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.. . .... : _ . . . _ <br /> - � 98- ��3049 <br /> SXHIBIT ��A�� <br /> ♦��, <br /> � <br /> I.EOAL D�SCRZP?IOtI OF THE SHOPPIIi(; CEN�BR <br /> A tract o! land colrprisinq a part of Lot Two (2) and all of I,ots 'three (3), <br /> Fiv� (5), Six (6), Seven (7), E�ght (B) and Nine (9), Block Nine (9), <br /> Continental Oardene, and Additi.on to the City ot Orend ieland, Nebreska, mor� <br /> particularly deacribed as tollowe: <br /> He inni.nq at the southWast corner of safd Lot Two (2), eleo bainq the <br /> in�ersection of the north line of College Street with the eest line of webb <br /> Road; thence noreherly along the «est lin� of snid I,ot Two (2), on an Assumed <br /> Bearinq of nue North, a di�Btance of Elaven (11.0) feet, to the ACTUwt, plaee <br /> of beqxnning, thence continuing north�xly along the weat xine o! eaid I.ots <br /> ' T�+o (Z), Three (3) end Five (5) on an Aesu�aed F3ve (5); thence S 99 58' 41"E <br /> alonq the North line of said Lot Pive (S), a distanc� of One Hundzed Fitty <br /> !'ive et►d Dout Tenths (155.4) leet to tht northeaet cozner oi eaid �,ot tive <br /> (5); thence S 00 00' 02" S alonq the �ast lino of said Lot Five (5), a <br /> distance o! One Hundred Forty and Thirty Six Hundreds (140.36) feet to tha <br /> southeest cornQr o! said Lot Five (5)= thenca 89 54' 11"E alonq th• eouth <br /> line o! i,ot Four (4), Block Nine (9), e di.stnnce of On• Hundred Thizte�n •nd <br /> Nin�Ey S7�z Hundredthe (113.96) fe�t to the southsast corner of said Lot Four <br /> (4)j thene• N 00 00' 02"M alonq the •aat line of aaid Lee Tour (4), a <br /> dietance o! T�+o Hundred Tsn (110.0) leet to th� northensti corner o� said Lot <br /> Four (�); tbence A9 54� li"W alonq the north line of seid Lot Pour (4), a <br /> distance of Ona NundY�d 'iw►snty Nia� nnd �hirty On� Naodredtha (129.�!) feot <br /> to the northMest corn�z of said Lot �'our (4)l thencs N 00 00' 02"N elong th. <br /> weet line of seid Lot 8ix (6), s distanee of T�+o Hundred T�+enty and Sixiy <br /> give auadredthe (220.65) fest to th• northaeet cornsr ot snid Lot Six (6), <br /> this being a point o� curvatuzel thence eoutheasterly elong the north�aeterly <br /> line o! said Lot Six (6), and on the erc of a curve whoa� r4dius is 565.0' <br /> (the long chord of .+hich b�ars 9 68 �0� 16"B), a long chord dietance of Two <br /> Hundred �renty and Four Hundredthe (220.Oa) fe�t to the northeaeterl.y corn�r <br /> of said Lot Six (6y� thenca continuinq southeasterly nlong the northeaeterly <br /> line of eaid Lot S�ven (7) and on th! arc o! a aurve rrhose rndiue ia 565.0' , <br /> (the long chord of which baera 8 51 Z6' 37"E), a �ong ehord distenc• of One <br /> Hundred Efqht and Trrenty Si�ght Aundradths (108.29) feetj thence eontinufng <br /> 6outheaeterly alvng the northwast�rly line o! eaid Lot S�ven ('1), end on thv <br /> a�rc o! a cuzva whoaa radius is Z86.o� (the lony chord of ahich beara S 42 21� <br /> 50"E) a lonq chord distenc• of Thirty Five and 3eventy Thr�� Nundredthr <br /> (35.73) feat to the ttorthtest corner Of eaid Lot Seven (7); th�nce continuing <br /> aoutheaeterly along the north�astexly of said Lot Eiqht (s), and on the <br /> arc of a curve whose radiuo ia 286.0' (the lon� chord o! which bears 3 24 <br /> oe'36"E), a lonq chord distaace of one Hundred Forty Four and Forty Seven <br /> Hundredths (144.47) feet to the southeaet co�aer. of said Lot Bight (e); <br /> thencs continuinq southeasterly alonq the northeasterly lina o! eaid I.ot Nine <br /> (9) and on the arc of e Curve whos• redius is 296.0' (ths long chord o! ahich <br /> bears s 07 46� Z3"E), d �ong chord distance of Nineteen and T�+elve Hundredths <br /> (19.12) feet; thsnce continuinq southerly alonq the •a9terly Zine oi s�i�d Lot <br /> Nine (9), and on the arC oi a curvs Nhose redi�us ia S70.V' (th• long chord of <br /> which bears S 00 27� s3"L�), a lonq choxd dfetance of Ono Hundred Threa and <br /> Fifty Tao Hundredths (103.52) f�et to th! �outh�ast corner o� seid Lot Nine <br /> (9); thence continuinq a�ong the eoutheastarly line of seid Lot <br /> Three (3), and on th� arc of a curve whoee radfua is 570.0� (the lony chord <br /> of ahich bears 9 1� 00' S8"W), a long ahord dietence of One Hundrad Taenty <br /> Four and Ninaty Five Hundredtha (124.95) feet; thence continuing <br /> southwest�rly slonq the southeasterly lina o! said Lot Three (3), and on the <br /> erc of a curv� .►hose radius is 1,0�9.0�, (the lonq chord ot Mhich bears S 13 <br /> oo� 38"W), a long chord distance o! on• Hundred !'i�ty One and T.+enty Four <br /> NundredtAs (iS1.24) feet to tihe southeast corner o! Aa,id Lot Thro• (3); <br /> thence Continuinq southerly along the oasterly line of eeid Lot 'I�+o (2), end <br /> alonq the arc of a curve whoae radiva 1s 1,009.0�, (the long chord o! Which <br /> beare S 01 54' 40" W), a lonq chord distance af Two Hundred Thirty Six and <br /> Taro Hundredths (236.02) £�et; thence continuinq southweaterly elonq th� <br /> southeastarly line of eaid t,ot Two (2), end on the arc of a cvrve whose <br /> �cadius i� 78.0' (the lonq Chard of which beara S 42 39�22"W), a lonq chord • <br /> distence of One Hundred Fourteen and 9avanty Six Hundreds (114.76) feet tv a <br /> pofnt of tang�ncy; thence S 90 00'00"w elonq the eouth line o! esid Lot Two <br /> (2), a distance of Three Hundra�d 9ixty Tao And Eighty Four Hundreds (362.84) <br /> le�t; thence N 44 09�47" W, a di9tance of Six arid Ninety 3even Hundredths <br /> (6.97) feet= thence N 00 00'00"w, a d�-etance of Six (6.U) feetj thence S 90 <br /> Oo� Oo��w, e diatnnce of Four (4.0) feet, to the ACTUAL place of beginning nnd <br /> containing 9.oe3 ecres more or leea. � <br />