� . . � ... , • . ' / . . . .. . _ . ,. . . . . . . .. .'--.' ` . :.Y=.
<br /> , . . - . ..� _..t.._._ . , �` . - . .. o . "��-
<br /> I `
<br /> �
<br /> :� _ • 17. Transfer of the Proparty or a Beneficial Inter�st in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Properiy or F -
<br /> •i any mteresc m it �s sold or transferted(or it a beneficial interest in Borrowe��s sotd or transterted and Bortower is not a natural .
<br /> � person} wrthout Lender's prior written consent. Lender may.at rts option,require immediate payment m fuU of aii sums secured by =-
<br /> ' this Securdy IRStrument However, this option shali not be exerased by Ler�der ff exeruse is prohibited by federal law as of the ;,
<br /> date of this Sewtity Instrument ° � �`
<br /> u=
<br /> If Lender exerdses this option. LendEr shall give 8ortower notice of acce�eration- The noUCe shail prowde a penod of not � � , _ ((
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is deI'rvered or maded Ndhin which Borrower must pay al� sums secured by th�s ! �, ,
<br /> . �^'
<br /> ; Secunty InsVUment. If Bortower fails to pay these sums pnor to the expiration of this penod. Lender may cnvoke any �emed�es _
<br /> : 1permitted by this Security Instrument without turther notice or demand on Borrower. �:�
<br /> � 18. BOROWB�'S �ilght t0 Reinstate. If Bortower meets ceRain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to hav�
<br /> enforcement of th�s Security �nsUument discontinued at eny time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period a ,z::;
<br /> applicable law may specity tor reinstatement)before sale of the Properry pursuant to any power of sale contamed in th�s Secu� , . '�„
<br /> ; :� Inshument; or (bj entry of a judgmeat enforcing this Secunry Instrument Those condi[ions are that Borrower. (a) pays Lender al �_
<br /> � sums which then would be due undet this Security�nsUument and the Note as rf no acceleration had n��t, ind d n but� ' .
<br /> defauft of any other covenant ar agreements: (c) pays all expensrs incurted in ertforcmg this Securiry 9-
<br /> not limited to, reasonable attomeys'fees: and (d)takes such action as Lender may reasona6y require to assure that the lien of
<br /> this Security instrumen� Lendei s rights in the Rroperty ar�d Borrower s obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security ,
<br /> Inswment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bortower, this Security �nsUument and the obligaUons secured , . �
<br /> hereby shail remain tully effective as it rto acederation had occurred. However,this nght to reinstate shali not app�y m the case , �
<br /> ��..
<br /> af acceleration under paragraPh 17. • � _
<br /> 19. Sale of Note: Change of Lo3n Servtcer. The Note or a a partial interest m the Note (together wdh this ; . � ., , o,
<br /> i Securiry Insttument) may be so:d one or more times without prior notice to Bonower.A sale may resuft in a change in the entity ; ,
<br /> , (known as the 'Loan SenriceJ') that co�tects monthiy payments due under the Note and this Security �nstrumen� There also may � ��„.•:_
<br /> � be one or mare changes of the t_oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. i' . .• ��;
<br /> � Borrower wll be given written notice of the change in aawrdance with paragraph 14�uVShou d be madle.I The o6ce wi�Iealso1 � • F. '����
<br /> � { state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paym "
<br /> contsin any otfier information required by apalicabte law. . :r-4_
<br /> 20. Haza�ouS Substanees. 9orrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use. disposal, storage, or release of � ;��,�'
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. 8orrower sha11 not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the _ �`s, :-�
<br /> • � Property that is in violation of any Environmentat Law• The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or : ',, - �:,L,.=-==
<br /> ro nate to nortnal �`'� �"
<br /> storage on the Praperty ot sma�l quantiUes ot Hazardous Substances that are generally recognaed to be app p , ..�p,�;�:��,
<br />' residential uses and to malntenance of the Property. �� ''��
<br /> Bortower shall promptty give Lender written notice ot any investigation. claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any i�+�;'� �
<br /> '•• �. #'i� .. �
<br /> govemmental ar regulatory agency or private party lnvohring the Prope�ty and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of , : �.��.�_�,._
<br /> .�ii
<br /> whlch Bortower has actual knowledge. If 8ortower lesms, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authorily. ihat any '=...• • x �t .,� __
<br /> � � removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance aifecting PropeRy is necessary. Bortower shall promptly take all ; ,.
<br /> �� necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law• gs tobc or hazardous substances by � ,���� � , �
<br /> ed `;°: —
<br /> ? As used in this para9raph 20. 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances defin � • �.
<br /> ;� EnvironmenffiI Law and the followmg substances: gasoli�e, kerosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic _ "
<br /> pesticides and herbiGdes.vo{a4i�e soNenu. matedals containing asbestos or tormaldehyde, end radioactive matedals. As used in "�.`: ■:z�
<br /> the 'urisdiction where the PropeRy(s located that refate to �c:'�� ', a
<br /> � y, paragraph 20. 'Envlronmental law' means federal laws and laws ot ) � :,�,
<br /> t heatth,satety or envlronmental proted3an. �.. �� . ��:
<br /> •- � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foltows: ___;�, �� � �y
<br /> ;. 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give natice to Borro�+rer prior to acceleration
<br />' following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Securi4y InstrumeM (but not , � y��_
<br /> �� ` prior to acceloration under paragraph 17 untess appllcable Isw provides otherwise). The noUce ��,�
<br /> shall specify: (a) the defaulh. (b) the action required to cure the defaul� (c) a date, not less than .��. ,__ ��
<br /> ,:�: 30 days irom the date the notice is given to 8orrower, by which the defautt must ba cured; and ��n,
<br />' (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specifled in the notice may rosult in , • � '�• •�-
<br /> �. � �
<br /> � acceleratlon of the sums secured by this Security Instrumont and sale of the Property. The notiae ' ., . ��" ��. '� ,_.,
<br /> � shall iurther 1Morm Borrowev of the right to rel�state a f ter acce lera t lon a n d t h e r t g h t t o b r i n g a ,
<br /> ti.,.�6_-:_.
<br /> court action to asseR the non-oxistence of a default or any othar defense of Borrower to ��:,��-� —
<br /> '� acceleratlon and sa18. If the default ts not cured on or before the date spactfled In the notice. . :,_���,,-NT----:•
<br /> ` �1 Lender at its option may requtre immedlate payment in full af a!I sums secured by thls Security , � '`~ _
<br /> �, �-�,j�- ,. �-
<br /> --- l��:usssesst =ytthc+'-'! �!!�her demand and may invoke 4he power of sale and any other remedtes . . .„�_ �
<br /> permitted by applicablo law. Lender slaall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurrecf in pursuing � --.._ .�
<br /> ' ; the remedies �rovlded in this parageaph 21, lnctuding, buY not Umited to, reasonable attomeys' �� �'�`'
<br /> •-x:..
<br /> ' fees and costs of title evide�ce. ' � --
<br /> :° tf the power of sa�e is invoked. Trustee shall record a notice ot default in each county in �. ���
<br /> . � whlch any pari of the Property la locatad and shall mail copies of such notice tn the manner •
<br /> ;' pressrlbed by appltcable law to Borrower and to the oiher persons prescrlbed by applicable law. �'-'
<br /> � '' After the time required by applicable law,Trustee ahall give public notice of sale to the persona � �, . . �
<br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicabte law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell `_
<br /> the Property at publlc auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms �
<br /> � designated in the notice of sale In one or more parcels and in any order Trustee deterrt�lnes. �
<br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Properly by publlc announcement at the . .
<br /> time and place of any previouslq scheduled sate. Lender or its desig�ee may purchase 4he .
<br /> Property at any sale. � _
<br /> Upon �ecelpt ot payment of the price bid. Trustee shaU detiver to the purchaser Trustee's � _
<br /> , deed conveying the Properly.The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of I
<br /> the truth of ths statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the �
<br /> ; foltou�+ing order. (a) to a91 costs and expenses of exorcising the power of sale, and the sale, � . ���
<br /> � including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually Incurrod. not to exceed three �
<br /> %a of the princfpal amount of the
<br /> � note at tOse time of the declaration of defauf3, and reasonabte attorney's fees as perrnittod by law; � �
<br /> � (b) to all sums secured by this Security I�strument; and (c) any oxcess to the person or persons �: �
<br /> � legally entitled to i� !
<br /> 1 i �
<br /> � ctli6 LM6�tAh P.�q.�4�t S _ _
<br /> i .
<br /> j : � : �
<br /> ; < <--
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