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<br /> TH all the impr�,�•ement.n�,w ur hereaftcr erec[ed un thr pruQem. a�s��"1�`°'`�``�rctil�rt[hi t1Sv.•unty � . � -
<br /> TUGE1'HER WI , . . `
<br /> tixture� nuw ur hereaftcr :► pan ut thc pruprm. AU replacenunt+ and sJd�uun+ .hail .�I , �
<br /> lmtrument. All uf ths fc�rcge�in=��rrferced cu�n thi.Seruru} (n�trument a.thr"Pr��pcny." � , - . __
<br /> BORRO�ER COVENARTS that Burn�wer i. lautur`�'ex�c ttCor�nrumhran�• ��f rcu,r.�'Burnnchr�arrant.�andt wn 1 � ' :� . • ,':
<br /> «,n,;�y �he Propen}• an d t ha t t h e P r u p e rt y i> u n e n c u m h e p �
<br />-', d e f e n d g e n r r a l l y t h e t i t l e t o t h e Ptt�peny a gain�t all rlaimti and demand�.,ubJect tu any encum br:snce>�,t reru r S. - - ` - . ,�
<br /> 3 TH[S S E C U R[T Y INSTRUMENT combine,aniform cuvenant�f��r na tiu n a i u�c:u i d n u n-u n�f��r m c t�v enant+with IimiteJ _
<br /> variations by juriidiction w constitute a unifarm securiry in�wment covering real pruperty. ' . 5 �• *_
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fo��ou+'� •
<br /> 1. Payment of Principai and Interest; P r epaY m e n t a nad L ae e a m��and Ba c�harge due undert the Niste.hen ciue the - t�
<br /> principal aF and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note end ny p P Y
<br /> 2. Funds fos Taxes aad m�u�e due un1der the Note,until the Noteis paid i fu�llV ar um teFundsB)forw(al year�Y taxes � � �
<br />' l.endzr on the day monihl�+p y p y; earl leasehold payments �.�: ,,.-.-..,,,;-� '
<br /> �. .�
<br /> dnd ass�sments which may attain priority over this Security lastrurrtent as a lien on the Pro ert �b�flaodynsurance premiums. � .� :. .�. '� _,`;. ��.;,
<br /> or ground rents an the Pcoperty.if dny=rem umti'yifh a�nya and ��nY ums Pay ble b�y Burrower�tioY1-ender. in accordance with ` �' _:= -� =-°'
<br /> if any: (e)y�'ly�ortgage insurdnce p ,'��
<br /> ment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called"EsCCOw Items." ' :.i:��-�r_;�-:
<br /> h 8.in lieu of the pay ; �`-- � -'"
<br /> the provisions of paragrap . • . '�i' +���� -�,
<br /> I.ender may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a i'ederally
<br /> � rt e loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of ��.,���
<br /> related mo gag ; j_,;;;,�;��' �=��
<br /> 1974 a�amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds '���--
<br /> .�� �--.: _
<br />' sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may, at any time, collecc and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed [he lesser amount. - �
<br />, Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future ,'.�. ;�� •� '-ry���
<br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law- --� �
<br /> The Funds shail be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instrumentality. or entity
<br /> ' including L.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home LoF d�an�ita�ayr��y�ng thehescrow atccou t tor � ����`:��`:-
<br /> ( -� -3`�'~ _ :
<br /> ' Fscraw I[ems. I.ender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the , ,
<br /> • verifying the Escrow items.untess Lender pays Borrower int�ene-time chaFgenforan de'pe�ndent real esta e tax eport'tng serv ce �`� :
<br /> ire Borrower to pay a 's made or � '��k���� s�:
<br /> a charge. However. Lender may requ ,. _ . ,
<br />• .� used by Lender in connection with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement �
<br /> __.{ a= . 4 ... . "...
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid.l.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest�r earnings on the Funds. .�3��.'�.;;• '
<br /> } Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing. however. [hat interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Bonower. �
<br /> '!�'�-�, j (
<br /> � without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each � ,� .=
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. -�,r;. - . {
<br /> .:-��; If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amaunts permit[ed to be held by applicable law. Lender shall accoum to Borrower ;�r.. �•• '!; :
<br /> � f for the excess Funds in accordance with theti when due.tLender mayb+o notifyf Horrower n wrii n�.and,nt uch�edBorrower .� +�?� � ,
<br /> time is no l s u f f i c i e n t t n p a y t h e E�c r o w I t e m '� ;S '��'`—
<br />� ; shall pay to I.ender the amount nece.+sary to make up thc deticiency. Borrawer s h;i l l m a ke u p t h e d e f i c i e n c y i n n o m o r e t a n � . �
<br /> •,.���:
<br /> � .��_:
<br /> twe lve mon t hly pa yments.at Lender's.ole di.cretiim. .�;;=;.;-�_.,
<br /> Upon payment in full of all ,um� �ecureci by th�s Sr,�urity Intitrument. Lender ,ha l l prompti y refund ta Bnrrower any . L�,__ �,
<br /> � ,s. Funds held by Lender. ]f,under paraSy held b L.endcr a the ume oi acqais i onrnr sale a�ae redt again.t thec uumstsecured bY =,:,.�—'--"_^�T�
<br /> of the Property,tihaU apply any Fund y �� :,q,�_`�;__
<br /> this Security Inxtrument. � � �-
<br /> 3,Application oP Qayxnents.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by l.ender under paragraphs ��
<br /> � �---•.--• _-- __—.
<br /> I and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment chargcs duc under the Note: sccnnd,to arnounts payable under p�aragraph 2: �
<br /> third,to inter�t due:fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. y ,w;.
<br /> 4.Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,a�sessments,char�es, finc.+and impositions attributable to thc Praperty �
<br />. � .� which may attain prioriry over this Securiry Instrument.oi if no�t}ca dan that�manner, Borrower shall pay thBm on time directly �'"�p�. �
<br /> ..�'�4 ?:'��'•
<br /> ` these obligat�ons in the manner provided in paragraph 2• P , �_
<br /> f���='�� to the person owed payment.Bonower shall pramptly fumish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraPh•
<br /> . y :,�:�.�..,.,.,: .,, ...
<br /> If Horcower makes these paymenis directly.Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipt�evidencing the payments. -�•.:
<br /> �'-;�t,- . • ..,�,..
<br /> � Barrower shall promptly discharge any lien whieh hss priority over this Security Instrument unletis Borrower:(a)agrees�n ��x.c:;r�-=�_-- '
<br /> • writing to the payment of the obligation+ecured by the lien in a manner acceptable to i.ender:(b)rnntests in gaod faith the lien . i ;. :'. �
<br />" by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, le of the li�en�an as cement sath factory to Lender subord nat ng the lien to �,F:.�.�,��,;r,;y •
<br /> • enfarcement of the lien:or(c) secures from the holder ...... ,..�._: ��-
<br /> � this Security Instrument. if Lender determineti that any part of the Property is subject to a fien which may attain priority over _
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument. Lendcr may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Harrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or ,
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 1U dayy of the giving of notice. porm 3oz8 9190 . • .� ' � =-
<br />. � Pago 2 of 6 � , ', - �
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