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-1 98— ic�3oz1 ` � . <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> A part of Lot F'ifteen ( 15) County Subdivislon of part of <br /> the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (5 1/7_ SE 1/4) <br /> of Section Sixteen (16) Township Eleven ( 11 ) North, <br /> Range Nine (9) West of tl�e 6tt� P.M. , Hall Cour�l:y, <br /> Nebraska more particularly described as follows: <br /> 6eginning at the Soutt�east Corner of l:.ot One ( 1 ) Block <br /> Four (4) Wiebe' s Addition to the City of Grand Isl.end, . <br /> Hall County, Nebraska and running Soutt�erly a distence <br /> of Sixteen (16) feet tio a point on the Norttierly <br /> boundary line of Lot Fifteen (15) Cou��ty Subdivision of <br /> - part of the Sourt� Half of tt�e Soutt�ea�t Quarker (S1/2 <br /> SE1/9) of Section Sixteen (16) Townsh:.p E�leven (11 ) <br /> North, Ra�ge Nine (9) West of the 6tt� P.M. , Hall C�unty, <br /> Nebraska; thence proceeding Westerly along end upon tt�e <br /> Northerly eoundery line of Lot Fifteen (15) a distance <br /> of Seventy Eigt�t (78' ) Feei: to tt�e actual. poinC of <br /> begi�ning; thence running Soutt�erly parallel to the <br /> Westerly line oF Cleburn a distence of One Hur�dred <br /> Thirty Twu (132' ) E'eet to tt�e NortherJ_y Line of West <br /> John Street; Lhence running Westerly along and upon the <br /> Northerly line of West John Street a distance of Fifty <br /> E'our (59' ) Feet thence Nortt�erly parall�l to t;he <br /> Westerly line of Cleburn Street a ciistance of One <br /> Hundred TE�irty Two (132' ) Feet to tt�e Nortt�erly Boundary <br /> line of Lot Fifteeri ( 15) CounL-y Subdl.vislon of �art of <br /> ihe South E�alf of it�e Soutl�east Quarter (S1/2 SE1/9) of <br /> Section Sixteen (16) Township Eleven ( 11 ) North, Range <br /> Nine (9) ; thence running Easterly alnng �nd �.�pon tt�e <br /> Norttierly line of Lot Fiftecn (15) of said Counl:y <br /> Subdivision a distance of E'ifty Four 1,59' ) E'eet tQ the <br /> point of beginning. <br /> w <br />