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13��ni�wcr shall prumpUy givc LcnJcr �vril�en noticc of any invcstigation, claim. dcmand, la���suil i�r�i�hcr :iclion h� :im� <br /> @uvcrnmenial�ir regulalory agency or private parly invol�ing lhe Property and any HazarJous Subsl:ince or[:nvironmenlal Law <br /> ol which Borrowcr has actual knowlcdgc. If I3orrowcr Icarns, or is nolified by any govcrnmcntal or rcgulalory authorily. Ihat <br /> � any removal or u�her remedi:�lion of any Hazardous Substance affecling the Properly is necessary, Borrower shall promplly I.ikc <br /> ,,, all necessary remedial actions in accord;mce with Environmental Law. <br /> ns used in this p,iragraph 20, "Hazardous Subst�mccs" are those substances delined as toxic or hazardous subslances hy <br /> Einviromnental Law anJ the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, olher n��„�»„nie or toxic pctrolcum pruJucts, toxic � <br /> pesticiJes and herbicidec,volatile solvents,materials containing asbeslos or formaldehyde,and radioactive malerials. As used in <br /> �his paragr.�ph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located Ihat � <br /> rclalc to hcahh,snfety or environmental protection. ` <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> 2L ,1cccic:atiar.: Iirn�cQic,. L.ndcr siiall givc uoticc lo i3orrowcr priur lo s►ctticrolion fullo�rin� Burro�rcr's brcach � <br /> of any covenant or ugreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paraKraph 17 unless � <br /> applic�ble I�w prorides otherwise). 7'he notice shall specify: (a)the default; (b) the action reyuired to cure the defaull; w <br /> (�).� date, not Iess than 30 days frrnn Ihe dnte We notice is given to Borrmrer, by which the def�ult musl be cured;and <br /> (d) Ih:�t failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in lhe notice may result in acccleration of the cmns O <br /> secured b� this Security Inclrument and sule of the Property. The notice shall further infonu IiarroHCr uf the ri�ht lo � <br /> reiustate after acceleratinn nnd the right lo bring a court aclion to assert the non-existence of a default or any other <br /> defense of Dorro�cer lo acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, � <br /> Lender, at its optinn, may reyuire immedinte payment in ftdl of all sums secured by this Security Insd•umcn( �vi�houl <br /> furthcr demand and may inrokc the p��wer of salc and any ather remedies permitted by applicablc lan. Lender shall bc <br /> cntitled lo collect all expencec incurred in pursuin�thc rcmedies provided in lhis paragrapl�21,includin�;,but nol limilcd <br /> lo,re�sonable atlorneys'fees nnd costs of tille evidence. <br /> �f the n�����r„r��i� ;s invoked, Trustee shall record a nofice of defaul[ in c:�ch cuunty in ahich an� p;�rt of Ihe <br /> I'ruperl}' is localed and shall mail copies of such notice in the m�nner preccribed by applicablc la�v lo Burro��cr and to <br /> thc othcr persons prescribed by applicable la�v.After thc time required by applicablc la�r,'1'rustee shall�ive puhlic nolicc <br /> of sale to the persoac and in Uie manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustec, withuut demand on Borruwcr, shall scll <br /> Ihe Prnperty al public auction fo the highrst bidder nt the time und place and under the lenns desi�;nated in U�e nnlice of <br /> sale in one or more parcels and in an}���rcL r 7'rusteo�1Mer»�ines. Trncice ma}' po�lpone sak uf all or ain pavicel ol'Ihe <br /> Property br public mmouucemenl at thc lime and place of any previously scheduled sale. I,ender or its desi�;nee muy <br /> purchase the Property�t auy sale. <br /> — Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver lo Ihe purchaser 'I'rustee's deed conveyin� Ihc <br /> �'rnperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed sli�ll be prima fncie evideuce of the trutli u(the slalrment. m;ide ��ierein. <br /> '1'ruzicr�liall a��ply the pruceeds of the sale in the following order:(�)to sill costs and ex�xnses of exercicin�the po�cer uf <br /> sale,and the sale,includinR the paymen!of the'Prustee's fees actunll,y incurrecl,not to exceed /\ <br /> uF the principal amouut of the note at thc time of the declaratimi of default,and reasouablc attnr�'C�c'�c�r:�s p rmillul <br /> b}•IaN; (b) to all swns secured by this Security Instrumenh,and(c)any exccss to the persun or prrcons Ic�all,y entillcd lo <br /> it. <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon p,iyi»ent of all sums secured by Ihis Security Inslrumenl, Lender sh.dl rcyucst 'I'raslcc Iu <br /> rec�im'ey Ihe Pmperly and shall surrender Ihis Security Instrument and ;dl nutes eviJencing deb� secured by this Securily <br /> Insirumcnt to Trustce. Trustee sh.�ll reconvey thc Properly wilhout warranty and withuul chargc lo thc person ur pertions Icg:dly <br /> cnliUcd to it. Such person or persons shall pay any rccordatiun cosls. <br /> 23. Substitutc 7'rustce. Lcndcr, at its option, may from timc w timc rcmovc Truslcc and appnint a xucccss��r �rustcc ��� <br /> any Trustee appoimed hereunder by an instrument rccorded in the eounty in which this Securily Instrumm�t is recordecl, Withwn <br /> convcy;ince of Ihe 1'roperty. lhe successar trustce shall succeed Io aU the lille. power,�nd dulies conferrcd upon'I�ruslec hercin <br /> and by applicable law. <br /> 24. Request for Notices. Borrower rcyuests that copies of the nolices of defauh and s:de be senl to [3orrower's address <br /> which is Ihe Properly Address. <br /> 25. Riders tu this Security Instrument. lf nne or more riders are executed by [3orcower and recorJed logclher wiU� Ihis <br /> Security Instrument,the covenants and agrcements of each such rider shall be incorporated into anJ shall anund and supplcnicnl <br /> the covenants and agreements of lhis Securily Instrument as if the rider(s)were a parl of this Security Instrumcnl. <br /> �Chcck applicable box(cs)� <br /> �]Adjuslable Rale Rider �]Condominium Rider <br /> �]Graduated Payment Rider U I-4 Pamily Rider <br /> L�Planned Unit Development Rider [_]Biweekly Payment Rider <br /> �]Balloon Rider [�Rate hnprovement Rider <br /> �V.A. Rider �Second Flome Rider <br /> �Othcr(s)(specify� <br /> BY SIG`:1�1G L'i?LG:�'. Boirower acceptti and a@rces lo the terms and c ��t��nts containcd in this Sccuriiy Instrument and <br /> '% i;i any rEdetiai cxecuted by 6ui ruwer und recorded with it. <br /> W i I nesses: <br /> � "�'`"_ _(Sr.d) <br /> da�Kath an -ij��rr„W�� <br /> (Scal) <br /> ean M. Kathma��« <br /> (Scal) < <br /> $orrowcr _(SCB�) L <br /> -Bnrrowct ^'� <br /> S'PATF,OF NF,IiRASKA, <br /> Adams County ss: � � <br /> The foregoing instrumcnt was acknowlcclged before me this <br /> hY Randall J. and Jean M. Kathman, husband and4wife ��,y��f February , 1998 <br /> Wilness my hand and notarial seal at �� <br /> Has s, NE� in said Cou , Ihc dalc afuresaid. <br /> My Commission Expires: �L/—'�"1� <br /> ���� Nulary P ic - <br /> A GENERAL NOTARY•Slate ot Nebroska <br /> ��� GEORGE W.HOWARD <br /> My Comm.fxp.April 21,2000 Pa9°°°'" Form 3028 siso <br /> L <br />