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I hereby certif� that th,i,s instrumeRt was�entered o�a JV`umeri-oal <br /> .1.�.'I.�f....��...:..�.. . .... ........ . ...... .�w�,...... and filed for record thia.-�----...-�-�'-���--�-------------....da o ...:. i�r <br /> y f ----�K-------- •-------------------- '' <br /> r p _ �. <br /> ................................�...........:.............:............:...��.........................:.. ✓1.D.19.O�t�_,ut.-----..../.1------o'cloek__�.AZ <br /> To � �brr�ni� ����. <br /> , <br /> .� �1 .........................���u��--�-.�'�.:---. .._........----. <br /> _. ... . . . .. .'....�'�`:..�.G���:...P�...i.,t�......��....... _ County L'lerk. <br /> , � � �o <br /> -------------------------�-�---.-.._..........---�----------.......:..-----...__...-- <br /> ....�................ :.. . ............:..........�. .:........--�----�------......................_.. � <br /> � Depu tz�. <br /> ��� �Z Z �e�: � ��x�e�� _ { x�e��ez��� :� <br /> : � �� � � . <br /> T�at ...�.::��=���' ..�.. .:n... ....... .....�.. :��...�,.-,.�...�.:......�- .. ............... . .. ......... . <br /> . <br /> �-�.,.........._........................................................... ......... ----....:......... <br /> . �Q / 0 - / � <br /> . <br /> ............................................................................................................. ......................���t�!';Q-�n:.P1........a-v..cK•..,.:-t�:t,rcc.�/1�,,....................................... ........ ....,.......,............ .,....,.......:..,...,..,,..�......,.�::.........,..........:----- <br /> U <br /> of the Counf� of......—��.a...�...f.�......................�-�---................------.._..............and State of..:..:.......��.�r�-��-,�1���.....,...... .....---........., Granfor,�in consic�eration of <br /> tke sum o .......... -- � ----- ��- <br /> 0����p� <br /> f � �'�..�.�.�..°...--..&..�. . .-��........���:��............................... ....:.................................... _.._..........---........................--��---......... .-�--��-- --��---......_.�oL�.�x�, <br /> in hand �►aid, do.............hereby GI�.g.N'T, 13.q.RG.gI.N; SELL, .f1JV'D CONVEY' unto...::..... .....,:.. ._.:...............:................--��---�--......,.....-�-------.................--�-�- -�---..._........ <br /> ......:..��.�........,�� ��..�......... .................. �...��,.���.�:� ��...._.... <br /> ..��.......... .. . �-���....... .......... . ................. <br /> ....... .._.. <br /> .................. .......-. x.... � ,,�..�. <br /> . <br /> of the Count� of............--./..,.�....tG.a.��...--............................and Stafe of............°.:��.�-�.�1��----------� . <br /> ...._.., Grantee�, the followina des,eribed prearaise�, <br /> situc�ted in the County of.........-�,�a..-��............................... - f <br /> ..............and State o Nebraska, to-wit.: <br />` ....�..�...... �-�-�.......�..�?--�-- - -- ......�...............�.�_� ..... .... ��.,...... . <br /> ................................ ._...:�'..�.�...s�!....__.�j......i..��ar.�......�.��.�....��..�..c...--��.. 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D. 19_� , <br /> W/TNE3S: - _ <br /> •-/.i.�.����...�.............................''v��-................................... <br /> f' �J� -/ — ..��>.���............ <br />, ��''-�� l �/ /�0 IiI <br /> L��a�� ......�.../.... v .-�.1.�.<.C.Y.K:^�-.......... ...................... <br />�. -.......•••.... .... ...._ ... ... _ <br /> . .... ......... ......... ......... <br /> ............................... <br />: <br />� ' ' <br /> f' • <br /> ........ .. .... ..F............ ...........���....._............. .... ... ......�................................................. ............................�.....................................""'................ �.� .............................:.............................:..... . <br /> R' <br /> . ..._ . . . . ... . .. . � .. . <br /> �t�t�e a� �t �e�x�$1��, , <br /> „ SS. : . <br /> ,� ...:��'.`....a-�..�...................... Counfy. On this...........---.........-�.�..~.......................---...---..da� of ..,.....: . --.......��._......:........... .`�....... .q. D. 1�(l.."� ,��f'ore me, <br /> ; _ � <br /> the undersi,gned,�ACet� � , . athin� and for. s%rid Count�, erso�iullz came ..:.._.:. <br />� , ��a"...�.��..=:�?.... ...... ..... ....... ........�,tr.�� :p J <br /> ......... . .............................. <br />� •........ ............. .... .................�.... .........� ........._.... . . . . ..............-�---:...:...---.........:.........�:����.:.:..................... ................................ .......... <br />� .... .. ... ....... .................... � � .... .............................._.. <br /> ........ ..... ..... .. ... ... ... ............ ..........................� ......... ........ ....;..................................... ......... <br /> K . . � . . , � . .. � . . . . <br /> to nae personcrll� kno���it to be he ic�enlical p�rson�whose ��ame�..: �-.a�xe to fhe a.bnve insfru- <br /> . ment �.s ��'rcrnlor�ancl... . ........ ........:severall� _aeknowled,�sed tjie sc�me fo be ..:,... .:..�... .........volti�t�rr� act <br /> �` arad deed for the purpose iherein exprESSed. � , , . _ <br /> �� � <br /> , . I.N TVlT�1'ESS I�'HEI�EDF, I Iaave hereunto subseribed, mJ name c�nd afj`'ixed mJ of�ieial seal at <br /> _. . <br /> �- ,�{ .. . <br />�` ��a.�.����.:��� :...................... on the date Last above writteiz. <br /> z . ......... ... .....--- <br /> y, ...��,1.'�:�......G.�Z��tn...........�.�...-�. .s�...,r ....��y� � <br /> .M�f Conam�ssion expires..... ...:.......................... . � ; _.. ' <br /> .............................. 1J............. <br /> r,_ <br /> . , � ��� <br />�.__ _ <br />