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<br /> �.:
<br /> � ' + xEAL EsrATE MoRTGACE r�oR c;arl A. xezat�elc and � , .' ' • ',"
<br /> Ethel B. Rezabek► husband and wife of each other � .. ; _
<br /> , to ' • : .
<br /> - �p�n p�..aperativ+e CYedit Union •'
<br /> ; P.O. Box 157 '' -�. - -- - - ---�
<br /> (hapman, Nebraska 6882'7
<br /> ' , ��: April 4, 1989 � • . ' ` . •
<br /> Amount: $14,500.00 � � • - -' -
<br /> Rate: 11.0$ " ,_:�"='�;
<br /> • • �.}...
<br /> . . .���.
<br /> ,:f � :;;�.,s-
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<br /> L•?'►fl].}S.1T "fln . -�-�-
<br />..':1` . ' � . 4�I:AS��--
<br />�• t {'arcel 1: Fart of the Northeast �duarter oi tt�e NarthwESt 4luarter t t�bli� , �' ::;�,M;:
<br /> �-�' HNl/4) of Section 'fwenty-'1'hree t l3). '1'ow�istiip �:leveti (11) Nos th. tcar,ac •.�. � �+�,
<br /> '1'�elve tl"l) West o� the bth Y. Pi. . }lall l:ourity, Nebr�ska. ►nore Particulai•lv ;:.i':
<br /> ��,� described oe follovrs: � � �
<br /> # _�-- : ` `
<br /> '� beqinning at the NorthKest cori�ei• 02 tlie Northeast Wuartvi• c�i Ll,e Noz�tha�•tst �.
<br /> � Wuarter tN�1/4 NW1/4) oi eaid 5ection 7"aenty 'It�:ee tl:i). thence runninq :�:`�'.,
<br /> <
<br /> eaeterly alona and upon the Nartheriy Line o� Seati.on 'i'wEnty-��hree l t.i). a • ,�•`.� �• 'i ',
<br /> 'f� d i s t a n c e o t 1�'i v e Hundred Seventy r'ive t S'l�) f eet j thei�ce ticsutl�ei•ly paralJ el •- �� •�
<br /> . T r
<br /> � !o the Westerly Boundery Line o� the Northeaet ►duarteil�u� ti�eet t i v r{��ence .�.����;�.�•�, `
<br /> .� Wuarter 1t1�:1/4 NWl/4> a dietance ot Une Hundred h'ili.y ;,�{s�.
<br /> '{. Westerly paralle� to the Mortl�erly boundas•y L1ne oi said SPCti�n I wenty- , ' o� '
<br /> _: .( 7'hree t23), a dietance of l�"ive ilundred aeventy N�ive t'�+'/5! YE�et to itiE• + •
<br /> Meeterly line of the Northeaet quai ter of tbe Noi•i.h�Ea� iduerter 11��1i'� :. s�.:, � X�j T -
<br /> . � : . �.,.:.-_
<br /> � N W 1/4) = tlsence runn3na tiortherlv alonq end upon tt�e We�+t�rly line oi. tt�e ��_-
<br /> ' � tiortheaet lduarter of the Northaes t IJuarter l N�:1/4 NWl/4) e dietarice v i une " � _:
<br /> ,"�' Handred Fifty i15U) teet ta the point of beqinninq. ,����; _
<br /> Yarcel 2s 'ihe Northeast Wuarter of the NarthNe�t Wuarter tN�li4 NWli4) oi �. : ,�—r_,FT'�,
<br /> 5evtion 'fwenty-7'hree 1'l3), '1 oansl�lp �:leven t 11) Nortt�. It�nue '1'Melve t 1 i i �;
<br />� Weet of the bth !'.l1. . 1lall l:vursty. Nebrar�ka. � excep�ir�a a rE•rtain l:act _ '' __.
<br /> Ueeded �.o the County oi Hall. StAte of Nebraeka recoY•ded in I�eEd book `j3� :"�°C'���'°'
<br /> Yaqe lU2 and exceptinq g certein t=-act to the C:ountY oi Nall. atate oi --��-_r„�,,,' ,
<br /> ' Nebraeke as shoen in Report o� Appreisere recorded in L+vok k. 1'ane ��1�1and •.-�.�" ` -_„^,;
<br /> �:�3:r'`
<br /> exeeptinq a certain tract deeded to �:arl A. Hezabek �nci �thel I!. lt�zebe{.. :,'. •••- .L�
<br /> Huaband and Wi�e as Loaument No. 81-uu44U%. ',�•• �•
<br /> _.-:�:+�sr_-r- �_
<br /> Also Icnown as NE� of the Nt� of Section 23, Town 11N, Ran9e 12W of 6th Pt�. in Hall County, NE ;.��
<br /> +�"'.�*��r�.�.
<br /> ���2�1.�C(/� ::�v ;:-,- _-.�--�-r-_
<br /> :._['wM.N-o;•:r��q
<br /> -.a. .i! il.t�.e•lyp}�s�
<br /> • Carl A. Rezabek '��`-;�-�"•..
<br /> .
<br /> , :.'�',r.:F..,..:;,;, .. ,
<br /> S. L.;
<br /> � �. ��p,..,e, /��z e -���•<:��::;�: .
<br /> -V•° .�L.� y,:�i�;.,�,.�:
<br /> . Ethel B. Rezabek . � _ :,. �
<br /> ��M� �.�.
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this . . _
<br /> April 4, 1989 . . � � . .
<br /> . . � F..
<br /> My term expires y 21, 1992 , � . " '
<br /> �. _ ,__._.....__..__-- .. .—. - _ .. ------ . . -._--�---�r-----�—�—�-�--�--�T--�_•__..�....�----� , . � _-..
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