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H.�V.E .l�.rYD TO SOLD the above described prem,ises,with the crppurtenances, unto the sai�.C,�rantee......and ta��_... � <br />" heirs and assi�'ns forever. .Rnd..,.,....:�.�.kJ...herebr� eovenant....._with the said Grantee......that..--Lu.:-7�.1._.h,old......said premise� h��Staad <br /> and perfset titte; tl�at:........:--��.....l�a�r_��g'ood ri�ht and lawful authoritJ to setl ccnd eonvey the sQme; th.cct tkeJ are �`ree and <br /> clearof alt liens atzd ineumbrances whalsoever........................... ............................•-�--........._......-------�--�-------._..._......--�---........._...------��---------._,_............-�--�-��----...:........_.............,.....----�--._.. .............� <br /> , <br /> . . , � ' � �� <br /> F �nd..........................-�� wrxrrant c�nd dPfercd to said premises a�,�s'aanst th.e lazuful elcrams of all persons wharn$oer�er. <br /> ......... .........................................................�...---......_. ---.......---�---. ..... ... � <br /> .......... ..... ......................................................�-------........----........ ...----.................._ �...........-�-�---.....---��-... . ......._.. ....... ........ _... _. ....__... <br /> _. ............... . ... .. <br /> ;. <br /> Dated the...............�---�-----...:..___... . . ................ dar o ...-- -- --._...__............----.R.D. 29...0..._._ , , . <br /> �......... .... 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On this.....................1:. ....,......... ..._...._.........---.da o ......... .._.... .:....... . . ....... <br />, .. <br />, tlt� uraa�ersi.Q'ned, a .Not2ry Publin.................,.............--.--... --..................-': .........w' hin acnd for srrid Count�, erso�t,aZby�:car�e.�..--.-------.------.---._...-.---.-.--........................._ <br /> - D a�c�- �j� <br />° ....... ...4��.���✓•-•••.....:....�..................... ........ . ......... ......... .�'.-�.-'3'Z�C..I-_.�.:,'.C�-:....... . .........:....:........:............_.. <br /> . ........................_.......----........... ...----- . . �'i?`/� � .. � � � .� � . 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