�is Security
<br /> Instruinent sha1�Ue rec�uced by the an7ount of t17a Miscellaneous Proceetis mtiltiplied by the following
<br /> fraction: (a) the total ainotitnt of the siims secui�ed immediately before tl7e pas•tial talcing, destrtiation, or loss
<br /> u1 value divided by(b) the fair inaslcet value of the Property i�ninecliately before the partial talcing,
<br /> destructioii, or loss in value. Any balance s11a11 be paid to Borrower,
<br /> In the event o�a partial talcing, ciestruction, or loss iu value of the Pro�erty in wlucll tl�e fair rilaz'lcet valtte oF
<br /> the Property inzmediately before the partial talcing, clestrltetion, or 7ass in value is less thau the amount of the
<br /> sums secured iininediately l�efore tlie partial talciiYg, destructiion, or loss iiz val�,ie, unless Borrower aud
<br /> L,ender atherwise agree in wi'iting, the Misce11a1xeous Proceeds sha11 be applied to tlie sums secured by this
<br /> Secui•ity Instr•ument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> TF the Property is abas�doued by Borrower, or if, after 1lotice by Lender to Borrnwer that tihe Opposing T'arty
<br /> (as de�ned in the next sentence) offers to m�lce aii award to settle a claim for�l�in�ges, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Leilder witllin 30 c�ays after the date the notice is given, Lender is atithorized to collect and apply
<br /> the Miscellaneotts Proceeds ei�her to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this
<br /> Seaurity Insti•ument, whether or not then due. "Opposing 1'arty" rnea�ls tlle third party tihat rswes Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whoin Borrower has a right of action in regarcl to Miscellatleous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower shall be in defatitlt ii'any action or proceecling, whetl�er civil or cri�vnal, is begun tliat, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, cottld result in forfeitziro of tlie Preperty or other mai;erial impairnYent of Lender's interest in the
<br /> Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can atYre such�default and, if acceleration has
<br /> occtt�red, rei�state as provided in Section 19, by ca.using the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's jucigment, prechtdes forfeiture of tilie Property or other material impairinent of
<br /> � Lencler's interest in the Property or rights under tl�is Security Iristruinent. The proceeds�of any award or
<br /> elaim for damages that are attribuiable to the im�airmeirt of Letider's iiiterest in the Property are hereby
<br /> �ssigned and sliall be p�id to Lender.
<br /> All Misce11�i1eous P�'oceeds thlt 1re not applied to restorltion or repair oP the Property shall ve applied in the
<br /> order provided for in Section 2,
<br /> 231232
<br /> NEBRqSKA-Single Famlly��annie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1I01
<br /> VM P OO VM P6(NE)(1105)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services page 10 of 17
<br />