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'�-:�....:..:ha._(�.1�'ood ri,�ht and lccwful autTzority to sell and conv�� th6 sam�; tkat tiiey �re free ana€ <br /> elear,o�'all laens and ineumbranees whafsoer�er..---.-... .-�.....:...............:..................:... ..:. .:.:....:...: ..... .:..:.... ........ : .....::�----�- --............::-.--... :-- .- ..---�---..�.. '---....:..: <br /> .qnd_.........:........`�� warrant and dPfend to said`premises cc�ains� the LQivficL� clrrims of'all=persons u�homsoever. <br /> ---�.....................--�--------�----- -- :...... . ......... .. .... <br /> -.......... ....................:..... .. �. .:.:..... - --- ........ .......... .. ...... ............... _......... <br /> :.. ----�-�� _ <br /> �� � <br /> Lluted the.... .::_. ... . da� �f----� -:.���-.. . ....... ......................f1. 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D. 13��befor� mPt. <br /> the wndersi�ned, a .Notar� Publiry..........:...:.....:..............................:.: ...:...:...:,......within rxnd for s�id Count�, per�onctllJ� came :.-....: .. ..:....-----........ . -,--....'......._ <br /> - <br /> _ _ ...��.���.......✓...�.:.....�D`. .-lt,l'..r?:�:��.....�.:-c...�'.�...".........����..�....�'.....-sr ...��i/, ���Z��'�........................................................•-�-- { <br /> ..:.:............................................ ::.............................---..����.....�...y� ....;.... ..::....:................ <br /> - �o t�ze personr.r.119 Icnou•n to l�e the ir.lenlical persorc,�:.:whose narrae�'..:�::��'ixed to the al�ove instru- <br /> � <br /> � 7�2ent cr,s �r�ntor�l�', ancl.::.: ....:....... ..:....:.severull� a�cknvwled,�ed the �rxm.� fo he::: %'��.��...-�%Lr..........voluntar� act <br /> �� a�ad deed for tjLe �urpase ikerein ex,�es�t�d'. - ' <br /> x IJV' TVITJ4'�'SS' W'FIEREOF, I laave li,ereunto subscribP� na��nccme tcnd affixed m� ofj�'icial seal at <br /> .; , �, <br /> ° Q� . � � <br /> ...........o..C7.......... ... ....� - -- - -------- --- -�-- <br /> ���;�'�.................:....on the c�CCte Lnst acl�ove zv�a n <br /> , . .. � p <br /> 1� ..................................... ...... . `/1�...... <br /> ....... ...... ..................... ................. <br /> j/,�/� .,, otarr� PubZic. <br /> .M�J Conam%ssion expir•es......��.1.....�.�..'.^.- ....r..:..--�--�..... 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