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<br />� � p ym p h 9,Lender may � • �
<br />� 18.Foreclosure Proredure.if Ixnder r uire�immedtate a eut in full under aragrap . _
<br />_ invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitt=,l!sy aPPllcable lativ. Lender shall be entided to colleet - -
<br /> all expenses incurre� in pursuing the remedies under tlnLs Para�aPh 18, indudIug, but rcot ljruited to, • .`-
<br /> reasonable attorueys'fces and costs of tItle ev[dence. . _•: F �
<br /> U the power of sale is invoiced,Tru�tee shall record a nottce of dePault in eaeh county in w6lch any part of .. . . ; �
<br /> ru Y
<br /> the Property is located and s�all mail wpies of sach notdce in the manner prescribed bY upPllcable lavr to . , . ;�
<br /> Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by appllcab4e law. After the ti�e required by appllcable law, : .. . _. .. .... _ ;:��
<br /> Trustee shaU give public nottce of sale to the persons an�in the manner pressribed by appl3cable law.Trnstee, ,.. � __ ���
<br /> '. wnhout dernand on Borrower,shaU sell the Froperty at publIc aucdon w We highest bidder at the tI�ae and Y=�•=
<br /> -- �-,-__
<br /> ; place and uarler the terms designated in the noBce of sale in one or more parcels and[n any order TrusTee � . �•,;5:=��.�-.,�
<br /> s determines.Tnutce may posipone sale of all or eay parcel of the Properiy bY Publ�c announc�ent at We time --- .'"�
<br /> j and place of any previously scheduied sata Lender or its design�m�y purrhase the Property at any sale. -.�`:�
<br /> �" If the Lender's interest in this Secority Instrument is held by �invo�ke t�he nod adIcI��r° �� -.'.���-�--
<br /> immediate payment in full under Paragraph 9, the Secretary may � Po , . -"�"�.-,�
<br /> provdded in We Singie Family Mortgege Foreclosure Act of 1494("Ad")pZ U.S.C.3751 et seq.)by requestjng _ _
<br /> � a forectosase commIssioner designated under We Ad to commence forerlasure and to sell the ���e ' :y ; .
<br /> � Provtded 3n the Act. Nothing�in ti�e pr�n8 sentence shall de�sive the Serretary ot any righis - - �-s � ,�• _
<br /> avallable to a Lender under thts Paragraph 18 or appUcable law. � � ��-_ `
<br />� Upon receipt of paymen4 of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the punhaser TnLStee's deed wnveying ': �:�-�
<br /> the property.T6e rec[taLs in the Trur+t�'s deed shall be prtma fade evIde�te of the truW of the statements ,:',,, . ��'�---
<br />-� made therein.Tnistee shall apply We proceeds of ffie sale in tlne Pouowing order:(a)to aU costs and expeases ot �:;_,'..�� • ;• •
<br /> exerclsing We power of sale,and We sale,includ6ng the payment of the Tn�stee's fees adualty incurred,not to �:�-.•..r • .�`-;�"
<br /> ��� %of the priu�ipal aruoimt of We note at the time ot the dect�radon of�efaWt, ::� _F� ., .
<br /> and reasonabie attoraeys'fee9 as permitted by law;N)to all su�s secured by this Security Instrument;and(c) ��,;•= .
<br /> any excess to the p�son or persons legatly entitled to i� ���
<br /> _ •.'t �;:'
<br /> 19.Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Securiry Instniment.Lender shall request Trustee � As _••s -
<br /> to reconvey the Property and shall surcender this Security Insuumenc and all notes evidencing debt secured hy this _ .�.��,'..
<br /> Securiry Instrument to Tn�stee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge co the ;� .
<br /> person or persons legally entitled to it.Such person or petsons shall pay any recordation cosu. . � ':�'�"
<br /> �:
<br /> 20.Substitate'Tnutee.I.ender. at iu option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor ' - : •
<br /> � mutee to any Ttustee appointed hereupder by an iustrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument � ��
<br /> °�;_
<br /> is recorded.Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shail succeed to all the title,gower and duties + �
<br /> nfer�ed u n Trustee hereia and by applicable law. .,�,:r.:,.•��:;�_
<br /> co Po '..��:. . ,w
<br /> ___==S _ _
<br /> Zl.Iteques7 for Notices.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of defaulc and sale be sent to Borrower's �_�,_.�`�'�'"`_:,�-----�-
<br /> addrzss which is the Property Address. �. �.._
<br /> y �_:_.
<br /> ��a:"' -—
<br /> ZZ.Rldeis to thts SecurltY Instrument. If one or more ridets are executed by 8orrower and recorded together `�����
<br /> # with th;s �riry Insuument. the covenants of each such rider sha11 be incorporated into and shall amend and -�r"'- �=
<br /> �:,�.��`�-=------
<br />.,� su�plement L:e covenants and agreements of ttris Securiry Instnunent as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security ,. i '��
<br /> -,1 Instrument. (Checkapplicablebox�es)j. _ ��-�•
<br /> � 0 Condominium Rider � Growing Equity Rider ❑ Other[specify]
<br />� � 0 Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Graduated Payment Rider �
<br /> ,� '�"'�
<br /> , .
<br /> ) • •,;: .
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