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. . . . . . . . .. � . . ' , a .� ' .. h.. . <br /> - . . . . . . ... . � . � � � , . . , . . . . !` . � ' , . . � . . .. : `-.�... .. . <br />' , �. -..-_ - '_ ._ � ' . � , � .. " � , ' . . , . �. • � ' , -' . � '• ��, , �` ` , _ ' - ,' <br /> c � . . <br /> .: . ' ' _ ' ._. - . . • ' _ . , . . � - . ' . <br /> • ' <br /> . � . <br /> ,_.-.'_'-'_ -' .. . . . -' , . ' _ _ - _ - . <br /> " -_-c_:.�_"."'-_"'_ _ .. . , _ <br /> , ' , ; � - . . . '� _'-' ' __ . _ � ' . • .1. - a _ 4..`._ ..._ _ . . _.� _ "' ,�'�'_ .-- <br /> � ` "_".....,. - -.. _' - . ,4 _ <br /> _� . . . . , . ., �__' ' '_' _ ___'._.._._. ...- _ _ _ <br /> � _ . ..,. __ . _ _.: ..__ ._.___ - - -.�-• E.��' � � <br /> �_ . � <br /> �� <br /> • :�� <br /> ` 4� ��_� <br /> ��'�" '.����� � ;. � � �� <br /> Borrower shall also be in defauit if Borrower.durin8 tGe loan application process,gave materiallY false or inaccurate . .' . - <br /> informatinn or statements w Lender(or failed w pmvide L.end�r��anans con�ceming Bo�rower's�o upa cy of the , , . � • .s <br /> — loan evideuced by the Note.inctading,but not limited w, reP � -- ; -� --,-- -.---,---�=-. <br /> pm�cc�, as a principai resideuce. If this Seauit5' Ins�ent is on a leasehold, Borrowec s h a ll comp ly w i t h t h e . ' . <br /> provisious of the lease.I:Borrowa acquires fee titte ro tt�e PropeatY,the leasehold and fee title shall not be meaged . , ^. � <br /> �less Lendea agxees to the ma8a in wri6ng. or wnse4uential.m connection with � , ' '' � _ <br /> of arl award or claun for k .... ��;�-- <br /> b.Condeuanat�an.The P�S y of the Pro�ertY,or for conveyance in p12ce of condeamarion,are heceby 4 . - <br /> of any Part n : . � <br /> any condemnaiion or other tal�g �. . � . . <br /> • assigned and shall be pa�d w I.eader w the extent of the f�ll amount of che indebtedness tLat remains unpaid under the <br /> Note and this Sec�rity Insuument I.ender suali ay'�i tY suc�P�W ttse rectucuon of the indebredness 3,and then to �("—�---. � s,`-� —�� <br /> vided in paraBraP _T".�`,;:.r, <br /> and this Security TnstrumenL�to any delinquent amounts apPlied in��� d ar posq�one the due date of the l .�-,. • . � �: <br />' prepayment of principal.Any aPP�icatinn of the pmceeds ro the principal -_.�� <br />" • monthly paycne,nts.whicb are ref�ed t°in Pa��Ph 2,or chanSe the amount of such payments. Any ezc�s p�'� <br /> �._.4.s�.,.=- <br /> all outstanding indebiedness under the Not�and this Securiry InsKrument shall be paid to ,�_ . . „=;�;;r;::-=.,___ <br /> ova an amount required w 1raY � , , ;.� `:� <br /> ��':� -�k'-�.,.— <br /> the earity legally entitted thaeto. Borrov�� shall PaY � . ,. ` `'.: <br /> 7. Chs�rges to Borrower aad Protediaa of Lender's Rights in the Pcoperty..Borrower shall PaY ihese � ..:�=� <br /> � fines and impositions that are not included in paragt'aP •�.�,-..�. <br /> . goveaamenial or munic�pal harBes• ent If fa��ue to paY would adve�sely affect Leader's �_ : . '�_."—' -- <br /> obligauons on time dire�flY to the endty which is owed the paym ., L :�:.-+�4 °.--� <br /> n Lender's request Bonowec shall pmmptly fumssh to Lender receipts evidencing these ,::��,�••,. - <br /> interest in the Property. upo ` � - - <br /> ��I�f Bonowa faiLs to malce these paYQ►ents or the payments recluired bY Fa�'dPh 2.or fa�s w perform any other i� ;;= <br /> " w w n an t�a n d a g r e e m e n t s c o n t a i n e d in diis SeauitY Iasuumenb or these is a legal PmceedmS tha��y �S��ay ..._.r.�.` ,,,��' <br /> . h as a ' g in baalauPtcY,for con d e m n a t i n n o r t o e n f o r c e l a w s o r •,�.>; , ..._Lz i,��.°;���: •. <br /> a f fec t L e n d c,r's ri g,h i s i n t h e P r o p e r t y(s u c P�� rotxt t he v a lue o f t h e P r o p�t y an d L e a d e a s n g h t s = , � �_..-- <br /> regulatiflns),then Ixnder maY do and pay whatcver is necess�y to P '' .`;5a;:' � '�-_ <br /> '. ' ent of taxes,hmard insvca�ce and other items mentioned in paragraph 2. . +3� -. <br /> ;. m the Pcopeaty,includinS PaYm h stiall become an additional debt of Bormwer and be .:�: <br /> Any amounts disb u� by Lendea under this paiagtaP �:�`... �. <br /> '� secured by this Securitl+Insbrument'Ihese amounts shall bear inta'est from the date of disbursement,at the Note rate. :, °, <br /> shall be;mmediarcly due and payable. ` .�,'.;�� <br /> and at the option of Lenda, Instnunent unless Borrower.(a) ' ��;.� •;'+ . �_.: <br /> • ' Bouowea s h a l l PmmP t ly d i s c h a r g e a n Y fi e n w t ri c h h a s priori ry over this Se�ty � : . <br /> agrees in writing to tbe payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a�?a scceptable tn Lend�;(b)con t e s t s i n `r"�' . •A� :: - <br /> . • ood faith the lien by.or defends against eaforce�ne�►t of the tien in,legal PTOCeedinSs which in We Lender's opmion ;�; <br /> S �... .. <br /> op��w prevent the enforcement o f t he li e n;o r(c)s e c u r e s f r o m t h e h o l d e a o f t he li�of�Pro�perty factoiY to I :.._ <br /> �s sub'ect m � :�..-. <br /> _ Leatdc�suMrdinering t he lien w t b i s Se�uri t Y InsuuT°ent If Lenda detcrmines tt�aL any p t he l t e a�. . �� <br /> a lien which may auain priority over this Se�anntY Inswmen�,�der maY Sive Boirower a notice i dentifyin8 :� <br /> r'��,�._.�. <br /> Baaower shall satisfY the lien°I taSce one or more of the actions set forlh above within t0 days of the�ving of naace. '.�� _ .� .f,, <br /> 8.Fees Lendea may collect fees and charges authorized by tbe Secre�rY• ^4 : .'. . • ��y,,,� <br /> 9.Grounds tor Acceleradun of Deb� �� �e�ase of payment -- --- �' <br /> • (a)DePautt.Lender may.except as limited by regu1ations i�sued by the Seaetary � •������ , - -- <br /> ertif: �,���;;'°-_-"'__-- <br /> defa�ilts.requ�e immediate payinent in full of all sums secured by this Securtty Instrum <br /> (�Basrowa defaults by failin8 to PaY in fWl any monthly PaYment ce9 u i r e d by this 5ecuriry Inswment '°��__ •_�,: <br /> prior to os on the due date of the next monthly payment,or <br /> • (n)Boirower defaults by failing,for a paiod of dwtY daYs�to Pe�orm any other obligations coniaii►ed in � ; __ <br /> InsVtunea�s �.� <br /> � �S�ty tted by applica6te law(u�cluding Seaian 341(d)o f ::_�„���`_� <br /> (b)Sak W6Woat Cre�lit ApProval.Lender sha11,if Fami -". — <br /> � ' TIISVI1T11Cilt If: •'yr�- ' <br /> VeI Of �_. �..,. <br /> � �e�_g�,G�nain Depositnry Insdtutions Act of 1982,12 US.C.1701 j-3(�)and with the p�ios appro � <br /> .. ihe Secreta�Y,require immetiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Sec�uity y�:�,-r:._".i��._,�. •._ <br /> �,�"�`''�`��' . <br /> _ . 'a%r'-t�.��,.�:�,I.�•tr,-: <br /> . '.'Fr'r•ateNr....�b.�. -. <br /> �.�iq.... <br /> � Pay�4o18 mltlals: - ' .. � ,. .. ' �.. <br /> ��R(NEl�oeau.o, • . . _;.•.�� '�'• <br /> � . <br /> . ,T._ _..-.. . . _ --...�___.___....--- - -_"�.'_"_ . ' ' ' : . . _. <br /> � . . • • . . _ _ . �°�� <br /> .. • .� . . . . ' � � . � � � . _ <br /> ' . . . . . ,, , . � . � �:�. <br /> . <br /> . .. ... ._ . <br />--'-_-__- , . _.. _— -�- -- -:�:__---_:-_•:__._..._._. .. _. _.. _. ...--,._-_-�===_ _'- <br /> .. • .. � <br /> . . • . <br /> ' . � . • � � :�� ' • � � _..._.�......, �.�_� <br /> � ' ' �: . . . --{-.r.�.._.-_-'�'. - —�-�---�'�..' � t . <br /> � -- �' , . . • ' • .. , . ,� : � . - .-� .. . • . , .. � ', .j,. . . � 1 � .. ;l' . � , <br /> . . . .. , .. , ., � - " �� �. . , ... , - . ' _� � . � .�: , '_ 1' � . _I y.� , . . . :. l.� . .. . _ .. .. .� . � - . . ' . <br />