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<br />�. . . <.:< < � ; ' ,. "-
<br /> �°' c `°:--
<br /> •procesds in connection with condemnation or other taRing of the P�perty or part thereof,or foq nve�n��nlieu bT�ondemnation. • � : , �``;_�
<br /> �
<br /> Lender shali be entitled at its option to commence,appear in and�roseCUte ir+its own name any action or proceedings,and shall aiso . ,
<br /> 3�
<br /> be entiUed W make any compromise or settlement in cannection with such taking or damage.In the event any portion of tha Property is � _
<br /> so taken oc damaged,Lender shall have the option in its sole and absolute discreUon,ro appty al1 such proceeds. after deducting . '� ��
<br /> therefrom aU cosLs and e�anses incurred by it in connection with such Proceeds,opon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such , � �.-
<br /> � o�tfer as Lender may determine,or to appiy all such Proceads,after such deductions,to the restoration of the Property upon such aon- �� • _`
<br /> ditions as Lender may detertnine.My appliption of Prooeeds to indebtedness shali not extend or postpone the dua date of any pay- • � . . . �
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure any defautt thereunder or hereunder.My unapplied funds shatl ba paid to Trustor.
<br /> 8. PeAormance by Lender.Upon the ocarrence of an Event of Defautt hereunder, or if any act is iaken or Iegal proceeding .
<br /> commenced which matersally affects Lender's interest in the Property.Lender may in its own discretion,but without obtigation to do so, , -
<br /> - and without notice to or demand upon Trust�or and withaut reteasing Tnistor from any obiigation,do any act which Trustor has agreed '.6,
<br /> •_� but failed to do and may also do any other act it deems necessary tn protect the security hereof.Trustor sfia11,imm2diately upon _-_. -.__�__; _�__� •,�
<br /> ' demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all casts and exyenses incurred and sums expertded by Lender in connection with the exer- �
<br /> ase by Lender of the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon ai the default rats provided in the Pto!e,which shall be added to . •� .
<br /> � the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not incur any fiabilityr because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. �
<br /> 9. Hazardous Nlatsrtats.Trustor shall keep the Property in compl'rance with alt applicabte taws,ordinances and regufations r � � -
<br /> , E reating to industrial hygiene or environmenffiI protection(collectivefy referred Yo herein as`Environmental Laws�.Trustar shall keep , - � �
<br /> tfie Property free from alI subsffinces deamed to be hazardous or taxic under any Environmental Laws(coUsc4vely referted to herein �< - .,.�_ __
<br /> _ :.-_,_:_,_: �
<br /> as'Hazardous Materials�.Trustor hereby warranls and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or under the , `--- �,-.. �
<br /> � Property.Trustor he:eby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender,its directors,oflicers,employees and agents,and any succes- , : •.����-;,�
<br /> sors tn Lender's interest,from and against aay and all daims,damagas,lnsses and liabilit;es arising in canneciion tivith the presence, ,
<br /> use,dispasal or transport of any Hazardous Materials on,under,from or about the Property-THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND . .�'a;;.'�.-`�'";
<br /> � � RECONVEYANCE OF TH(S DEEO OF 7RUST. ' ��'�'#'3� -
<br /> ' ` 10.AsslgnmaM of Reets.Tnistor hereby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a security interest in,atl present,future and '�'� ''::� �r
<br /> after arising rents,issues and profits of the Properly;pmvided that Trustor sfiall,until tfie occurtence of an Event of Defauit,hereunder, . ,�� .�';1`y:'�'���'=
<br /> � have the right to cutlect and retaln such renis,issues and profits as they become due and payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot . _`_�' �- -
<br /> • 'W_,�_x�
<br /> �- Default,Lender may,either in person or by agent,with or without bringing any ac6on or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a �- ___
<br /> court and tivithout regard to the adequacy of its securiry,enter upon and take possession of the Property,or any part thereof,in its own �-"�"�"'��ps=*�_�
<br />" name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which it deems necessary or desirabte to preserve the value, marketabi9ity or .. . °'�'F, G�_:
<br /> rentability of the PropeRy,or any part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the Income therefrom or proted the securfty hereot and. �'—
<br /> with or without taking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues and profits thereof,inGuding those past � �;;�,`." -
<br /> due and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lendar.Lender may apply rer�ts.issues and profits,less costs and expensr =� -- ' ��;-
<br /> es of operatlon and cotlection inciuding atfomeys fees,to any indabtedness secured hereby,atl in such order as Lender may deter- • . {;�;`�- . �
<br /> mine.The entering upon and taking possession of the PropeRy.the cullection of such rents,issues and profits,and the appliqHon ":'';*.. _
<br /> thereof as aforesaid shatl not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or irnalidate any ad dona in respanse to such _��iu� ; :
<br /> default or putsuant to such no�ce of detault and,notwithstsnding the oonUnuance in possession of the property or the coltectlon, `'°"t' .� � �
<br /> • receipt and appliqtion oi rents,issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entlUed to exerdse every right provided for in any of the ��.,�._=- -.�` `
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,induding without IimitaUon the dght to exerclse the power of sale. �• • :,; � ,
<br /> Further,Lende�s rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitallon on.Lende�s rights and .. , ;
<br /> remedies under any assigrunent of leases and rents recoNed against the Praperty.Lendsr,Tn�stee and the receiver shall be liabte to '"'�= '
<br /> :ri ..
<br /> account only for those rents actually reoeived. Y dt ��
<br /> -- 11.Evants of Oefault The following shall constituta an Event of Default under th(s Qeed of Trusr
<br /> (a)Failure to pay any instaltment of principal or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach ot or default under any provtsi�n contalned In the Note,thls Deed of Trusk any of the Loan Insvuments,or any �' � �
<br />�� I ather Ilen or encumbranoe upon the PrvpeRy; "�,�-
<br /> � (c)A writ of execuUon or attachment or any similar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall6ecome a lien on i_ !�
<br /> � the Property or any portion thereof or Interest therein; ���`.,
<br /> '� (�There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or BoROwer an actlon under any present or future federal,state or other statute, _�_
<br /> • law or regulaUon retating io bankruptcy,insalvency or other reliei for debtora:or there shall be appolnted any trustee,reoelver or
<br /> , Iiquldator of Trustor or Borrower or o}all or eny paR of the PropeRy,or the rents,issues or profits thereoi,or Tntstor or Borrower .-�'�`�
<br /> shall make any general asslgnment for the benefit of creditors; "-=^
<br /> . : �,,��_�--
<br /> ;� � (e)The sale,transfer,lease,asslgnment, convayance or further encumbrance oi all or any paR of or any interest in the ��:
<br /> . �� � Pmperly,either valunisdty or involuntarify,�vithout the express wrltten oonsent of Lender,provided that TrusWr shall be permit- . , -W-�= t'
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contaln an option to purct►ase and the term of which does not exaeed one ___-=�°=�-.� r
<br /> .} �
<br /> ... year, �'�`-�"`�:„
<br /> :. � -�.: ,::,
<br /> .. (fl Abandonment of the Property;or .��� ;
<br />--,. (g)If Trustor is not en indivldual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance o1 more than(ii a - � �
<br /> � . corpor�Uon)a Wtal ot percent of its issued and outstandInp stock.or(if a partnersh(p)a totat o! per- • _ �u�-
<br /> . cent of partnershlp interests,or(H a limited liability company)a total oi percent oi the limited liability compa- �°�� , -'��` '
<br /> °. � ny Intarests or votlng�ights during the pedad thls Oeed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property. '�� '�"�'� =
<br /> � 12.Remedles;Acceleratton Upon Default In the event oi any Event of Detault Lender may,without noUoe except as requlred �`��!�'-:.
<br /> by law,declare aIl lndebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte with- , � �,:�
<br /> • out eny presentrnent,demand,protest or noUce oi any k(nd.Thereafter Lender may: � :.y�,�r�,,�t,�,,�,:.;• �
<br /> �' (a)Demaad ffiat T�ustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shall thereafter puse Tnistors Infer- . �:.,,-e•-+;,,._, - .
<br /> ! est In the Pro Ry to be sotd and the roceeds to be dlstributed,atl tn the manner provlded in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act: � �� �
<br /> P8 P '���`y'.'"`�"��'� '
<br /> . (b) Exercise any and all rigAts provlded tor in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot . _
<br /> Oetault;and ."::l�:u.' ��
<br /> � ,f (c)Commance an acUon ta fareGose this Deed oi Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a receiver,or speciflcalty enforce any oi the
<br /> i covenants hereof. "�'
<br /> No remedy here(n confeRed upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exdusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> InsWmerrts or by taw provlded or permitted,but each sfiall be cumulative,shall ba in addltion to every other remedy given hereunder, ..
<br /> In the Loan Inswments or now or hereafter exlsUng at law or In equity or by statute,and may be exercised ooncuRenUyr.independenUy : .
<br /> • or sucoesively. . .-
<br /> 13.Tnistee.The Trustee may resign at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at arry Ume and without cause appo3nt a suo- �
<br /> . . cessor or subsUtute Tnistee.Trustea shaU not ba Ilabte to any parly,induding wlthout limltatlon Lender,Bortower.Tn�stor or any pur- . - .
<br /> . chaser ot the Property,tor any toss or damage untess due to reckless or wilHul misconduct,and shall not be roqulred to take any acdon
<br /> � In connection with the enforcement ot this Deed oi Trust unless indemnified, in vrrlUng,for all costs,compensation or expenses which . • •
<br /> may b�assoclated therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudidal or undar the pousrer ot
<br /> sale granted herein);postpone the sale of all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law:or se�l the Property as a whole,or ln � ,
<br /> � . separafe parcels or lots at Trustee's d'ucreUOn. � _-
<br /> 14.Fees and Expensos.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power ot sate,Trustee shatl be entiUed to app�y �. .
<br /> any sate proceeds first to payment ot all costs and expenses ot exercising powar oi sale,inGuding all Trustee's fees,and Lenders and . t
<br /> . Trustee's attomey's tees, actually incurred to eMent permitted by applicable lauv.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right . �
<br /> provided Dy taw to cure an Event oi Defauft.Lender shall 6e en�Ued to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actualty incu►red as
<br />- - - a res�lf of Ttustofs default,#nclud#n+�without IimitaNnn all Trustee s and attomey's fees.to the extent pertnitted by appAcabte iaw. � _ _ _. _ _ _ �
<br /> � 15. Futuro Advanee�.Upon nequest of Borrower,Lender may,at iLs opdon,make additional and future advanoes and read- �
<br /> vances to Bonov�er.Such advances and readvances,wlth interest thareon,shall be secured by this Deed oi Trust.At no time shall the � _
<br /> . , . , ,�
<br /> , • � :F
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