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<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall be given oue confonned capy of the Note and of this Security Insuument � � ,
<br /> 17.Traaster ot fhe Property or a Bene�clal Ynterest in Borrower. If all ar any part of the Property or any interest in it is ! , _
<br /> soid or transfeaed(or if a bene�icia!interest in Borrower is sold ur uansferred and Borrower is not a nauual person)without f • • _
<br /> Lender's prior wriuen oonsent,Lender may,ai its oprion,require immediate payai:at in full of all sums secared by this Security E � .
<br /> Ins�rument However,this oprion shall not be exercised by Lender if exeecise is prohibit,ed by federai law as of the date of this � ' � -
<br />, Security Instrumeut . .. ;
<br /> If Lender exercises this oprion,Lender shall give Borrower aotice of accelerarion.The nodce shall provide a period of not less .
<br /> than 30 days from the deie tE�na'�x is�et�verzd or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security , T - -fi
<br /> InstrumeaL ff Bo:rawer fails to paJ thesE sums przor tn the expiradon of this period,Leader may invoke any remedies permittsd �. -
<br /> by this Security Instntmeut withoat further aotice or de�nand on Borrower. • �
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right to Reiastate. If Borrower meets certain canditions, Borrower shall have the right tn l�ave ' _ .. `. .
<br /> enfon.erneat of this Security Instrument disconiinued at any dme prior tn 4Ye earlier of (a)5 days (or svch othes pexiad as j , °
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstat�ement)before sals of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security , • ' �.
<br /> Instnuneng or(b)enay of a jadgment enforcing this Secwity Instrmnent Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays Lender all .
<br /> sums which then woutd be due under this Secarity Ins�uurneni and the Note as nf no accelerarion had occumed: (b)aues any �' � . �•-
<br /> default of any ofher covenants or agreernenis•ic)Pays all expeases incurred in enforcing this Security Instrnment,including,but . ' : . t ,�
<br /> not limited tn,reasonable attameys'fees,and(d)takes such action as L.euder may reasonably require to assure ihaz the lien of this � .
<br /> Sec�uity Insuvment, L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the snms sxured by this Security � ' , i,-,:.;.- ':
<br /> Ins�ument shaU contiuue uncha�►ged Upon reinstatement by Bonower, this Sec�uity Instrument and the obligations se�ured � ' '. . •" �
<br /> hereby shall remaum fiilly effecrive as if no acceleration had occurred.Howevu,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of �
<br /> accelerarion undea pazagraph 17. • ... . `. .. —
<br /> 19.Sate of Nate;Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a pattial �►teaest in the Note (wgether wiih this Security r
<br /> Instrwnent)may be sold one or more duies without prior notice to Borrower.A sate may�esult in a change in the entity(known ` � � •..,�
<br /> as the"L.oan 5eavicer")tLat collects monthly payraents due under the Note and this Security Instrument There also may be one or • . ` � �� '
<br /> more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be . ' :
<br /> given wriuen notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The anrice will stare the name and � . � .��.�
<br /> address of ihe new Loan Servicer and the address to whicb payments should be made.The notice will also contain any other . � ' !°--�
<br />. iafoM�ation required by applicable Iaw. ' _ •
<br />, 20.Ha�ardous Substances. Borrower shall not c�use or peimit the presence, use, disposal, stnrage, or release of any • `:,,:�!
<br /> Ha7ardous Substances on or in the Properry.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else w do,anydiing affecting the Property ... : �;�.;,.;7,�
<br /> thzt is in violaiion of any Enviranmental Law.'Ihe preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the • � � '
<br /> Property of srnall quannties of Harardous Substances that are generally recognized w be appropriate to nomial residential uses ..• �'.: � •.
<br /> and ro maintenance of the Propert}r. � ' �:
<br /> Borrowcr shatl promptly give L,euder wriuen noqce of any invesrigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or ofher acaon by any � � � �:�. . .��.,�..
<br /> govc�unentai or regulawry agency or private parcy involvmg the Property and any Ha7ardous Substance or Environmental Law - ..?�
<br /> of wtuch Borrower ha�acwa�knowledge.If Borrowe�leams,or is nntified by any govemmental or regulatory suthority.diat any �� ` ��
<br /> removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Properly is aecessary,Borrower shall prompdy take all • ,�'
<br /> necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. .. ;��:' :I� .
<br /> As ased in this paragiaph 20, "Ha7ardous Substances" are those substances defined as muc or haTardous substances by •�. ��� ;�)
<br /> Eavironmentat Law �d the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toaic peuoleum producis, toxic ' ;3 '`t� `
<br /> pespicides and keabicides,volatile solvents,materials con4anung asbesms or fomialdehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in '_ '.. :Y, '•
<br /> this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law" means fedeaai laws and laws of the jurisdicdan where the Propeaty is located that relate . � ' ��;
<br /> to health,safe ty or environrnenrel p mtection. .• . •
<br /> • ��:
<br /> NON-IJNIF'ORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender furthea covenant and a ee as follows: ��-
<br /> Sr .�'�;',', `
<br /> 21.Acce[eratioa;Remedics.Lender shaU give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breac6 of ' . . � '
<br /> any wvenant or stgreement in this Secarity Insb�ument (bnt not prlor to acceleration under paragrap6 17 unles5 . ' -�'��
<br /> applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specity:(a)the defaatt;(b)the actton reqnnred to cure the detaalt;(c) • � �.��"�
<br /> a date,nn!tess than 30 dapa ftom the date the motke is given to Borrower,by w6lcb the default must be cused;and(d) '
<br /> that Pa�we to care the detanii on or before the date sp�ed In the nottce may resolt�n acceleratlan of the sums secuped
<br /> by this S�arity Instrament and sale of the Property.The notke s6all further inform B�rrov�er of t6e rlg6t to re�nstate � �.�-��
<br /> after acceleratioa aad the right to 6r�mg a court setion to assert the aon-e�ctstence of a default or any other defense of � . .. '�' �-.
<br /> Borrower to acceferation aad sate.U the defanit is no!cured on or before the date speciP,ed in We notice,Lender,at its ' �
<br />' op�oa,may reqaire immediate payment in fuU of aIl su�s secured by thts Secarlty Instrument wit6out faeg�er demand . '` ��"�� �
<br /> and may invoke the power o!sale an�1 any other rem�permitted by applIcable Iaw,l.ender shaD be en4i4ted to ooltect • . , �`'
<br /> all expenses incurred in pwsuing the remedies provided in t6is parag�aph 2�,tsduding,but not limited to,reasoaable � � � • �.�-
<br /> attomeys'fees a�d costs of title evidence. ' • . •
<br /> U the power of sele is invoked,Trustee shaD record a notice of defanit Qd eacb county In which any part of t6e . '
<br /> Propeity�iocated and shall mail copies ot sach notice in the manner prescrtbed Gy applicable law to Borrower and to t6e . � �
<br />' oWer persons prescribed bq applic�b[e law.Aiter t6e time reqnired by applicable law,Trustee shaU give pnbllc noNce of � . . �
<br />' sale to the persons end in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,�vitbout demand on Borrower,shaU seB t6e .' —
<br /> Property at pubtic aaction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale �
<br /> Form 3028 9180 � �
<br /> �-8R(NE)�sz�2i.o, aape s oi e imuais: , � —
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