... . . � , . . . ... , ' , . � . .� • . . ` . . .. , ' . .. ' . « "4` � _.
<br /> ' .. . i . . . . � . -_ . . . ` .� . �.. �- 4'- ` � _ ` �.
<br /> '"T�__ . � ' ' _"____ _-"'"-_ _ "_ " -_._ .-
<br /> .. .-__._-_�_-----•r�-.�_"_-'_"_'_.- .. . . .. _ ..-" -_ _'-._' "
<br /> • . � � . . ' . "_-" "_. _ ._ .. -.�. ...�- r . . . ' �<.' .
<br />� - � . " � • 1 ' 4 � ' , ' . t' '- . . . � ' . i. l� ' _ ( _ " _. ' ___"' . ... . . . . _ ` �, . _ _
<br /> _. .�_ ..��.� �.� -._ ...... ......t__"' - ... .". � . -4_ .-_ _ ' .. .i .. ..'__ "�. " �____ _ _ ��T ''.� - � _
<br /> : � 97� Aa��,��� - ° --: - - ,,, �
<br /> S. Hazdrd or Propert� Insttrdnce. Burru��rr .h;ill lrep the �mpru�rntcnt+ nuH �t�+une or I�rrcattrr rr�tit"t�T �Sh thc � • � ;
<br /> Prc�pctt� in,umJ again.t li�.. h� tire. h:s�;�rd+ mrludeJ «ith�n the trrn� "ertrn�lal ir�rrag�" and am uthrr h.v�rd�, mrludmg
<br /> fl���d.��r fl����Jin�;, titt��h[�h Lrndcr rryuirr• in.uranre- Thi.in.uran�r�hall hr mainta�n�til :n ihe aiu��unt�anJ f��r thc pcnod+ . �
<br /> that Lrndrr rtywr��. The m.urance rarrirr pru�[J�nL thr in.uranrc �hall hr�hu+rn h� Hurru���r .uble.t ta L�ndcr�.apptu�al : � ; -_
<br /> � «hi�h .h:ill nut he unrc.�,un:thh ���ithhrlJ. lf B�lrma�r t��l. tu mauitam ru�rraLe dr,rnh�d ahu�r. I.endrr iva�. .it l.rndrr�. , •
<br /> - upnon. „ht.�m ru�erage t��protctit L��ndir�.nLht,in Ihr Pruprrt� in.eii�,r�n�r�►ith paragraph 7. -- `, - ,- •
<br /> All in.urancr p��licic.and rcne��ai, ,hall h�aireptahlr tu LAndrr and ,hall mdudr a .tandard nwrtgeg��I:iu.�. LrnJ�r -- � •
<br /> . ,h:ill ha�r!he nght tu h.eld the pulir�c,and rcnc��ah. 11 L�nJer reyu�rr,. Burru«cr.h.►!t pr+�mptl} ri�e to Lrndrr all r�Yr�pt.ut � . ..
<br /> patJ pre�nium.:md r�nru31 nutirc�.. In thc e�rnt uf I�,.,. B��nourr,h:ill�i��prumpt nutire tu thr imur.uue��mer:tnd Le�nder. � . � _
<br /> I.ender m:iy n�:skr pri,uf uf lu,.if nut madr pn�mptl}� h,y B��rr���vr�. F , . _ '
<br /> Unl�w�Lendcr:inJ &�rruwer��thenvi�e a�_r��r m wntine. imuranrr pr�x�tiJ>.hall be applicxi to re.toratiun ur repair uf thr � � • '+� '�
<br /> � Prupen}•d:uttig�l, if thr rc�wration or rep:tir i.a:unamically f�a,ible:uid 1xnJer',x.�unty i�nut Ies�eneJ.if the resturatiun ur • .
<br /> rep�air is nut e�unami�slly fra�ible ur L.ende�s x�urity wuuld he irs.tiened. the iruurance pru�-eed.,shall be applictii to che.um.. __-_'=_=_-==--�-
<br /> secured by thi� Security In+trument, whether ur not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. [f B��rn�wer abandum the � "��{-.,:
<br /> Pruperty, or dcies not ansa•er within 30 day.a notire fnim L,enJer that thr iruurance carrier has offem�i to�etde a cl:uni_ then � -_- �
<br /> � Lender may coAect the insurance proreeds. L.ender may u�e the pnneed� to repair or re.turr thr Proprrty or w p�y .um+ . _---
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,�r•hether ar ni�t then due.'fhe 30-day period will begin when the nutice is given. , �=�,��
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borroa�er oihenvise agrc� in writing, :u�y applirati�in of pmceedti to princip;il shall not extend nr • ��-� —
<br /> ' postpone the due date of the monthly paymenls rcferred to in paragcaph+ 1 :u►d 3 or change the am.�unt ot�the paymeno. If ; i,,.
<br /> � under ara h 21 the Pro R is ac uireJ b•Lender. Horrower's ri ht to an insurance licies snd nxec�is resultin• from . "�`e¢"��-
<br /> . P BT�p Pe Y 9 5 R Y P� P � ...�„�f_�
<br /> - damage to the Property prior to the acyuisition shall p:us ta Lender ta the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument •°_ � -r�— _
<br /> immediately prior to the acquisition. ~���:�
<br /> 6.Occupancy,PrrserratIon.4faintenance and Protectton of the Pro�►erty;Bosro«�er's Loan AppitratIon;Leasediolds. '� :��.• _
<br /> � Borrower shall occupy.establish.and use the Property�Bortower'�principal residence within sixty days after the eaecution of
<br /> this Security instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propetty as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after � �. .
<br />- ' the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not!x unre�asonably withheld,or unles5 - "
<br /> ,�, extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Burrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the ..� i '
<br /> � Property, allow the Property to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture :� :
<br /> action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment wuld result in forfeiture of the ,� `• ��
<br /> � Property or othenvise materially impair the lien rreated by[his Ses:urity Instrument or Lender's security interest.Bortawer may `��`''
<br /> � cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragtaph l8.by causing the action or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling �` i��..
<br /> that, in Lender s good faith determination, preclude� forfeiture of the Borrow�er's interest in the Proper[y or other material ��-�:,` � ,'� �`°
<br /> . impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lendei s security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if ���� � '��
<br /> _ Borrower,during the loan applica•�nn process,gave materially false ur ieaccurste informauon or statements to Lender(or failed �' �^+'�
<br /> . .,. t. :
<br /> � to pmvide Lender with any material inform�aon)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited �j��`�
<br /> to,representations concernin�Borro�ver's occupancy of the Propeny a+a principal residence. If this Securiry Instnunent is on a '` ,Y.±•; . .
<br /> , � teasehotd. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tiQe to the Property, the _—
<br /> teasehotd and the fee title shall not merge unless L.ender agrees to[he merger in writing. `• ,�
<br /> � 7.Frotection o�Lender•s Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform[he covenants and ugreements contained in � ->�
<br /> P this Security Instrument, or there is a tegal proceoding that may significantly affect Lendei s rigttts in the Propeny (sueh as a _-__ -
<br /> - proceeding in bankmptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or mgulations).then Lender may do and „
<br /> ,• .�� a for�vhatever is nece to roteet the value�f the Pro rt and Lender's ri hts in the Pro l.ee�der s actions ma �'��� �
<br /> - P Y �Y P A� Y g PenY• Y .�:..`.
<br /> - include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this 5ecurity lnstrument, appearing in court, paying ��_..,..��,
<br /> � t reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph ,';,�,,;�_
<br /> •• . , 7,Lertder daes not have to do so. ' �+; ,
<br /> , , Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragruph 7 shall 6ecome additional debt of Borrower secured by this _' _�
<br /> Security Instrument. Uniess Eorrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amountti shall bear interest from the ��
<br />: date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrawer requesting '`�_
<br /> '""�;; . Q--
<br /> .t PaymB.:Mlortgage lasurnnce. If Lender rcquired mortgage insurancc as a cundition of making the lo�n secured by this Security .�':�°��'���`'�
<br /> Instrument. Borro�ver shal! pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in eifect. If, for any reason, the - # � �-•:
<br /> � mortgage insurance wverage required by Lencier lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borruwer shall pay the premiums required ta "�:�-'�'����'=�+r��' ".
<br /> : ' ;.�;�;• ..-_�,
<br /> `�� obtain wverage substaneially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cv�st substantially equivalent to the +�,t,...z..,.:,"�� ..
<br /> '� r cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect, fmm:u�alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. lf � ..
<br /> � substantiatly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage i.not availabte,6orrower�hall p�y to Lender each month a+um eyual to �'�''' x""""�'-°'"�'
<br /> � :�; one-twelfih of the yr.Uly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrrnver�vhen the iatiurance cuver.�ge laysnl or craced tu ?`��`�'^ •
<br /> '� be in effect. Lender�vill accept.use and retain these payntentti ati a luss reserve in lieu oi mo»gage insurance. 1.���.� reserve ` ""��'""=' �� •
<br /> � Form 3025 9l90 • • �
<br /> �)} ��30�8 . .. .. . • .
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