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<br /> S ace a6ove this li�e for recording data � •' -��_
<br /> '�� ' � Ca�m►roe�cfa! I�iORTGACaE — �ilateraB - -,-=:-----
<br /> ; . :`�-�. ..�
<br /> � Federa���Oe Fiea4 Esta#e I011ortgag� �,� . , ,�:�_��—�
<br /> � `� ` . �
<br /> � b.�::,.�..
<br /> In�ual Irrterest Rate .f-�,' . `
<br /> Loan Amount Maturity Date �#,." _==-•-,.,�-••�
<br /> Naturo of Indebtedness 7.990 _ � - ` -
<br /> Consumer Loan ]3,336.34 '" `� '"`
<br /> 5.
<br /> '�����'.
<br /> �� $'!'F,11B I2A�Y elid �'1' n�� e t ether with ' ' : "'-��-
<br /> Z�A� • a mort a e with power of eale,of the following ProP nY �
<br /> heroby gnro Commercial Fedarai 8ank.a Pederai Sa+rings Bank(:ammeTCiaf Federal 1 urtanances thereta , .-�.
<br /> c� "
<br /> � aIl imprcvemen�nowor hereafter erected on the property,and al�eaaemenls.n9htaand app r_,,-
<br /> ZO � CIR`Y OF C�lt�ID ���-
<br /> � i�tP F��PY 9� (46) PdII� S� s���`—
<br />, y�I,�ltID, HI�fLL (Z7@?I7T. 2�.�1• .:_.��._—.—
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<br /> _ � rv.a� �•�I
<br /> - � if more than one person signs this Mortgage,the word'I'means'1�ve.' -::t.' . �; . --
<br /> This Mortgago seeuros a loan made by Commercial Federal,as brieflY desu�6ad above.A note dated the same date as this Mortgage contains die terms tor :+��;#- :•;; 'ry
<br /> repaymant of ffiat loan.H that note is ever changed or replaced by a new note,it wilt be seeured by this Mortgage. �_ �
<br /> 1 promisethotollowing thing� , � �i '��t
<br /> :�..,'
<br /> : !..
<br /> , 1, q�l paymonts on a�y note or other debt cecured by thia Mortgage will bo paid when due. �,�: -.^
<br /> 2, qn insurance palecy for fire and extonded cavera9p wi��be kept in force on she prayerty in an amount at least equai to the debta secured by thia ,� . "t'�,
<br /> - • • - ���...�•
<br /> Mortgage plus any other mortgages��stod in paregraph 8 belaw The insurance comD�Y must ba satiafactory to Commerciai federal,and _�_ .���`
<br /> • Commarcial Federa!�nnll bs a named insured on the polfey , . ,• ��-
<br /> 3. AII ta�ces a�d euesaments on the praperty will be paid before they become delinquent �r _
<br /> y �"�, v-
<br /> ti�•��
<br /> ' 4. No wastv will be committed on tfie p�perty.and it will be kept in good repav *_ ;.
<br /> ��?c�+���.
<br /> 5. The pmperN wi��not be sotd(including hV�and conba�)•�e�'end no mterest in it will be assi8ned i��•� ,. : !�_T_
<br /> �,«—
<br /> � 6. I own the property trea end etear of any other mortgagea or encumbmnca� IXCEPi .��,.'������,;,_I �
<br /> ��h�
<br /> will aver ba ellawed to be�n defeult or be toroclaed. Y t-•arz+'�,rr_
<br /> 7. No othar mort8age or lien on the properry `,}��,r%- --_
<br /> If any ot tfiese promises ere not kept than Commercial Federal ean doclaro all of tho debt immed'io can be t raclos�edbin accordance with apPlicabto law.If ';�.�-"
<br /> ' �� iMereat reto wi�l increase to 19.0096 or any groater�te aI►owable b law at that time,and this moR989 'r�:...
<br /> y �"
<br /> the debt is acceloroted.then I atso assiSn any rent or other i�wme from tho property to Commercial Fedaral. THE PAflT1ES AGflEE THAT TH1S CONSTRUiES _; ���T�
<br /> q�plyq-fEqAL REAL ESTATE MORTOAGE PUASUANiTO S0.DAKOTA C.L 448-28 (FOR SO.CAKOTA RESIDEMS ONLY�. In tfie event of anY deiault in the ;�. �'-
<br /> "R--..- ._ �� �� ,
<br /> ' making of any Pal/m�nt or in keeping any� h shatl be daom�ed a��authortri 9 and wostituting a Po�►���me tioned in caid atat tetor rules and n�y .-�-... ,�.„�•_...._„:.Y��
<br /> ' ot practlee rolating thereto,and tfiia para9 P '�����
<br /> amendme�t thoroto,and may rotain atatutory eosta and attomoy tees(SD,YW.MN.OK,and MI residentn only�• ��_.....,._,:•�;�. •
<br /> are an texcs or iosurance I have agreed to -�-_ x,.?'": �
<br /> ' Cortain amounte esn bo paid by Commeroial Fedorel and added to the debt securod 6y this Mortgaga.Thsy Y , . �
<br /> ' • pay but fail to.any uttomey teas or eourt expenaes Commarciol Foderal pays H it is mado a party at arry lega�acLOn brought by someono otse wncaming the , �
<br /> , p��ny,and any att��e��t ese thin s ha pen�,t1+en�th edd tiona'I dabt wi1�ccruo'i t�rost't the same rate os iho,reat ot the debt an�d must be paid ': ��.
<br /> . _ foraclose thia mortgap e P
<br /> immadiatety. tor public use,any procaeds ot tha taking , ��.
<br /> Ii thia property la ever condomnad under tho power ot eminent domain or any aimilar method oi taldng property .
<br /> uvill bo paid to Commercial Faderal up to the full amount o1 the debt socurad.
<br /> NWe�to Bortawx Ifor OWahome ro o� a cou�rmfi o c�oau»�ar��'�tfi�+�+� , Row�r unr of as,�m� all�th�Mo a �to tatu ths • •
<br /> mo ro en t w 9 p � . . . -
<br /> i0� � . . i .
<br /> �
<br />. Toda•aDato � ��� 1997 Bortower ignaturo � �,-:-,
<br /> B owe e Signatur ' � e`�1
<br /> . STATE OF HI'�ABEtA ; �. ! �a
<br /> I ��
<br /> � � COUMY OF �1I+T+ � ��� ublic m and tor eaid eounry. Parsonall eomo � . . � �
<br /> ,�g�,befora mo,a notary p y (
<br /> � On this�daY� to mo knovm to bo tho idanhcal porson or persons whoso � � • —
<br /> . LtAT.iY IItld MA�.`r L1A�1i ; _.
<br /> namo is or are affixad to tho obovo mortgago,end thoy,ho cr she saveralry aclmow�ed8ed the seid instrumont and tho axacution tharooi to bo thoir vofuntery I-, �-
<br /> � act and dead. ` � —
<br /> • � WfTiJESS my hand and noLn faal thc�d and aar last wntton obove. l J/�`'� -t�� /f.�;' t _ _ �
<br /> . � IaY�.tFlii�rait -�� fl j � -�: ,'• _—
<br /> My comm�uion oxpira3: �' ' �-:
<br /> ��E��C��� Notary Public'a Signature
<br /> ` ' Car.�n.6¢.��0.2C9d DAI-1077 (10/95) � ..-.�:. --
<br /> ! NE-IN-WY-IL-SD••MI- C �,.
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